League Rules
Ho-Ho-Kus/Saddle River Softball League Rules 

1. All games start promptly at the scheduled time. (9AM or 8:30 depending on schedule)

2. Each league game will be seven (7) innings. Double-headers will be seven innings. A mercy rule of 15 runs after 5 innings will be in effect. 

3. No stealing, no bunting. A lead from the base may only be taken after the ball has passed the plate.

4. Play 10 men in the field but have everyone in the batting order. We have no minimum “play-time” rule in the field. Playing time, positions and batting order is the discretion of the team captain. If a player has to leave a game early, his position in the batting order will be skipped over without penalty.

5. Teams: Teams are chosen each year with an open draft. There are no “reserved” players for any team. An exception has been made for fathers and sons who wish to play together. Captains are not ranked.

6. Bullpen: Players from the bullpen are to be assigned to teams with less than 10 players, only by the bullpen coordinator (Bob Howell). Bullpen players for Playoffs and Championship may be used if a team has less than 9 players. A bullpen player used for Playoffs and Championship must not have higher than a “3” rating.

7. Teams that cannot field at least eight (8) players must forfeit. Should a team have only the minimum 8, the opposing team shall provide a catcher to only catch pitched balls from the pitcher.

8. Players must slide or avoid contact if there is a close play at any base (except first base). If a player fails to slide, the umpire will make the call allowing the play to stand or call the player out for not sliding. Also no metal spikes are allowed.

9. Injury runner: Each team is allowed injury runners for players who need them. The players in need of a runner must be identified to the opposing team captain prior to the start of the game. An injury runner is the last qualified batted out. Additional players in need of an injury runner may be allowed upon the consent of the opposing captain.

10. It is mandatory to use a safety base at first. According to the A.S.A. rules - the runner must run to the outside base and the fielder must touch the inside base. Failure of the runner to touch the outside base – may result in an out call. If the fielder uses the outside base – the runner may be called safe for a) fielder “off” the base or b) interference. If there is no play at first base, the runner may use the inside base to cut his base running angle. Once first base has been achieved, the runner will stand on the inside base.

11. Please watch your use of offensive language and aggressiveness towards each other. Many of our family, friends and neighbors like to watch our games. Profanity/goading/fighting may subject the violator to immediate ejection by the umpire. A player who is ejected from a game by the umpire will receive a one game suspension. A 2nd occurrence by the same player in the same season will subject said player to a one-year suspension. Other discipline may be imposed in the discretion of the Commissioner.

12. Winning team captain is responsible for submitting game score.

13. Wood/Bamboo bats only. Any bat that is 100% wood/bamboo, that has a barrel diameter of 2 1/4 inches or less is legal  for game play. Bats DO NOT have to have an ASA stamp so long as they comply with the above criteria. The only exception is the DeMarini Corn Dog 2.0 which has been approved for league play by the regular captains by unanimous vote so long as it has an ASA stamp on it.

14. All other A.S.A rules apply.