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GHVBL Fall League Champions (9U Gold/Fall 10U)
USABL Fall League Champions (12U Red/Fall 13U)
ECTB Halloween Spooktacular Tournament Champions (12U Red/Fall 13U)
War at the Shore Fall Classic Tournament Champions (14U Navy/Fall 15U)
USABL Fall Rumble Tournament Champions (14U Black/Fall 15U)
USABL Freedom Clash Tournament Champions (11U Red/Fall 12U)
USABL Labor Day Tournament Champions (13U National/Fall 14U)
Cal Ripken Goin' Yard Tournament Champions (11U Red)
The Rock Wood Bat Tournament Champions (14U Gold)
NY Elite Around the Horn Tournament Champions (13U Black)
GHVBL Summer League Champions (11U Navy)
USABL World Series Tournament Champions (13U National)
NY Elite Red, White & Blue Tournament Champions (17U Knights)
USABL Jersey Battle Tournament Champions (13U National)
USABL Father's Day Tournament Champions (10U Red)
USABL Spring League Champions (11U Red)
Cal Ripken 3 Up 3 Down Tournament Champions (13U National)
GHVBL Spring League Champions (8U Red)
USABL Memorial Day Tournament Champions (14U Red)
NY Elite Memorial Day Tournament Champions (13U National)
USABL Memorial Day Tournament Champions (10U Gold)
Frozen Ropes Rumble at the Rock Tournament Champions (13U National)
USABL Easter Tournament Champions (13U National)
USABL St. Patty's Day Tournament Champions (13U National)
Metro Fall League Champions (10U Red/Fall 11U)
USABL Fall Fest Tournament Champions (12U Black/Fall 13U)
ECTB Halloween Spooktacular Tournament Champions (13U Navy/Fall 14U)
NY Elite Wood Bat Tournament Champions (12U Black/Fall 13U)
USABL Columbus Day Tournament Champions (9U Red/Fall 10U)
Wood Bat Battle at the Rock Tournament Champions (13U Gold)
Tri-State Metro 14U Summer League Champions (13U Gold)
Cal Ripken Triple Play Tournament Champions (16U Knights)
King of the Rock Tournament Champions (12U National)
USABL Summer Slam Tournament Champions (11U Navy)
Perfect Game Mid-Atlantic World Series Tournament Champions (12U Red)
Rowan University Collegiate Showcase Tournament Champions (16U Knights)
USABL 10U Spring League Champions (10U Red)
NJSBL 10U Spring League Champions (10U White)
USABL Memorial Day Tournament Champions (11U Red)
NY Elite Memorial Day Tournament Champions (16U Knights)
NY Elite Memorial Day Tournament Champions (12U Red)
USABL World Series Qualifier Tournament Champions (12U Red)
Cal Ripken Mother's Day Tournament Champions (12U Red)
Rumble at the Rock Tournament Champions (13U Gold)
Hudson Sports Complex Spring Smash Tournament Champions (12U Red)
Diamond Nation Spring Invitational Tournament Champions (12U Red)
Tri-County 14U Fall League Champions (12U Navy/Fall13U)
USABL Columbus Day Bash Tournament Champions (11U Red/Fall 12U)
NY Elite Labor Day Classic Tournament Champions (11U Red)
USABL Summer Finale Tournament Champions (9U Red)
Tri-County Summer League Champions (12U Navy)
NY Elite Around the Horn Tournament Champions (15U Knights)
Tri-County Summer League Champions (9U Red)
GHVBL Summer League Champions (14U Navy)
GHVBL Summer League Champions (13U Red)
Hudson Sports Complex Summer Lockdown Tournament Champions (11U Red)
USABL 12U Spring League Champions (12U Gold)
USABL East Coast Clash World Series Qualifier Champions (11U Red)
GHVBL 12U Spring League Champions (12U Knights)
GHVBL 14U Spring League Champions (14U Navy)
USABL Memorial Day Tournament Champions (15U Knights)
NY Elite Memorial Day Tournament Champions (11U Red)
USABL Cinco de Mayo World Series Qualifier Tournament Champions (12U Gold)
Sports at the Beach Wheelhouse Walkoff Tournament Champions (11U Red)
Rumble at the Rock Tournament Champions (11U Red)
