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2017 SHYSA Bylaws

January 15, 2017

Schuylkill Haven Youth Softball Association

Charter and By-Laws


Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania


Section 1. Name of Organization


1.1       The name if the organization will be known as the “Schuylkill Haven Youth Softball Association (SHYSA).”


Section 2. Objectives


2.1       The purpose of the SHYSA shall be to provide an opportunity for young girls to learn how to play fast-pitch softball in the town of Schuylkill Haven and its surrounding communities.  The objective of the league shall be to teach young girls good sportsmanship, the skills of the game, and the ideals of honesty, loyalty and courage. Participation in the SHYSA promotes values that support healthy youth development.


Section 3. Membership


3.1       The membership of the organization shall be made up of active coaches and assistant coaches participating in the current program.  Each team shall be limited to a single vote on all matters brought before the Board of Directors.

3.2       Honorary members may be chosen for distinguished service to the softball program.  Honorary members shall be approved at the annual election and may serve on committees if approved.  Honorary members shall have no vote on general membership voting items.

3.3       All coaches and assistant coaches must be listed on the membership role prior to being eligible to vote at a monthly or special meeting.



Section 4. Board of Directors


4.1       The SHYSA shall be guided by a Board of Directors.  This board shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Committee Chairpersons, and one head coach of each level of play in the softball program.  These are all voting members.

4.2       Terms of office shall be two years or until their successors are elected.

4.3       Vacancies in the Board of Directors will be filled through appointment by the Board of Directors.

4.4       All matters concerning the policies of the SHYSA shall be decided by vote of the Board of Directors.  No motion shall be carried without a favorable vote of a quorum.  A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall be empowered to act for the SHYSA in all matters.

4.5       Any officer or committee member can be removed by a 2/3rds vote of the Board of Directors.

4.6       Officers for the next coming year will be elected at the October meeting.  Nominations shall be suggested from the floor by active members in good standing. (Good Standing – must have attended the previous two monthly meetings) All nominees receiving the majority of all votes cast for any office shall be elected.  In the event of a tie the President shall have the deciding vote.

4.7       No officer can hold more than one office at a time but may hold one additional position of committee chairperson.


Section 5. Meetings


5.1       Meetings will be called by the President of the League for will be held all months except May, June, July, and August, or as deemed necessary.   Meetings will be held on the 3rd Monday of each month.

5.2       The meetings will be conducted in an organized format with the President as the residing head.  A motion made to the board must be 2nd by any board member.  All motions receiving the majority of all votes cast shall be passed.  In the event of a tie the President shall have the deciding vote.

5.3       Each board member must attend at least ¾ of all meetings in order to retain their position unless a valid excuse is presented to the board.  If a member does not attend enough meetings, they will be removed for their position. 



Section 6. Duties of President


6.1       The President shall supervise over all affairs of the league and preside at all meetings of the SHYSA Board of Directors.  He/she shall be a member of all standing committees.  He/she shall have the authority to appoint chairpersons of these committees.  The President shall be responsible for all public relations.


Section 7. Duties of the Vice President


7.1       The Vice President shall assume the responsibilities of the President in the President’s absence but is qualified and will serve in other capacities as may be assigned by the President. 




Section 8. Duties of the Secretary-Treasure


8.1       The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as the chairperson of the budget and finance committee.

8.2       They will be responsible for all funds, both income and expenses. The Secretary-Treasurer shall present a written financial report to the Board of Directors at all monthly meetings.   

8.3       The Secretary- Treasurer shall be responsible for the taking of the minutes at all SHYSA meetings.   

8.4       The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide a written end of the year report as well as perform an independent audit of all SHYSA funds.  Result of this audit and report will be reviewed by the Board of Directors at the September end of season meeting.


Section 9. Committees


9.1       Concession Committee – This committee shall be responsible for the operation of the concession stand.   It will consist of a chairperson along with a representative from each team.  The committee is responsible for stocking and making the necessary purchases, creating pre-cooked foods, and scheduling parents for all home games.  Is in charge of all prep and cleanup of the concession stand before and after the game.  Creates a list of items needed for the concession stand before the season.  Each child is required to donate one item for the stand. Reports to the President.

9.2       Finance and Budgeting Committee – The committee shall be responsible for writing a budget to be presented at the January Board meeting for approval of the Board.  The committee will also solicit league and team sponsors and collect sponsor fees.  Is also responsible for finding insurance for all players, coaches, board members and fields.   Provide seed money for concession stand for all home games and make deposits of concession stand money.  Is also responsible for making sure umpires are paid at all home games.  Reports to the President.

9.3       Fundraising and Marketing Committee - This committee shall be responsible for fundraising and sponsorship opportunities.  Will work with Finance and Budget committee to determine how much fundraising is needed for the season.  Shall coordinate with the President to ensure all advertisement opportunities are utilized for league registration, public announcements and any other desired events.  Is responsible for coordinating yearly team pictures.  Reports to the President.

