Parents Responsibilities

The level of support given to a participant by the parents will have a measured impact as to the success of each player. To better understand the parent’s role and involvement in the program, we have developed the following guidelines and recommendations:


  • Parents are encouraged to cheer for their teams from the stands with enthusiasm but should never yell obscenities or derogatory remarks aimed at the opponents or conduct themselves in an offensive manner. As a result of such action, a team can be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct and the fan may be removed from the grounds.
  • A large number of people are needed to help the program run smoothly. Each parent is asked to volunteer a portion of his or her time during the season to help make the program run efficiently.

* Field and Facility help
* Field Preparation and Maintenance.
* Special Events Coordination.
* Fundraising.
* Team Mom
* Concessions

  • It is the parent’s responsibility to provide transportation to and from practice and games.
  • If a participant’s grades are unsatisfactory or homework starts to become a problem, the parent should notify the head coach and together determine the best course of action to be taken.
  • Parents should always maintain a cooperative attitude towards coaches, participants, officials and board members. Remember, we are all volunteers.



Missed Practices - In the event you cannot be at a practice, it is mandatory that one of the coaches be notified prior to practice. Coaches will determine what, if any, actions will be taken for missing practices. Some actions may be:

*Prohibit the participant from starting the next game.

*Limit the player’s playing time.

*Player suspension.



Remember - We are not professional coaches so, we can only do our best and we view coaching as a huge responsibility. Therefore, coaches will work hard to:

*Get the players in shape.

*Understand each player’s potential.

*Work on individual skills for each position.

*Work on team execution of plays.

*Motivate, communicate and lead