GMG Spring Mixer Tournament Champions (11U Red)
GHVBL 12U Fall League Champions (11U Knights/Fall12U)
USABL Leather and Lumber Tournament Champions (10U Red/Fall 11U)
USABL Labor Day Classic Tournament Champions (10U Red/Fall 11U)
Ripken Goin' Yard Tournament Champions (14U Knights)
GHVBL 10U Summer League Champions (10U Red)
Young Sluggers Series 18/19U Tournament Champions (17U Red)
USABL Summer Slam Tournament Champions (14U Navy
USABL NJ Mayhem Tournament Champions (12U Knights)
The Rock Mid-Summer Classic Tournament Champions (14U Red)
Hershey Baseball Summer Tournament Champions (14U Knights)
USABL Bring the Heat Tournament Champions (14U Navy)
The Rock Spring League - First Place Finish (11u Navy)
USABL Father's Day Showdown Tournament Champions (14U Navy)
USABL Going Yard Tournament Champions (9U Red)
NY Elite Battle of the Bats Tournament Champions (17U Red)
GHVBL 13U Spring League Champions (13U Red)
USABL World Series Qualifier Tournament Champions (10u Red)
GHVBL 11U Spring League Champions (11U Knights)
USABL Gold Glove Tournament Champions (11u Navy)
NY Elite Mother's Day Classic Tournament Champions (11U Navy)
NY Elite Mother's Day Classic Tournament Champions (14U Knights)
The Rumble at the Rock Tournament Champions (14U Red)
USABL Spring Classic Tournament Champions (10u Red)
The Rock Spring Thaw Tournament Champions (10U Red)
Diamond Nation Battle at the Turf Tournament Champions (10U Red)
USABL Spring Blast Tournament Champions (10u Red)
Baseball Heaven Honor Our Troops Tournament Champions (14U Navy)
Diamond Nation Halloween Mash Tournament Champions (10U Red)
USABL MVP Classic Tournament Champions (13u Knights)
USABL Beast of the East Tournament Champions (9u Red)
USABL Fall Frenzy Tournament Champions (13u Knights)
NY Elite Labor Day Tournament Champions (9U Red)
USABL Summer Sizzler Tournament Champions (13u Navy)
GHVBL 14U Summer League Champions (13U Red)
GHVBL 13U Summer League Champions (13U Navy)
GHVBL 12U Summer League Champions (12U Red)
GHVBL 10U Summer League Champions (10U Navy)
GHVBL 9U Summer League Champions (9U Red)
GHVBL 8U Summer League Champions (8U Red)
Hershey Baseball Bash Tournament Champions (16u Navy)
ECTB College Showcase Champions (16u Red)
USABL Summer Slugfest Tournament Champions (9u Red)
NY Elite Around the Horn Tournament Champions (9U Red)
USABL August Showdown Tournament Champions (13u Navy)
USABL August Showdown Tournament Champions (9u Red)
USABL NJ Mayhem Tournament Champions (12U Navy)
USABL Jersey Battle Tournament Champions (13U Knights)
USABL Jersey Battle Tournament Champions (10U Navy)
GHVBL Fall League Champions (8U Red/Fall 9U)
NY Elite Wood Bat Closer Tournament Champions (12U Red/Fall13U)
USABL Oktoberfest Tournament Champions (10U)
The Rock Fall Classic Tournament Champions (12U Red/Fall 13U)
CT Sportsplex Sayonara Summer Shootout Tournament Champs (15U Red/Fall 16U)
NY Elite Around the Horn Tournament Champions (12U Red)
GHVBL 8U Summer League Champions (8U Red)
USABL Bring the Heat Tournament Champions (10U Red)
Branchburg Baseball Club Summer Tournament Champions (12U Knights)
The Rock June Swoon Tournament Champions (12U Red)
Branchburg Baseball Club Summer Tournament Champions (11U Red)
USABL Bring the Heat Tournament Champions (8U Red)
Branchburg Baseball Club Summer Tournament Champions (8U White)
Wyckoff Father's Day Tournament Champions (9U Navy)
Branchburg Baseball Club Spring Tournament Champions (12U Navy)
Connecticut Sportsplex Sun Rises Tournament Champions (12U Knights)
Branchburg Baseball Club 16U Spring Tournament Champions (15U Red)