9.4       Field and Equipment Committee – This committee shall be responsible for securing field sites and procurement of any filed equipment needed for league play.  Responsible for maintaining and distributing equipment during the season and for collecting and storing the equipment at the end of the season.  Also make sure all game equipment is ASA approved.  Ensure lime and all other grounds equipment is available at all home fields and games.  Shall purchase yearly uniforms and other equipment needed for the upcoming season.  Reports to the President.

9.5       Each committee will formalize its methods of accomplishing its duties and shall be approved by the Board of Directors. These duties and approved methods shall be published and made available to the general membership before the committee is empowered to perform said duties.


Section 10. Registration


10.1     Registration will be held in late January of each year. The Board of Directors will determine dates, times and places of registration. Public notice should be given at least two weeks in advance.  Notices should be placed in local papers, sent home via distribution in schools and through posting in public places. Final registration shall be held prior to team selection. The player registration fee for participation will be determined by the board each year.


Section 11. Scheduling


11.1     The President will be responsible for scheduling all games within each agebracket and securing ASA plate umpires. Ten and under age bracket does not need to have a licensed umpire.  Ten and under coaches are responsible for providing volunteer umpires for each home game.

11.2     Coaches will have to find their own umpires for rain makeup games.  The President needs to make sure each head coach receives a copy of all league umpires before the beginning of the season. 

11.3     Will assign practice times and fields as well as keep master calendar on league website.


Section 12. Coaches


12.1     Head Coaches: Shall have basic knowledge of the game, time available, display initiative and a desire to work with youth. He/she will be responsible for properly teaching, training and disciplining players on their team. The head coach may choose their assistant coaches with board approval, team parents and scorekeeper. Head coach needs to attend monthly meetings. Head coaches need to ensure that the maintenance and cleaning of fields is well taken care of before and after each game. Know ASA and league rules.  Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind, physical or verbal abuse shall be cause for suspension and or removal of that coach as the board sees necessary. 

12.2     Assistant Coaches: Shall have similar qualifications as head coaches and are subject to the same responsibilities and code of conduct. May be selected by head coach, with the approval of the board.

12.3     All Volunteers:  Governor Wolf enacted HB 1276 into law on July 2, clarifying changes to state child abuse laws which were enacted in 2014. HB 1276 is Act 15 of 2015. Act 15 clarifies requirements for volunteers to have criminal background checks and child abuse clearances. The following summarizes changes for volunteers to be aware of:

·       Volunteers who are required to obtain the certifications are those who have direct volunteer contact, meaning they have care, supervision guidance or control AND routine interaction with children.

·       New volunteers will need to have current clearances and background checks.

·       Existing volunteers are not required to have clearances and background checks until current clearances have expired.

·       These certifications will only need to be renewed every five years, instead of every three.

·       Volunteers who are required to obtain the certifications are those who have direct volunteer contact, meaning they have care, supervision guidance or control AND routine interaction with children.

Volunteers will be able to obtain their background checks and child abuse clearances for free as of July 15, 2015. Governor Wolf announced this change in early June, and the legislature made the fee waiver permanent by including language to authorize it in Act 15.

12.4     Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products shall not be permitted and games or practices played by SHYSA teams.

12.5     You must have at least 2 coaches present to have a practice.  If there are less than 2 coaches, the practice / game must be canceled or rescheduled.

12.6     The Board of Directors will be responsible for selection of head coaches for all teams.



Section 13. Players / Parents


13.1     Participating players must reside in the Schuylkill Haven Borough and its surrounding communities unless otherwise approved by the League's Board of Directors.

13.2     Participating players must be registered prior to the start of the season unless approved by this board and shall have paid the appropriate registration fee unless waived by the board.

13.3     Players ages consist of players within the ages of 6 to 14.  Ages of players shall be in compliance with ASA rules.

13.4     All players are expected to exhibit sportsmanlike conduct at all times. If a player does not meet such conduct the Board of Directors may remove the player from the league. Players are also expected to be at practices and games if at all possible.  If players repeatedly miss practice or games without a valid excuse, the coach is not obligated to play such player.

13.5     All new players to SHSYA will be required to provide a copy of their birth certificate. 

13.6     Prior to the season each parent or gardian and player must sign a Code of Conduct for the playing season.  All players are expected to exhibit sportsmanlike conduct at all times. If a player does not meet such conduct the Board of Directors may remove the player from the league.


Section 14. Amendments


14.1     These by-laws or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by majority vote of the Board of Directors at a monthly meeting.


Section 15. Adoption


15.1     The Charter- By- Laws shall be in full force and effect from and after its approval by a majority vote of the present active members.