Board Meeting Minutes
Subscribe to our NewsletterMeeting Minutes November 12th, 2017
Attending: Jaime Dalchow, Jason Weise, Eric Johnson, Kristy Buesgens, Jennifer Ackermann
- Online Registration Update: Unanimously agreed with format to use "I agree" check box for previously printed and signed forms. Kristy to provide Jaime with legally binding verbage.
- Winter Training Update
- Eric to find out cost for Gustavus clinic, Gustavus payment preference (players pay them directly or through BPFA), and max number attending per session.
- Discussed arranging for more formal open gym sessions vs informal. Discussed using an hour of open gym for pitching, with or without a pitching coach provided.
- Equipment
- Jason to do inventory list including location of equipment
- Equipment needs include fixing the pitching machine or purchasing a new one; softies; pitching machine balls (verify whether dimpled balls are needed or if regular can be used); Kromer needs repairs
- Recruiting Review
- Flyer will be in next community ed book
- Flyers to be handed out at Chatfield (2nd grade), OLP, Trinity, Cologne Academy around the 1st of the year.
- Yard signs and registration signs - tabled pending info from Tina
- Facebook ad needs further research
- 2017 Financial Review by Kristy
- Team Bonding: Discussed encouraging vs requiring coaches to do 1 or more team bonding activities with players. Discussed teams vs whole association. Goal is to foster girls to grow into stronger young ladies, not just better softball players. Examples could include Feed My Starving Childrens, visiting the Lutheran Home, team party with time set aside to make cards for the elderly, etc.
- Will need further discussion, tabled until after the 1st of the year
- Luke Audette attended part of the meeting with the following info/requests
- Christmas camp on December 27th for 3 hours. 2nd-6th grade. BPFA will email our families once flyers are out.
- Sarah Byers is now the JV coach. Luke requesting assist with 1st base coach
- Requesting financial assist with new Varsity Jerseys
- Reminder of dome ball tryouts next weekend
- Would like to do another Association night at a Varsity game
- Discussion on tryouts for next season
- Changed January meeting to the 7th
Meeting Minutes October 15, 2017
Attending: Jennifer Ackerman, Kristy Buesgens, Jaime Dalchow, Tina Mack
- Parent concerns: Some parents expressed interest in attending a board meeting to discuss concerns. No parents were in attendance. Discussed email reply to Molly B.
- Motion made by Kristy to require all player payments be made online from here forward d/t difficulty obtaining payments from parents. 2nd by Tina. 4-0 vote in favor of only accepting online player payments
- Winter Training
- Gustavus clinic on dates 1/14, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18 from 12-3. Eric to obtain more information from Gustavus regarding clinic size, age divisions, format, cost, method of payment. Eric notified of this need.
- Discussion regarding using fundraising money toward winter training vs saving for summer or a combination
- Oak Crest Gym reserved for BPFA on most Sundays 12-4 from January-April
- Discussion on bringing in other training opportunities during open gym times using available resources such as Kelsey, Kate, etc.
- Equipment discussion including Inventory List and Equipment needs was tabled until Jason available.
- Update on new building tabled until Jeff and Eric available
- Discussion on use of signs for advertising
- Yard signs, John Mack may be able to make
- Plenty of signs around town advertising when BPFA registration is (1-2 weeks before registration)
- Meet & Greet with new building. Discussion tabled as late in the year and building still not completed.
- Advertising in Community Ed flyer for spring. Ideally BPFA would have a spot on a "Softball page" that would detail all softball options in Belle Plaine. Jennifer to discuss with Mindy.
- Brief financial update from Kristy
- Tina, John M. and Jennifer to attend the MN Softball end of season meeting
- Recruiting
- CE flyer
- Need to advertise at Chatfield
- Facebook Ad
- Jaime to work on possibility of online registration being completely online.
Meeting Minutes July 31st, 2017
Members Present: Kristy Buesgens, Jeff Miller, Jason Weise, Tina Mack, Jaime Dalchow, Jennifer Ackerman
- Fall Ball - 1 14U team; 3 12U teams divided by age. Not enough 10U girls to form a 10U team, so all moved up to youngest 12U team. Jason cleared with 10U parents first.
- 3-2 vote for John Mack and Kate McLaughlin to coach 14U over offering Kelsey Stender a paid position. Tina abstained from vote. This was following a discussion regarding previous board decision that paid coaches will not have ties to any players.
- Jordan 12U girl will give option of playing on appropriate age-level team if interested and if approved by Jordan board and Big West.
- Rockers update: Still waiting for TCU to vote. (Update as of 8/1/17: TCU voted no, so no "Rockers" local club team will be formed).
- Summer 2018 Registration. Unanimously agreed that early registration was a positive change
- 14U full, will place further inquiries on a waiting list
- Potential coaches: Elizabeth, Maddy, Sam, Kelsey, Kate. Will also persue placing an ad, may ask Joel Munson for resources.
- Advertising/Marketing: Discussed yard signs, community ed/city winter brochure, flyers for schools, newspaper ad. TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER.
