Frequently Asked Questions
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Uintah Youth Football Frequently Asked Questions
The Uintah Youth Football League is first and foremost a teaching league. The focus is learning how to play the game of football. Winning is a goal, but it is secondary to learning the game and having fun while doing it.
Uintah Youth Football is committed to the development of participants as athletes and contributing members of our community. The purpose of our league is to develop our participants in the core values of Uintah Youth Football, which are: sportsmanship, respect, team work, and a strong united community.
If you can't find the answer you are looking for here, contact your child's coaching staff or email us at
Who can sign up for Tackle Football?
The Uintah Youth Football program is a full contact (tackle) football program for boys and girls, Grades 3rd through 8th. Your child does NOT have to be a Uintah County resident to participate. Each child will be placed in either the 3rd & 4th Grade Division, 5th & 6th Grade Division, or 7th & 8th Grade Division, based on the player’s grade of the current school year.
Do I have to start playing in 3rd grade?
No. We have many new players at each grade level who do great.
What does the $175 Player Registration Fee Cover?
UYF is a Non-Profit Organization. The Board of Directors and the Coaching Staff is strictly volunteer. With the exception of coaches and board members child playing for a reduced fee or free. The registrations fees are used to maintain the league. The following are a brief description of the fees the league incurs every season:
- Referees are paid based on level of certification
- Uintah School District field use fees
- Insurance- (Liability Only, Not Medical)
- Various Web-site fees
- Fees for online registrations
- Advertising
- Equipment
- Jerseys
- Field Preparation & Maintenance
- Legal Fees
- Awards Ceremony
Can Girls Play?
Yes, we have girls play every season.
Are Special Requests Accepted?
As much as we like to, we are unable to accept or satisfy any special requests regarding specific coaches, teams, practice schedules, game schedules, or number of home games. Thanks for your understanding!
Where do I go to sign up?
Visit our website and select player registration.
Where can I get information about Scholarships?
We want everyone who wants to play to play, please bring questions to a board member
How late can I sign up?
It is best to register early. Registration deadlines will be posted on the web site, and no more registrations will be accepted after that date. No Exceptions.
Are Refunds Available?
Participants will be allowed a refund under the following terms:
(1) Refunds must be requested via email prior to September 1st.
(2) Refunds will not be allowed if the player has played in a game or received a jersey.
(3) Refunds will not be given until all UYF Equipment has been returned.
Is the Uintah Youth Football League affiliated with or run by the Uintah school district?
The program is run with the cooperation of the school district but is in no way affiliated with the school district.
How much is the Equipment Deposit and What does it Cover?
UYF will provide the following equipment after a $100 equipment deposit has been received:
- Helmet
- Chin strap
- Shoulder pad
- Game pants with pads
- Game jersey that the player will keep after the season
All players who receive equipment, other than their game jersey, will be required to pay the entire $100 equipment deposit.
What Equipment is Needed?
Each player is required to provide the following:
Practice Jersey or Large T-shirt (No game jerseys can be worn during practice sessions.)
Mouth guard (Players will not be allowed to participate in practice or games without it.)
Football Cleats (screw in cleats are permitted, but no metal may be exposed on the bottom of the shoe, metal cleats are prohibited).
Additional equipment is optional and not required:
Athletic support with protective cup
Arm/elbow pads
Game socks
Long sleeve insulated top and bottoms for cold game days
My helmet hurts -- can I get a different one?
It is very common for your helmet to feel uncomfortable and even hurt your head for the first couple of weeks. Helmets must fit tightly to ensure a correct fit. Our equipment managers take the necessary time to make sure that each helmet is fitted properly. We recommend that once you get your equipment, that you wear your helmet before practice in order to break it in and get used to how it feels. When you put it on, remember to pull it all the way down, hard. If you continue to have discomfort, please let your coach know and we will have our equipment managers adjust the fit of your helmet.
What if there is a problem with my equipment?
Many problems can be corrected using the tools and supplies that each team has, so contact your coach for assistance. If they cannot resolve the issue, then they will arrange to get you a replacement.
When and Where do I get my equipment?
Equipment handout dates, will begin the week registration ends. Handouts will take place on 3-4 days in the evening. You must attend one of those days as this will be the only time equipment is fitted. Equipment handout happens at The Vernal Jr. High School, dates and times will be posted on our web site calendar.
What size football is used in Uintah Youth Football?
Age Group Football Size
3rd & 4th Grade Division Pee Wee
5th & 6th Grade Division Junior
7th & 8th Grade Division Youth
Equipment Care
Helmet Care
Try keeping your helmet clean and free of debris. You can do this by simply wiping with a damp cloth. NEVER use abrasive cleaners or solvents to clean helmet.
Always inspect your helmet – paying particular attention to the fasteners that attach the facemask and chin strap. If the helmet appears damaged in any way – IMMEDIATELY show your Coach or one of the Uintah Youth Football Equipment Managers. NEVER play or participate in contact drills with a damaged helmet.
Wash & Care Instructions for Integrated Pants & Jerseys
- COLD WATER WASH, please. And wash them separately from other garments. Keep whites and colors apart.
- DO NOT DRY CLEAN OR PRESS garments. This will discolor the fabric.
- DO NOT allow perspiration soaked or muddy garments to lie in a pile or rest on top of each other for any period of time. Launder them immediately if they really, really need it. However, it is not necessary to launder after every wearing. Simply hang them on a plastic or wooden hanger until the next day of practice. DO NOT OVER-WASH pants.