Branchburg Baseball Club Spring Tournament Champions (12U Red)
NJSBL Spring League Champions (11U Navy)
NY Elite Rip It & Flip It Tournament Champions (12U Red)
The Rock Memorial Day Classic Tournament Champions (12U Red)
Briarcliff Baseball Club Tournament Champions (12U Navy)
Cal Ripken Armed Forces Tournament Champions (8U Red)
USABL Spring Classic Champions (12u Knights)
USABL Spring Blast Champions (8u Red)
Cal Ripken Veteran's Day Tournament Champions (11U Red/ Fall 12U)
NJSBL JV/Varsity Fall League Champions (14U Red/ Fall 15U)
GHVBL 11U Fall League Champions (10U Red/Fall 11U)
GHVBL 8U Fall League Champions (8U Red)
The Rock "Rocktoberfest" Tournament Champions (11U Red/ Fall 12U)
New England Turf Wars Tournament Champions (11U Red/Fall 12U)
PBI Summer League Champions (9U Red)
Battle of Rockland Tournament Champs (14U Red)
In the Net Pitch Fever Tournament Champs (14U Red)
Branchburg Baseball Club Tournament Champs (14U Red)
GHVBL 12U Spring League Champions (11U Red)
North Jersey Suburban Baseball Spring League Champions (10U White)
Baseball Heaven Richard Becher Memorial Tournament Champions (14U Red)
Baseball Heaven Frank Catalanotto Tournament Champions (11U Red)
Diamond Nation Spring Fling Tournament Champions (11U Red)
PBI Fall League Champions (8U Red/ Fall 9U)
North Jersey Suburban Baseball Fall League Champions (13U Red/Fall 14U)
The Rock Fright Fest Tournament Champions (10U Red/ Fall 11U)
USABL Oktoberfest Tournament Champions (10U Red/ Fall 11U)
Tag 'Em Jersey Shore-Bayside Battle Tournament Champs (13U Red/Fall 14U)
NJYB Summer League Champions (8U Red)
Boulder Stadium Tournament Champions (15U)
NJSBL Summer League Champions (15U)
USABL 11U Tournament Champions (10U Red)
Yorktown July 4th Tournament Champions (10U Red)
Gameday USA Tournament Champions (13U Red)
Maywood Firecracker Tournament Champs (8U Red)
Take 2 Tournament Champions (10U Red)
PBI 8U Spring League Champions (8U Red)
Branchburg Baseball Club Tournament Champs (13U Red)
The Rock Tournament Champions (10U Red)
GHVBL 10U Spring League Champions (10U White)
GHVBL 11U Spring League Champions (10U Red)
New Castle Memorial Day Tournament Champions (10U Red)
Ripken Battle of the Bats Champs (9U Red)
PBI Fall League Champions (14U)
PBI Fall League Champions (10U Red)
NY Elite Summer Showdown Champs (9U Red)
The Rock Tournament Champions (12U Red)
PBI Summer League Champions (14U)
PBI Summer League Champions (12U White)
NJ Mayhem Tournament Champs (9U Red)
PBI 10U Spring League Champions (9U Red)
PBI Spring League Champions (12U Red)
NY Elite Memorial Day Champs (9U Red)
Sports at the Beach Champs (9U Red)
The Rock Tournament Champs (9U Red)
Baseball Heaven Champs (9U Red)
PBI Fall League Champions (13U)
AABC North East Regional Champs (12U)
AABC North East Regional Champs (8U Red)
PBI 12U Summer League Champions (11U Red)
PBI 8U Summer League Champions (8U White)
NJYB Summer League Champions (8U Red)
The Rock 4th of July Champs (11U Red)
Maywood Firecracker Tournament Champs (11U White)
Maywood Firecracker Tournament Champs (8U Red)
NJYB Spring League Champions (8U Red)
NJYB Memorial Day Tournament Champs (8U Red)
The Rock Wood Bat Tournament Champs (12U)
Diamond Nation Tournament Champs (12U)
PBI Fall League Champions (8U Red)
AABC New York State Tournament Champs (10U Red)
Game Day USA Tournament Champs (10U Red)
NJYB Spring League Champions (10U Red)
Bergen Classic Champs (11U)
Baseball Heaven Champs (9U)
The Rock Tournament Champs (9U)
AABC New York State Tournament Champs (10U)
Game Day USA Tournament Champs (10U)
NY Elite Spring League Champions (9U)
Baseball Heaven Champs (10U)
ECTB Columbus Day Champs (8U)