Question: If Quentin Tarantino was an Empty Pitcher, which of the following would be considered his best film?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Reservoir Dirt Dogs -- The Empty Pitchers, decked out in black suits & ties, conspire to steal a game from our opponents. Okay, fine, Josh, you can be Mr. Pink.   12.5%
Pop Fiction -- Erienne keeps barely mis-hitting pitches, but they continually drop in for hits anyway. You know what they call that in France? A Bloop Royale with Cheese!   0.0%
Skill Bill: Volumes 1 & 2 -- Jocelyn (aka The Bubbly Bride) uses her bat like a katana to slice and dice her way through the Bisons' pitchers, finally defeating their manager, Bill, with the "5-point Palm Exploding Softball Technique."   37.5%
Inglovious Basterds -- Eric and Nate lead a team of undercover EP soldiers on a mission to assassinate Adolph Hitler using outstanding outfield glovework and timely hitting.   12.5%
Djoe Unchained -- Djoe (the D is silent) goes off on the league, blasting racist fools while batting .800 with 20 homers for the season.   25.0%
The Hateful Ten -- The ragtag EP lineup overcomes bad weather, infighting and betrayal to decimate the league in 2024.   12.5%
Once Upon a Time in HollyWethersfield -- In 1969 Wethersfield, actor Evan and stuntman Andy navigate the rapidly changing softball industry, with the looming threat of a double-header with DRS hanging overhead.   0.0%

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