- DO NOT remove the belt or pads from integrated pants (Sewn in pads). FASTEN HOOK & LOOP belts before washing so they don't bounce around in the washer.
- DO NOT use chlorine bleach. DO NOT use fabric softeners. DO NOT soak the pants. Softeners deteriorate garments with spandex. They also restrict the effectiveness of Dri-Fit technology and act as a magnet to dirt.
- Use MILD powdered detergent. Detergents with pH under 10 are recommended for athletic uniforms. Powdered detergents are recommended for athletic colors.
- REMOVE garments from the machine immediately after washing. This will help avoid color bleeding, particularly on color blocked garments.
- Allow the pants and game jersey to AIR DRY. If you must dry them, do so on the LOWEST setting. Line Drying is recommended, particularly with these garments.
- Be sure these garments are completely dry before storing.
COLD WASH and AIR DRYING are the best way to launder these items so that they stay looking new!
What are the rules (if any) concerning POSITION ASSIGNMENTS?
For a coach, assigning positions is one of the hardest things to do. We all know that each child can’t all be a running back or a quarterback. The important thing to remember is that there are a variety of positions and each one is just as important as the next. Some players will play "both ways", both on offense and defense. And most players will play more than 1 position during the season. Your coaches will observe and work with you to find the best locations for you. We want you to be successful!
Each coach is different and their process will vary, but normally most of the 1st week of practice is spent evaluating each child and trying to match each child to the position that the coach feels is best suited to his skill level and how his or her skill level compares to the rest of the team. As a parent/fan, please be open-minded regarding your coaches recommendation, and support your child & coach regardless of what position he plays.
Do I have to try out?
No. As long as your registration is complete and paid, you will be placed on a team.
How are the coaches picked?
Applicants for head coaching and assistant coach positions are reviewed and selected by the Uintah Youth Football Coaching Sub-Committee. All coaches are required to submit to a background check.
What is the Practice Schedule and Time Commitment?
Each coach will determine the practice schedule and location. Practices will be limited to 5 days a week before school begins and 4 days a week after school begins. Practice length will be determined by the coach. Compared to other youth sports, football is a big time commitment.
What if I have scheduled a vacation during practice or game time?
Go and enjoy yourself. Football will still be here when you get back. But please tell your coach as soon as possible that you will be gone.
With that said, if you have ANY flexibility, please try to schedule around the football season. It is important for players to be at all practices and games since conditioning is a big part of football. Players may be overlooked for position assignments if they do not attend practice regularly. It is important that your player be there if at all possible.
When do practices start?
After the draft, coaches will notify players of the practice schedule. Generally practices will begin the week after equipment handouts.
How long are practices?
Generally practices will be 1 ½ hours to 2 hours per practice day, however practice time is determined by the coach.
Why do I have to get to the game so early?
Players are expected to get to the game site at least an hour before game time. This ensure that there is adequate time to warm up. Being late for warm ups can increase your chance for injuries. It is important to be on time to the game site. If you are "time challenged", consider carpooling or setting your alarm 30 to 60 minutes earlier than usual. You don't want to be hurt, and you don't want to miss a game!
Are There Any Rules Concerning PLAYING TIME?
7th & 8th Grade Divisions:
In an effort to prepare our young athletes for High School Football, there will not be a minimum play time for the 7th & 8th grade division players. Play time will be determined by the coach, and is completely at his/her discretion. The Players’ ability and dedication will determine playtime.
3rd & 4th and 5th & 6th Grade Divisions:
Coaches shall ensure that each player participates in a minimum of 5 plays per game, under the following guidelines:
1) Player must attend 100% of the teams practice that week.
2) Player must be on time for every practice.
3) Player must actively participate in each practice.
4) Player must be healthy and physically able to participate in each game.
5) If the coach determines that a player has sustained a possible concussion, the player must receive a note from a medical doctor before returning to practice or game play.
The above playtime guidelines are put in place to ensure the safety of all players. If a player misses practices or arrives late, they are not receiving the same instruction or conditioning the other players receive. A player who is not actively participating at the same level as the other players, runs the risk of injury to themselves and/or their teammates.
The coach has the responsibility to determine playtime for players. Athletic ability shall not determine play time. If a coach determines that players are conducting themselves, in an un-safe manner, or are creating a risk to other teammates, the issue needs to be reported to the board of directors immediately for further review. If a pattern persists with an individual player, coaches are required to report the problem to the board of directors, after they have discussed the issue with the player, and their parent(s) or legal guardian.
If a parent or legal guardian believes that their player is not receiving fair playtime, they must first address the issue with the coach. If the issue cannot be resolved, the parent or legal guardian is required to submit a signed written statement to the Board of Directors for further review.
Coaches and Board Members
Are Coaches and Board Members paid?
Everyone associated with Uintah Youth Football are volunteers donating hundreds of hours year round to help make this program a success. With the exception of coaches and board members child playing for a reduced fee or free.
Who can be a Head Coach or Assistant Coach?
Anyone with the ability to put in the time commitment. All coaches must register through the UYF website every season. Coaches should have a basic knowledge of football, and the ability to apply it at the youth level. Coaching experience is desired, but not necessary. Coaching candidates are interviewed by the UYF coach selection committee at the beginning of the year. All coaches are required to undergo a national back ground check, attend a mandatory coaches clinic and become heads up certified. All coaches will also be required to help out with equipment fittings and equipment handout prior to the start of the season.