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2013 Summer Hoops Rules - Girls

TIME - Games consist of two 14 minute stop time halves. The clock will run continuously during the second half only if the teams are separated by more than 20 points. If the score drops to 20 points or less during the second half, then stop time will be used.

DEFENSE - No restriction on the type of defenses. Full court press of any type is allowed at any time during the game if the teams are separated by 20 points or less. No full court press by either team if the score is more than 20 points.

TIMEOUTS - Three 30 second timeouts allowed per game, two max in either half. A 30 second timeout will be taken for injured players on the court.

OVERTIME - Overtime periods will be 2 minutes (stop time) until game is over. Each team receives one timeout per overtime.

No postponing games if you have five or more players to start the game.

Failure to move ball over mid-court within ten seconds, results in loss of possession.

Coaches are responsible for their team's conduct and the conduct of their fans. If there is any fighting or un-sportsman like behavior, Coaches, fans or players involved will be penalized and ejected from the game with further sanctions to follow.

No free throw shall be attempted after time has expired at game's end or in extra period unless the points would affect the outcome of the game.

COACHES - Only one coach is allowed to stand and address the referees during the game. Coaches receiving two technical fouls during a game will be ejected from the game and will not be allowed to coach the following game. Coaches receiving more than 2 technical fouls in a season are subject review and possible suspension. A coach receiving two technical fouls during a second game will not be allowed to coach for the remainder of the season.

League Philosophy - Good sportsmanship begins with the coaches. Every effort should be made not to embarrass your opponent; for example, if your team is winning by 20 points or more, defenses should be limited to inside the three point line.

Game cancellations or rescheduling must be made through Ken Boudreau.

Contact Ken Boudreau for further details.

2012 Summer Hoops Rules - Boys

The league will follow the following rules:

National Federation of High Schools rules apply at all levels with the following exceptions: 

Games will consist of four (4) eight (7) minute quarters. Two (2) minutes for half time. 30 seconds between quarters one and two and three and four.

Three (3) timeouts per game. 

Overtime will be two minutes in length. One (1) time out per team in the OT period. Unused time outs do not carry over.

1 and 1 on the 8th team foul of the half.

Only the head coach and two (2) assistants may be on the bench along with the players. Any direct or indirect technical foul assessed to any coach will result in loss of the “standing” privilege. (Seat belt rule). Two direct or three indirect technical fouls on a coach will result in ejection from the gym. Further disciplinary action may be assessed as deemed appropriate by the league commissioner. Coaches may stand in the bench area only, not in front of the scorers table. Head coaches may address the officials only. 

20 point lead- pull the press off! The clock will run. Blow outs should be avoided! 

League Philosophy - Good sportsmanship begins with the coaches. Every effort should be made not to embarrass your opponent; for example, if your team is winning by 20 points or more, defenses should be limited to inside the three point line. 

Game cancellations or rescheduling must be made through Ken Boudreau.

Contact KenBoudreau
 for further details.