- Winter Training. Unanimous vote to seek Gustavus for winter clinic. Eric to inquire ASAP. Will continue to use pitching resources as able: Maddie, Andrea, Kelsey
- Pitching lessons: BPFA paid group lessons have ended. Jaime to e-mail parents to contact Maddie directly if they want to persue private lessons.
- Website discussion. Leaguelineup is cheap but not user-friendly. Will keep as is for now, board members to research options.
- If BPFA hosts any fall ball, plan to talk to business about discounts, coupons, etc. Goal is to raise local awareness of BPFA while increasing business traffic.
- Kristy to check on insurance coverage from November-February
- Jaime to change coaching application to specify Head vs Assistant coach interest.
Meeting Minutes June 1st 2017
- Summer Training
- Pitching: Persue Kaylee H and Maddie S. for 1 night/week each, $30/hr
- Skills training: Kaylee H. and Elizabeth J. Goal 2x/week, 1 day, 1 evening per week. $30/hr
- Summer 2018 Registration
- 14U and 16U to register this summer for next summer's team. Goal: June 15th letter, registration deadline July 13th. Online, mail or in person
- 12U and under will not change
- Nationals 2017
- BPFA to fund up to $500, possibly leftover team tourney money as well. Parents will need to fund any additional costs.
- Meet & Greet - Idea to generate interest, may be in conjunction w/ community ed.
- Parade - July 15th
- Budget of up to $1000 for 2017
- Scholarship Requirements
- 3 summers of BPFA
- Playing college at D1 or D2 level. (Edited 8/9/17: Playing at any college level will qualify).
- Financials
- New budget for use of fundraising money: 30% for training, 30% field maintenance, 20% equipment, 20% other
- 6-0 vote in favor of paying $100 to Paula Stier for breaking borrowed canopy at May Day tourney
Meeting Minutes April 23rd, 2017
Attending Board members: Kristy Buesgens, Tina Mack, Jason Weise, Jaime Dalchow, Jennifer Ackermann
- Belle Plaine Tournament
- 10U is full with 12 teams
- Only 4 12U teams so far, 1 possibly pending. Vote 3-2 to email surrounding towns with a discounted rate to attempt to get at least 5-6 teams. Deadline for committment is April 24th, 8:00PM.
- Jennifer to order extra Biffs
- Jason to talk to Al from the city to borrow picnic tables
- Field Maintenance
- City is paying for clay
- school is paying for red rock
- Weed and feed has been donated
- Possible late summer/fall project: painting foul poles and sheds
- Need to talk to school about where gas for field maintenance should come from
- Contribution to school in money toward general fund vs annual maintenance project
- This year's contribution is a batting cage and cement slab paid for mostly with donations. Cage has been ordered through school for better pricing, and volunteers lined up to install.
- Discussion regarding how to budget for an annual contribution. Possible plan includes a set amount from registration money + a percentage of fundraising. Further discussion and vote is tabled for another meeting.
- Jerseys - Tina to complete order on 4/24. Anticipating arrival in ~1 week. $1200 total.
- Association night is May 4th at the varsity game. Jennifer to contact Luke Audette regarding activities planned. BPFA may contribute to activities as well.
- Kromer has been purchased and will be picked up this week. Discussed storing outside, may need to purchase a cover for protection and safety
- Parade - discussed advertising benefits
- $25 entry fee
- Jason has a trailer and truck if needed
- Will send email inquiry about a parade committee of volunteers
- Idea of using balls with logo in addition to candy/flyers
- Jaime to make a sponsor receipt template
- Discussion on a more detailed budget, tabled for now. Will address in fall/winter.
Meeting Minutes March 13th, 2017
Attending: Tina Mack, Eric Johnson, Jeff Miller, Kristy Buesgens, Jason Weise, Jaime Dalchow, Jennifer Ackerman
- 10U Discussion ended with vote 7-0 to present to community ed the following reasons to split BPFA 10U from CE:
- BPFA losing $3000, this is in addition to money requested this year toward OC field upgrade/batting cages
- Too many teams from Belle Plaine (5). With this many teams, Big West would encourage/require BP to field teams at all levels A-C. Fielding an A team would pull all the best players, leaving the other teams lacking.
- Higher level of play and more travel than may CE players desire. May lose players if require too much from them this young.
- Poor continuity with BPFA having "league team" and "tournament team" with different teammates, coaches, etc.
- Negative feedback from parents
- Possible option for 10U registration next year: All 10U or 3-4th grade registration (CE and BPFA) at the same time, choices presented clearly at sign-up and parents choose best fit
- Donations secured from German Days and Chamber of Commerce toward OC fields batting cages
- Jeff looking into possibly using fencing from old tennis courts to fence in a field at OC
- 16U: New Prague and Jordan have players, but not enough to form a team. 7-0 vote to send email to 16U registrants with contact information for Jordan and New Prague in hopes that those who still would like to play league can find a team.
- 14U vs 12U discussion. 7-0 vote to field a 14U team.
