Question: If the Town of Wethersfield decided to build the EPs a domed softball stadium at Cove Park, what should it be called?
Response   Pct  Votes 
Wayne Bialy Memorial Field -- Yeah, I KNOW he's still alive, but we haven't seen him in years, and he IS our team founder, after all.   20.0%
The Empty Pavillion -- It keeps the EP initials intact, and let's face it, we don't really draw huge crowds of fans to our games, so it works on two levels.   10.0%
The Dark Arena of Excruciating Death -- It never hurts to intimidate your opponents any way you can. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!   10.0%
Walmart Amazon Netflix Google Stadium -- Hey, I hate branding too but take the money if you can get it! (And as a side bonus, fans can refer to it by the acronym The WANG.)   20.0%
Cove Park -- If it ain't broke, don't fix it!   40.0%

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