- Visit our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/383033926296443
- Welcome to the Metro Girls Softball League Website
- Check out the Forms tab for updated Handouts
Subscribe to our NewsletterWelcome to the home of the
Metro Girls Softball League
2025 Season
The first MGSL meeting of the season will be on
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Banchettii's Banquet
550 North French Road
Amherst NY 14228
The league fee has yet to be determined
Team Insrance - $185
Team Escrow - $300
February General meeting date is 2/5
New Coaches February 12th
March General meeting 3/5
(All meetrings are at Banchetti's)
Cancelation of Games Electronic and Non-Electronic
Electronic Cancelation forms - Paste these to a browser
NFOA: www.nfoagamechanges.com
NFOA - LOCATION CHANGE (inside of 90 minutes) or NO UMPIRES – George Markey (716-833-8562)
WNYUA: https://wnyua.org/CONTACT-US/CANCEL-GAME/
WNYUA: Use the form...If no confirmation, Phone - Norb - 716-320-1333 OR
WNYUA: - Russ Medina - 716-432-1287
Non-electronic cancelation forms
NFUA: Kevin O'Brien 716-228-3229 - kevinobrien73@gmail.com
Cattaraugus County: Jon Phillips - per L/S 716-200-6263 - Do not cancel via email
Chautauqua County: Chad - Per L/S 716-680-2656 - Do not cancel via email
Team insurance will be $170 for coverage effective Jan 1 to Dec 31 2023.
Please mail checks to Dennis at
Dennis Ferris
137 Quail Hollow Lane
East Amherst NY 14051
Venmo to
MGSL Ferris
(me and a Large Mouth Bass)
Please make checks payable to MGSL or Metro Girls Softball League
Please go to the Documents Section to download the fillable form.
The form can be emailed to Dennis at: