Concussion Information

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Ohio's "Return to Play" Concussion Law


 The Ohio Legislature has enacted a new law, effective April 26, 2013, regarding concussions in youth sports.  

Umpires and coaches have been given training about how to identify a potential concussion.  If a player is exhibiting any symptoms of a concussion, coaches and umpires are required to immediately remove the player from the game.    Once a player is removed because of a possible concussion, the new Ohio law REQUIRES presentation of written permission from a licensed health care provider (either an M.D. or a D.O.).    Jays coaches and the two leagues will be enforcing this requirement.
Below are links to some helpful resources related to head injuries, as well as a copy of the information sheet previously emailed to parents of Jays players.
Play safe -- go Jays!!

Concussion/Head Injuries - Resources 

Ohio Department of Health Concussion Information Sheet

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ohio's Concussion Law