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Monaca Little League Field
Directions to the Monaca Little League Field
1037 Ohio Ave. Monaca PA 15061
Across from John Antoline (Allaire) Park
Former site of Water Slides
From Rt. 60
Take the Monaca exit towards the Beaver Valley Mall.
Go straight through both red lights remaining on Old Broadhead road past King’s restaurant and the Broadhead Car Wash.
Once you pass the Penn State Beaver campus (on left) and Union cemetery (on right) make the next right onto Marshall Rd. Follow Marshall Rd. straight 1.4 miles until you run into the field.
From Monaca/E. Rochester Bridge
Go across the bridge and make a left onto Pennsylvania Ave (RT 51) towards Aliquippa. Follow RT 51 onto 4-lane highway the first red light. Make a right at the light onto Colonial Ave and go up the hill. At the fork at the top of the hill stay to the left then bear right onto Ohio Ave. The field is one block ahead