Helpful Information for New Wresting Parents


Wrestling Gear Proper Gear for VPYW Practices:



      Wrestling Shoes


      Water Bottle (preferred, but water fountains are available)
NOTE:   Shorts and t-shirts should be somewhat tight fitting so their opponent's hands and feet do not get caught in them and so hands and feet are not hidden allowing coaches to see if they are practicing a move correctly.

Proper Gear for VPYW Tournaments:


      Wrestling Shoes


      One IKWF weigh-in card per wrestler to be turned in at weigh-ins (the white perforated cards)
NOTE:   Singlets are REQUIRED at tournaments.  Wrestlers must wear VPYW team singlets so they are easily spotted at the tournaments by coaches and parents.

What Parents Need to Do, Know & Expect About Practices.

  • Homework comes first. If homework isn't completed before practice, it is more important to stay home to complete it than to attend practice.
  • If your child id sick please keep them home. Use the same rules as you would for school. This is a contact sport and sickness can be spread easily.
  • Practices are Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00pm – 7:30pm.
  • The 8 & under group will have a shorter practice, 6:00pm-7:00pm
  • Arrive 15 minutes before the practice start time to leave enough time to take the layers of clothes off and change shoes.
  • Shorts, t-shirts, wrestling shoes and headgear are the proper attire for practice. Short and t-shirts should be somewhat tight fitting so their opponent's hands and feet do not get caught in them and so hands and feet are not hidden allowing coaches to see if they are practicing a move correctly.
  • Headgear is mandatory for all.
  • Please be sure to know what number is written into your wrestler’s "loaned" headgear. If you have your own be sure to write your name in them with permanent marker.

IMPORTANT: For the safety of our wrestlers and to prevent skin diseases, we disinfect the mats before practices start to help avoid skin disorders.

  • Be sure your wrestler(s) shower as soon as they get home from practice.
  • Practice clothes must be washed after every practice. Clothes should never be worn a second time to practice without being washed between practices.
  • Only wrestling shoes are to be worn on the mats during practice.
  • Wrestling shoes are not to be worn off the mat. Be sure wrestlers carry their shoes in from the car, put them on when they get to the mat and take them off mat side at the end of practice. They should never be worn outside.
  • Spray wrestling shoes and headgear with a disinfectant spray regularly.
  • Please see a coach if your wrestler develops any skin rashes or problems.
  • Practices are closed to everyone.
Tournament Information

What Parents need to do and know about a Tournament.

Each week for the Tournaments


  • Each week you may sign up for the upcoming tournament. There are some meets that are called a Rookie Rumble for those that don’t have that much experience.
  • Team mom will collect the money for that tournament. Each meet is usually $12-$15. (That host of that meet determines that. It will change weekly)
  • Please be sure that she knows & pay by Thursday if you are attending.
  • There are some exceptions that you will have to sign up on line for yourself. You will be advised.


The Day of the Tournament


  • Tournaments are on Sundays usually 7am until 3pm depending on the bracket and how large the tournament is. (Younger groups are usually done earlier)
  • Be sure your wrestler(s) arrive and weigh-in on time. Check tournament information for times, weigh-in times vary with each tournament.
  • Weekly email will contain Weigh-in and tournament registration specifics.

They weigh-in with their singlet. Wear the singlet to the tournament.

Generally, the goal of each tournament is to start wrestling by 9:00am.
  • Wrestling headgear and singlets are required.
  • Equipment: The club will issue you a team singlet and team headgear that needs and

MUST be turned in at the end of the season. There will be a charge for each singlet ($65) or headgear ($35) not turned in.

  • Wrestling shoes are required they can be purchased online or dick ponds localy.

Do not wear your wrestling shoes outside. They are only to be worn on the mats.


Your wrestler will be put into a bracket depending on his weight & age. At this age they do not "cut weight".

Know which division your wrestler(s) is/are in and listen for when they are called to the bull-pen or mat depending on tournament format.
The divisions are divided by ages as follows
Tot: Ages 6 and under (when available)


Bantam: Ages 8 and under


Intermediate: Ages 9 and 10


Novice: Ages 11 and 12


Senior: Ages 13 and 14



No parents or siblings are allowed mat side; you must remain in the stands. Only coaches that are IKWF certified with a Copper ASEP level card or higher may coach wrestlers by the mats.

  • A referee will not start a match without a coach present for your wrestler. Coaches will be floating on the wrestling floor watching for our wrestlers which is why it's important all wrestlers wear the same singlets so they are easily recognized as VPYW Wrestlers.
  • Typically your wrestler will wrestle 3 matches. 3 minutes each match throughout the day
  • Depending on the place the young wrestler gets, they can receive many medals throughout the season.
  • Usually each week the VPYW coaches will reward A "pin" for each "pin" the young wrestler gets. These are sometimes displayed on their hats or bag.



What you should bring to the tournaments?


A back pack or bag of some sort


 Wear your singlet.


Head Gear and wrestling shoes should be brought in the bag


Team shirt and shorts. Spirit wear is also great to wear.


Most tournaments have concessions. Basics are water, sports drinks, pizza & hot dogs


What is suggested to bring is their own sports drinks and/or water, a healthy snack and a sandwich.


Some Healthy snacks that are suggested are fruit, nuts, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, cheese, peanut butter, banana bread, whole grain cereal, pretzels, sweet potato chips, hummus, noodles, raisins, celery and carrots.


Most tournaments there is an entrance fee for spectators usually.


Wrestlers pay through their entrance fee that is given to the Coach when you sign up for the tournament.