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Men's Base Volleyball Team Calling for Players

4 December, 2019

The Men's Base Volleyball Team is calling for all members looking to represent CFB Edmonton at Regionals and Nationals for the 2020 season. Get more information by contact Cpl Lee or come out to a practice

6 November, 2019

The Men's Base Hockey Team is calling for all member hockey players looking to represent CFB Edmonton at Regionals. For more information contact MWO Vincent or come out to the practice on 12 Nov 2019

Curling Base Playdowns

4 October, 2019

Curling Base Playdowns are just around the corner. Submit your intent to participate to the Sports Department by 18 October.

Intersection Sports

4 October, 2019

 Intersection Sports are coming up quickly. Get your rosters in to the Sports Department by 16 October!