Umpire in Chief
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Dave Miller
"Local League" Umpire- Poway American LL- (2006-2009)
John Coffey Award Recipient (2009)
UIC- Poway American Little League (2008-2011)
D31 Staff Umpire (2009- present)
Western Region Big League Tournament Umpire (2012)
Western Region LL Baseball Tournament Umpire (2017)
Western Region LL Baseball Tournament Umpire (2021)
Little League World Series Umpire Williamsport, PA (2023)
District 31 Umpire in Chief (2017- present)
WR Umpire Staff Instructor (2018- present)
Little League National Instructor Team (2024-present)
Little League Internatonal Tournament Replay Member (2024-present)
FAMILY: Wife Tina and Sons Taylor and Justin