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East Shore Travel League since 2009
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50/70 field @ field road complex somers
600 Main Street - Somers
Acorn Hill Woodbridge field # 1
Acorn Hill Woodbridge field # 2
ADAMS Middle School - Guilford
Amity High School
Annex field one
Annex field two
Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School
Asnuntuck Community College
Baker Field Darien
Baker Park
Baroni Field
Bartlem Field 1
Bartlem Field 4
Basset Field # 2 (Hamden)
Basset field #2
Bates Woods Park
BAW A-field
Bayley Beach Field
Beachgrounds Park
Beachland Park
Beardsley Field # 1 Monroe
Beardsley Field # 2 Monroe
Beardsley Park Bridgeport
Bernard (JML)
Bill Ryan municipal park
Bisceglie Field 1 lighted
Bisceglie Field 2
Bisceglie Field 3 (46/60)
Bittner Lighted Field
Bittner Park - Field A
Bittner Park Field B
Blakeslee Field North Haven
Bowdoin Field
Bradley field- Derby
Bransfield Park (rose hill)
Breen Field
Brewster Field # 1
Brewster Field # 2
Brickyard Field
Bridebrook Park
Bridgeport Central High school
Brien McMahon High School
Brinley Field
bristol central high school
Brook Field/ North Haven Athletic Complex
Bruce Park
Bucks Hill Park # 1
Bucks Hill Park # 3
Bunnell High School
Burrs Farms West
Cabribe @ GE field
Cal Ripken Field
Canfield Park - Prospect
Central Conn State Univ
Central High School Bridgeport 60/90
Central High School- Bridgeport- Bottom Field
Ceppa Field
Charles Mosgrove Stadium
Chatfield Park Seymour
Cherry Lawn Park
Cheshire Academy
Cheshire Park
Chesley Park New Britain
Cider Mill field
Clinton Ave Park New Haven
Clover Field # 1
Clover field # 2
Colchester Park & Recreation Complex
Coley Field Weston
Coleytown North
Colt Park
Columbia Rec Park
Community Field - litchfield
Conard High School
Conklin Field
Connecticut Sportsplex # 1
Connecticut Sportsplex # 2
Connecticut Sportsplex # 3
Connecticut Sportsplex # 4
Connecticut Sportsplex # 5
Connor Field
Coppo Field
County Day School- Madison
Coventry High School
Cromwell High School
Cromwell Middle School
Cubeta Stadium
Cutler middle school
Degennaro Field Orange
Delgobbo Field
Demayo Field (North Haven High School)
Depaolo middle school
Derby High School
Devine Field
DeVitt Field
Dipippo Field
Dodd Stadium
Dom Aitro field # 1
Dom Aitro field # 2
Doolittle Park
Double Day Field
Duprey Field
East Catholic High School
East Granby High School
East Hampton High School
East Hampton Middle School
East Haven High School
East Haven Little League Field
East Haven Memorial Field
East Lyme Little League field # 1
East Lyme Little League field # 4
East Mountain Park # 1
East Mountain Park # 2
East Shore field 1
East Shore Field 2
East Shore Field 3
east shore field 4
East Village Park lower field
East Village Park Upper Field
East Windsor High School
Easton Country Day School
Easton Veterans Field
ECD Back
ECD Front
Ed Walsh Complex 60/90
Ed Walsh Complex Carabetta Field
Ed Walsh Complex FJ Kogut Field
Edge Field
Elliot Little League Field
Ellsworth Park
Enfield Annex
Fairfield Country Day School
Fairfield U
Fairfield Warde High School
Fairfield Woods Middle School
Fenway- Mitchell Woods
Fermi High School
field to be announce
Fisher Meadows Field # 3
Fitch High School
Foran High School
Fox Run Elementary School
Francis Field (JML)
Frank Vieira Field
French Park, Seymour
Fuesssenich Park
Fulton Park
Fusco Field
FW Kogut
Gamble field @ Mead Park New Canaan
Gary Park - Seymour
Gateway North Haven
Gorman Park
Gould Manor # 2
Gould Manor 1
Granby high school
Grays Bridge
Great Oak Field
Green Farm Academy
Green Farm School
Griswold High School
Grove Schools
Guilford High School
Habershon Field
