8U Tournament Rules
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- Their is a maximum of 14 players per team.
- Players must be 8 years of age or younger on April 1st.
- Each participating team is limited to only 1 manager, 3 coaches, 1 score keeper in the dugout. NO parents or other coaches are permitted in the dugout or behind the back stop.
- The highest seeded team in each game will be considered the home team.
- Their will be a maximum of 10 players in the field with 4 outfielders positioned in arc at least 20 feet behind the baselines. No rover is permitted. Minimum of 9 players must be in the field to start the game. If a team does not have 9 players they will have 15 minutes from the scheduled start time to produce a 9th rostered player or a forfeit will result.
- All players will bat in a continuous order. Players can only be inserted into the game at the bottom of the batting order if the game has already started. If the player arrives after the entire order has batted the player is NOT eligible to play in that game.
- Batters will be given a maximum of 6 pitches by their teams pitching coach. The batter will be declared out if he does NOT successfully reach a base safely after 6 pitches or if the batter is out on 3 strikes, whatever comes first. However the batter will not be declared out if the 6th pitch is a foul ball, unless the foul ball is caught by any fielder. Their is unlimited foul balls on the last pitch.
- 1 player warning will be given for the first player throwing a bat, on the second occurrence for the violating team 1 team warning will be issued. On the third occurrence for the violating team, any player throwing a bat will be called OUT, even after a safe hit. Its a DEAD BALL , the batter is out and all players will return to base where they was before the ball was batted.
- The pitching coach will pitch with at least 1 foot inside the pithing circle. The center of the circle will be 40 feet from home plate. The diameter of the circle will be 8 feet. ALL Player pitchers will begin with at least one foot in the pitching circle also. All pitches from the coach must be overhand to the batter. pitchers must wear a heart guard or chest protector.
- The pitching coach may not interfere with ANY BALL IN PLAY. If the pitching coach interferes with a ball in play the batter will be declared out and all runners will return to the base occupied at the start of the play. If a pitching coach touches a ball in self defense a dead ball will be called and runners will return to their original base and the batter will still be at bat, the pitch will NOT count.
- The pitching coach is encouraged to leave the active part of the field during a LIVE PLAY with out Interfering with the sight-line of any and all players on the field of play.
- The defensive team MUST move off the base unless their is a play being made at that base. Only 1 team warning will be given for blocking a base when no play is eminent. Any other occurrence for blocking a base will result in that runner or any runner behind the runner where the block occurred being awarded that base and the NEXT.
- Play will stop after the PLAYER PITCHER has control of the ball and has one foot inside the pitching circle at that time the play will be considered stopped and any player that has not crossed the 3/4 hash mark will return to the previous base.The COACH PITCHER WILL NOT be permitted to catch any ball coming from any fielder ( unless the ball is coming from the catcher after a non batted ball) until timeout has been established by the player pitcher. On a over throw to the player pitcher runners may advance AT OWN RISK. If a coach pitcher catches a ball. The ball will be considered dead and 1 warning will be given , on the second occurrence ball will be considered dead and the hitting team will be given 1 out.
- There will be no infield fly rule. Runners my tag up on any fly ball.
- Runners cannot leave the base before batter has made contact with the ball. Their will be 1 warning for a player leaving the base early. After the 1 warning any other occurrence the batting team will receive 1 out.
- If a base runner gets hurt and has to leave the game, the prior batter who made the last out replaces the hurt runner.
- There is unlimited re-entry for all players. There are to be no fielding substitutions in the middle of a half inning unless for injury.
- All games to be 6 innings for a complete official game. Only games ended under adverse weather conditions will be declared if at least 4 full innings have been played. A home team with a lead after 3 1/2 innings need not bat for official game under weather condition.
- Their will be a 10 run rule which will apply after 4 full innings have been played. If a home team has the lead by 10 or more after the 3 1/2 inning the home team need not bat.
- Only five runs per inning will be allowed for innings 1-5. in a case of a over the fence home run the batting team may go beyond the limit of the 5 runs. ( example 4 runs have been scored bases are loaded and a grand slam occurs the batting team will receive 8 runs for that inning.) The sixth inning will be unlimited runs.
- Only the team manager can ask the ruling umpire for an appeal. It is the ruling umpires decision to grant the appeal.
- Its is a team managers responsibility to control his team and fans. 1 warning will be given by the umpire, any other warning may result in a forfeit. Absolutely no foul language is permitted.
- It is the responsibility of the umpire to insure both score books match after each inning.
- Runners should slide into second, third & home to avoid contact. It will be the umpires discretion to call a runner out for contact on a defensive player. NO HEAD FIRST SLIDES unless returning to a base.
- BAT RULE all bats must not be bigger then 2 5/8 at the thickest part of the bat. no weight or length restrictions. If a batter is caught at the plate with a unapproved bat the batter will be out.
- No coach can touch a player will the play is live. 1 warning will be given, any other occurrence will result in the player being out.
- Any ball thrown out of play will result in the runners being awarded 1 base.