Meeting Minutes

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SLS September Meeting Agenda

Smithsburg Community Fire Hall

September 10, 2024


Pledge of Allegiance (6:06pm )

Elections (6:07-6:09PM)
Treasurer’s Report (6:09PM) Stephanie Lida

  • Previous Balance

  • Bills Paid   

  • Current Balance  $16,000 (+/-)

  • Upcoming Expenses   

    • Community center:  mowing expenses, taxes, 

    • Jerseys & Hats for Fall Ball ($2500)

    • Fire Suppression System

    • Electrical System

    • Plumbing System

Old Business (6:15pm) Kery  Swope

  • Fall Ball
    - Penn Marr wants a REAL umpire for games  ($60/game)
    -Waynesboro wants a REAL umpire for games ($60/game)

-Maugansville is fine with COACH

-Small teams are working, but the worry is for when players decide they don’t want to play.  Parent support is going to be required in those times.

- Interleague practice

  • Cash Raffle
    - each player will get 5 tickets to sell  (draw date 10/18;  tickets DUE on 10/15)

-extras are available from treasurer:  Steph Lida

-do an online 50/50
-host another BINGO

Spaghetti dinner @ Community Center

  • Concession stand

-Vince’s pizza ($3/piece)    (whole: $10)

- NO fryers during fall ball

-Parents need to submit their concession checks & sign up for their concessions

  • Float for Steam and Craft Show 9/28

    • 3:45 meet at high school wear your uniform if you want to be involved.

    • Looking for Candy donations

    • Looking for someone willing to drive their truck and trailer.

    • The committee will decorate the trailer.

New Business (6:35pm) Kery Swope

  • Need to fill vacant positions on the board. 

  • Winter workouts

  • Field Cleanup is November 1st @ 9AM 

               -NO MORE DIRT ON FIELD

               -Use bigger cover on the mound @ Abe

               - Need 20 more bags of clay to finish the mound  (find a cheaper location to purchase)

Open Q&A (7:05)

  • Need a new place for Jerseys.  Things are getting too expensive.  (Greg will take lead)

50/50 raffle per month(?)  per game(?):  Online Version not paper tickets

Conclusion/Adjurement (7:16) Kery Swope