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Code of Conduct

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I (we) the parents of__________________, do hereby acknowledge that they have reviewed the SHYSA Code of Conduct, and agree to the following for the upcoming season:


·        I will remember the game is for the children, not the adults.

·        I understand that the conduct of parents and family members at our games, practices and SHYSA functions is a reflection of the players and coaches of our organization, and therefore will commit to adhere to always act in a respectful manner.

·        I will timely inform the coach of any physical ailment or other reason that may affect the safety of a player or the safety of others.  Children will not be forced to participate.  I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the players ahead of personal desires to win.

·        I understand it is my responsibility to have my daughter(s) on time to all practices and games and to notify the head coach of any expected or unexpected lateness or absences.

·        I will be positive role models for all children, encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and demonstrate positive support for all players, managers, coaches, officials, and spectators at every game and practice.

·        I will not encourage any behaviors that would endanger the health and well-being of others.  I understand participation is a privilege for our family and daughter(s).  I will contribute to an environment free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol at all events we attend.

·        I will teach all to treat other players, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability.  We will put emphasis on team unity, team spirit and good fair competition.

·        I will respect the managers and coaches and their authority during practices and games and will not publicly question, discuss or confront coaches at the game field, but we will take time to speak calmly and civilly at agreed upon time and place.

·        As a parent, I will stay away from the dugout during games and allow coaches to coach.  I agree never to enter the dugout during a game unless my daughter is injured or unless a coach has asked me to come in the dugout for another purpose.  I will also refrain from sideline coaching and will leave important decisions about players up to the coaching staff.

·        I will discuss concerns with the manager first and then with the SHYSA President, and not in the presence of players.  I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct such as booing, taunting, refusing to shake hands, using threats, profanity, insults or gestures.

·        I understand that it is the coaching staff’s responsibility to discuss plays with umpires overseeing our games.  Additionally, I recognize that umpires, like up – are human, and can make mistakes.  Therefore, I will respect the final decisions of umpires and let all discussions with them up to my daughter’s coaching staff.

·        I agree that if we fail to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines, break the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or otherwise disrupt SHYSA activities that I and/or my daughter(s) will be subject to disciplinary actions that could include, but are not limited to the following:

1st action:  Verbal warning by manager and/or SHYSA President with or without follow-up written documentation.  This warning may include directions to immediately leave the facility or suffer further sanctions.

2nd action:  Parental/player suspension for subsequent event(s) with written documentation of incident.

3rd action:  Parental/player season suspension or debarment from all facilities, fields, practices, games, meetings or

other events for the rest of the calendar year or permanently.



Signature: ____________________________________________                           Date: _____________






I ______________________, do hereby acknowledge that I have reviewed the SHYSA Code of Conduct, and agree to the following for the upcoming season:


·        I will make an effort to attend all practices and games.

·        I agree to keep up with all my school work and maintain my grades during the season.

·        I will abide by all team and league rules and regulations.

·        I understand that softball is a team sport and I will control my temper and overall emotions at all times.  I recognize that I might, at times, become disappointed in or upset with myself if I don’t play to my potential, but I will remain positive for the team regardless of my personal performance.  I understand that my emotional behavior has a negative impact or the team, especially during a game.

·        I will give effort in both practices and games.

·        I will, at all times, show respect for my coaches, teammates, umpires, fans, and opposing teams.

·        I will not engage in gossip, will not be part a clique within the team, and I will treat all my teammates like friends on and off the field.

·        I will be a team player.

·        I will not complain openly about the position or positions that I am asked to play by my coaches.  Nor will I complain openly about playing time.  I know that is for the benefit of the team and I can go to my coaches to talk to them about such issues privately after a game or practice.

·        I will always hold my head high, even in defeat, knowing I gave my best effort.

·        I will accept constructive feedback as well as proper discipline without complaining.

·        I understand if I do not follow the code of conduct, I may be benched, or asked to leave the game or practice.  Repeated incidents could also result of removal from the team. 


I have read and fully understand the above and promise to follow these commitments throughout the entire season.



Player: ____________________________________________                                Date: _____________