- 5-1 Vote to field a 14U B team as there may not be enough teams in 14U C. Jaime was undecided and did not vote.
- Player evaluation scores totaled up blindly based on players' tryout number. Top 6 scoring players will be asked to move to 14U team.
- Jaime to send a BCC email to top 6 6th grade players' parents asking if player accepts this position.
- Jaime to send email to 4 7th grade 12U age players asking if they accept this position
- Once players have accepted, emails will go out to remainder of 12U players and 2 14U players
- 12U C/B team email to ask for coaching interest
- 10U coaches: 10UB - Eric Johnson, 10UC - Jason Weise
- Decision made for Jaime to send email to board when meeting minutes are completed so board members can read and approve, request edits if necessary
- Discussion on prizes for beer bash fundraiser
- Board to make Jello shots Wednesday, March 29th at 6:00 for beer bash fundraiser
Meeting Minutes March 5th, 2017
Board members present: Jennifer Ackerman, Jaime Dalchow, Jason Weise, Tina Mack, Kristy Buesgens, Eric Johnson
- Mindy Chevalier present for 1st part of meeting:
- 10u discussion: unanimous agreement that BPFA/CE combo teams will do qualifiers and state tournaments. 5 teams will be split after start of practice for a combo of B and C league teams.
- BPFA teams (2) will have extra practice and 3 extra tournaments
- Discussion on upfront payment to school this spring from BPFA to allow installation of batting cages. $4000-$8000 contribution requested if possible depending on what other association contribute.
- Jaime to send e-mail to Big West league about obtaining waivers for 2 14u 7th graders to play 12u.
- 5-1 vote for 7th graders on 1 12u team, 5th graders on another, and 6th graders split between the teams according to player evaluation results.
- Jennifer to e-mail 6th grade parents about evaluation date and time.
- 6-0 vote to ask CE for the money they would use for T-shirts and BPFA will chip in the difference to supply jerseys instead.
- 6-0 vote to split 10u travel teams by birthdate.
- Still trying to fill a 14u team. Jennifer to email New Prague
- Several coaching applications turned in. Will choose coaches when teams are finalized.
- 6-0 vote to pay Sara Beyer $500 for Varsity assistant coach (position is not paid by school).
- 16u tournament team is still in progress, attempts being made to recruit a couple of girls to fill a roster (local and nearby towns).
- Kristy to propose funding request for batting cages to local organizations: German Days, Legion, Rotary, etc.
- Clarified that Matt Saxe Chev donated $500 + equipment up front, and BPFA earned another $500 for having the required 20 drivers at registration
- Tina and John Mack to attend Big West meeting on March 7th to register, pay deposit and obtain information on rules, policies, etc.
- Coaches/scheduling meeting on April 10th for Big West
- Tabled discussion on fencing until Jeff present
Meeting Minutes February 16th, 2017
Board Members present: Jaime Dalchow, Tina Mack, Jason Wiese, Jeff Miller, Kristy Buesgens, Jennifer Ackermann, Eric Johnson.
- Jersey samples to arrive by registration
- All board communication from
- Jaime updated coaching application, mostly just formatting changes
- Another option for registration and beer bust money will be at open gym
- Registration needs: Copies of registration forms and coaching applications
- Discussion on 16u/18u options
- Discussion about Jim Hanson
- Discussion on Big West vs Suburban League. March 2nd meeting and $50/team deposit due for Big West. April 10th coaches meeting.
- Jeff discussed batting cages at Oak Crest fields w/ John Bergs. 1-2 cages hopefully this spring.
- Change beer bust date to Friday March 31st per bar request
- Mindy Chevalier and Dorothy Saulsbury arrived to discuss 3-4th grade/10u softball. CE to change to Big West league as well to make schedule more manageable to 10u families and provide best opportunity to develop players.
Meeting Minutes February 12th, 2017
Attending: Jennifer Ackermann, Jaime Dalchow, Jason Wiese, Jeff Miller, Tina Mack, Kristy Buesgens, Eric Johnson
- Unanimous decision for May Day tournament dates: May 6th 12U, May 7th 10U
- Unanimous decision for Beer Bust April 1st at Niesen's Corner Bar. $5 at presale, $10 at door. Free beer from 6-8, band at bar after
- Unanimous decision for 2nd half registration due April 3rd along with apparel pick up
- Discussion about possible age conflicts with BPFA and community ed ball
- Discussion about possibly requiring a volunteer check. It was unanimously decided that we would forgo a volunteer check this year and instead strongly encourage parents to volunteer at various opportunities (raking, chalking, tournaments, concession, etc). If volunteer turnout is inadequate, volunteer check may be required next year.
- Discussion about items needed for registratio
- Discussion about Big West league vs Suburban league. Board members to call surrounding communities in attempt to gather information
- Discussion about paid coaches for 14U and 16U. Jaime to place posting on and possibly suburban league or other sites.
- Jennifer to reserve open gym dates for March and April
- 2016 financials approved with a 7-0 vote
- Discussion about driveway tiger paw fundraiser. Jeff to seek information.