Haddam-Killingworth High School
haddam-killingworth middle school
Hale Ray Middle School
Hall High School West Hartford
Hamden Hall High School
Hammer field
Hampden Memorial Rec Park
Harbor Yard
Harrison Park
Hayden field
Henry Park
High Meadow
Highland Elementary School
Hillspoint Lower Field
Holy Cross High School
Hopkins School
Hubbard Park Western Mass
Hyland Recreation Center Grass
Hyland Recreation Center Turf
Indian Ledge Park
Indian River Complex
Irving Robbins Middle School
Island brook Field # 1
Island Brook field # 2
Island brook Field # 4
Jail Hill Haddam
Jane Ryan School
Jaycee Fields Aux
Jaycee Fields Main
Joel Barlow High School
John "Whitey" Puriek Field
John F Kennedy High School
Johnson Field @ Bridgewater Rec Center
Jonathan law high school Turf
Kemp memorial turf milford
Kennedy Middle School
Kevin Delgobbo Memorial Field
Kingswood Oxford School
Kiwanis Field
Kobyluck field
Labor Field # 2
Labor Field- Stadium
Lawrence Elementary School
Leary Field
Leary Park Field
Leber Field
Legends Field @ Clem Lemire Complex
Legion Field Hamden
Legion Field/Moodus
leonard j tyl middle school
Lewis S. Mills High School
Litchfield High School
Long Hill Administration- Trumbull field # 1
Long Hill Administration- Trumbull field # 2
Long Hill Field 1 (close)
Long Hill Field 2 (far)
Long Hill Park
Long Lots Field
Loomis Chaffee High School
Lou Gehrig Field Milford CT
Lou Ulfers Athletic Field
Lower Fisher Park
Lowery Field
Lupone Field (Peters Complex)
Madison Middle School
Maloney High School
Manchester High School
Maple Row Field
Marshall Roy field
Martha Hart Park
Martha Hoxsie Field
Martin Park
Massarelli Field
Matthies Park
Max Sinoway Field 4
McAuliffe Park 50/70
McAuliffe Park 60/90
McCoy Field @ Henry Park
McGee middle school
McGuane Park
Mckenna Field
McNamara field # 1
McNamara field # 2
McNamara field # 3
McNamara field # 4
Melick Field @ Mead Park New Canaan
Memorial Field Moodus
Memorial Park Hampden Mass
Mercer Field
Milford Academy
Mill Street Field
Miller -Richardson Field
Mills Hill Field
Mills Pond Park
mills wood park - fusco field
Minnechaug Regional High School
Montowese Park Field # 1
Montowese Park field # 4
Montowese Park Field 3
Montville High School
Montville Little League Field
Moody School
Moore house field
Morgan High School
Morse Park
Moses Y Elementary School
Mount Nebo
Municipal Stadium 60/90
Municipal Stadium North Turf
Municipal Stadium South
Munson Field
Mustang Field
Mystic River School
Nassahegan Rec Complex
Nathan Hale Middle School
Nathan Hale-Ray Middle School
Naugatuck High School
Nelson Field # 1
Nelson Field # 2
Nevers Field
New London High School
Newington High School
Newtown High School
Newtown Middle School
NIA #1
NIA small
Nichols Field
Nike Site
Norris Field
North Branford High School
North End Field meriden
North End little League Field # 1
North End little League Field # 2
Northwest Catholic High School Baseball field
Northwest Catholic High School Softball Field
Northwest Park
Norwalk City Hall field
Norwich Little League
Nothnagle Memorial Park
Notre Dame Fairfield High School
Nystrom field
O'Brien Tech Sports Complex
Old tavern baseball complex field 1
Old tavern baseball complex field 2
Old tavern baseball complex Roche
Oliver Ellsworth
Owen Fish
oxford high school
Page Park
Painter Park
Palmer Field
Parkman School
Pat Kidney
Pat Wall Field
Payden Park
Penders Field
Percival Field
Plainfield Little league Complex
Platt High School Meriden
Platt Tech Campus
Polson Middle School
Polson School Turf Field
Pope Park
Pragemann Park 6
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Club Field # 1
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Club Field # 2
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Club Field # 3
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Club Field # 4
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Club Field # 5
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Club Field # 6
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Club Field # 7
Preston Community Park
Preston LL
Prete/Metcalf Field
Quassy Field
Quigley Stadium
Rec Park Baseball Diamond
Recreation Park
Recreation Park Southington
Redding boys and girls club
Revson field
Revson Weston High School
Rice Field # 1
Rice Field # 2
Riley field
RiverFront Park
Rivers Park
Riverton Field
RiverView Park
Rochambeau Middle School
Rochford field hamden
Rockville high school
Rocky Hill High School
Rogers Field- Westport
Romaniello Field
Romengalli Field
Roosevelt School
Roppo Field (martin park)
Rotary Field
Rotary Field - AKA Breen Field South
Roton Middle School
Ryan field derby high school
sage park
Saint Bernard High School
Salem Complex
Samuel M. Peretz Park at Bridebrook
Saxe field
school street
Seaside Park field # 1
Seaside Park field # 10
Seaside Park Field # 11
Second Hill School Lane
Seymour Middle School
Shea Field Agawam Mass
Sheldon Park (lower field)
Sheldon Park (upper field)
Shelton Intermediate School (SIS)
Shelton Riverview Park
Short Beach Field 1
Short Beach Field 2
Short Beach Field 3
Simsbury High School
Simsbury Memorial field # 8
Simsbury Memorial field # 9
Sliney Field
Snow School Middletown field # 1
Snow School Middletown field # 2
South 1 Shelton
South Hadley High School
Southeast Park (Field B)
Southington High School
Southington North Memorial Park
Southington South Rec Park
Southington South Rec Park field # 6
Southington West Baseball Complex Field # 1
Southington West Baseball Complex Field # 2
Southington West Complex 60/90
Southington West Complex Field # 4
Southwick Mass
Spec Pond
Springfield Central High School
St Joesph High School
St Paul High School
Stamford High School
STANLEY Quarter Park
Staples High School
Stillman park
Stratford Academy Johnson House
Strong Field @ Surf Club
Suffield High School
Sunnycrest Park
Sunnyside Field #3
Surf Club
Taft School
Thomaston High School
Tim Divine Field
Tolland High School
Toro Field # 2
Torrington High School
Totoket Valley Park
Town Campus Field
Town Farms Field Complex
Town Forest Park
Trinity Catholic High School Stamford
Trinity College
Trumbull High School JV field
Trumbull High School Varsity Field
Tunxis Hill
Tunxis Mead Park Farmington
Turner Park
Tyrrell Middle School
Uhartford Baseball Field
Unity Park (Babe Ruth Field)
Upper Fulton Park
Veterans Field New london
Veterans Field- Bridgeport
Veterans Memorial Park Niantic
Veterans Park - Watertown
Veterans Park Norwalk
Vets Field Easton
Vets Park Waterford
Wakeman Field
Walker Field
warde high school
washington park
Washington Park Groton
Wasson Field
Waterbury PAL Liberty Park
Waterford Babe Ruth Field
waterville park
Watrous Park
Weathersfield High School
Webb School
Went Field
West Bristol Middle School
West Haven High School
West Rock Park
West Rock Park Amhryn Field
West Suffield
Westbrook High School Field
Westbrook Middle School
Western Little League Field # 3 (Southington)
Westhill High School
Westside field
Whalley Park
Wilton High School
Wilton JV Field
Wilton Y
Windsor high school
Wolcott BAW
Wolcott High School
Wolcott Park
Wolfe Park # 2
Woodland School field # 1
Woodland School field # 2
Wooster Middle School baseball field #1
Worhunsky Field
Xavier High School
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east shore field 4
411 woodward ave, new haven, CT 06512
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