CCIBL Constitution

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Capital City Intermediate Baseball League Constitution

V1.0 Amended June 19,2024

The teams for the 2024 CCIBL season are:

  • Fredericton Astros
  • Fredericton Expos
  • Fredericton Orioles
  • Fredericton White Sox
  • Woodstock Shiretowners

 1. PURPOSE: The League’s purpose is to provide an opportunity for adults to enjoy recreational baseball in an environment where goodwill dominates competitiveness.

2. BOARD OF CONTROL: League management is the responsibility of up to two representatives of each team.

2.1 BY-LAWS: By-laws can be established, withdrawn and revised by the Board.

3. EXECUTIVE: The following Executive Members are to be elected at the Annual Meeting to service until the next Annual Meeting.


Vice President



3.1 VACANCIES: Should an Executive position become vacant a replacement may be elected by the Board.

4. MEMBERS: Every team whose fees are fully paid is a member of the League. Teams are responsible for collecting fees from their individual players.  Teams may charge what they desire to be fair to each of their players.

5. Membership MEETINGS: At least one membership meeting will be held prior to, and following each playing season. Notice of the meeting will be sent to the team managers at least 7 days prior to the meeting. Additional meetings may be held as required with at least 7 days written notice prior to the date of the meeting.

6. AMENDMENTS: The Constitution may be revised by a majority of the membership.



1.0 Player and Team Rules

1.1 Each player agrees to comply with the CCIBL Constitution and Baseball NB By-laws

1.2 All players and league officials accept all the risks, foreseen and unforeseen, of the game of baseball.

1.3.1 All Expansion teams are responsible for having their league fees paid in full (TBD) by two weeks prior to the first scheduled game of the season.  All existing member teams will be required to have paid the agreed upon fee (first installment) two weeks prior to the first scheduled game. The remaining balance shall be paid before four weeks following the first scheduled game.  Payments from each team shall be made directly to the league treasurer. 

1.3.2 The league Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping a running budget for league finances.  At seasons end, any excess funds will be spent at the discretion of the board.  Any league deficit/debt shall also be shared/paid by the member teams at season’s end.

1.4 All players must wear a uniform including full length pants, a numbered team shirt, and matching hat. Footwear must also be indicative of athletic participation.  Metal or plastic cleats or gym shoes are permitted.  Failure to adhere to the uniform standard may result in the forfeiture of games.

1.5 In the event that a team forfeits a game, without 24hours advanced notice, the offending team will be fined $100.  The $100 will be payable to the CCIBL and will be due before the start of the offending teams next game.  Failure to do so will result in an additional forfeiture and another $100 fine.  3 forfeitures during the same season, in any combination and for any reason, will result in the offending team being expelled from the CCIBL.  The expelled team will also forego any money owed to them by the CCIBL at seasons end.

1.5.1 In the event a team forfeits a game, without giving proper notification to the umpires, then the offending team is responsible for the full umpire fee ($100).

1.6 Players must be listed on the team’s submitted roster in order to be eligible for playoffs.  These rosters are to be submitted to the President and MUST have the signature for each player.  Only players listed on these rosters are permitted to play in playoff games, no exceptions.  Changes can be made to a team’s roster up to/including June 30th, but all changes must go directly through the Executive director of BNB.  If a team is found to be using non-roster players in playoff games, the team will forfeit any games involving those players, and face further disciplinary action as determined by the league executive and BNB.

1.6.1 Players on a Baseball NB team at the Junior level are eligible to affiliate with a CCIBL team, as long as they are not affiliated at the Senior Level..

1.6.2 Players who have started the season at the Senior level must obtain their release prior to joining a CCIBL team.

1.6.3 Players must play in, at least, 25%+1 of their team’s regular season games to be eligible to play in the CCIBL playoffs.

1.7 Pick-ups due to shortages are permitted during the regular season as long as the aforementioned pick up is not listed on any other BNB roster.  Pick- ups   during the playoffs,are only permitted in an emergency situation and both teams must agree to this prior to the start of the series,

1.8 Baseball NB’s “Code of Conduct” and “Zero Tolerance” policies will be in effect during all CCIBL games and will be strictly enforced.   

1.9 A player ejected from a game, at minimum, will be suspended from playing in his team’s next game.

1.9.1 A player ejected from a game for the second time in a season will be suspended from playing in their team's next three 3 games.

1.9.2 A player ejected from a game for the third time in a season will be expelled from the league.

1.9.3. Suspensions of 1 game are not eligible for appeal and the suspension must be served in the next game after the President notifies the team.

Suspensions longer than 1 game are eligible for appeal.  The appeal must be given to the League Disciplinary Officer within 48 hours of the end of the game of the ejection, or of notification of a League imposed penalty. The appeal will be dealt with within three 3 days by the League Disciplinary Officer and, if need be, the league executive. All decisions are deemed to be final; any appeal that results in a suspension being upheld will require the suspension to be enforced as soon as the decision is rendered.

In the case that a suspension is overturned, the ejection will STILL count for that particular player in the case of determining repeat offenders.

1.9.4 Umpires are responsible for submitting game incident reports any time they feel necessary.  These forms must be completed as soon as the game in question is completed.  These reports are to be immediately forwarded to the Umpire Manager who is to forward them to the League Disciplinary Officer.

2.0 Playing Rules

2.1 The Official Rules of Baseball will apply with these exceptions:

2.1.1 The Baseball Canada non-contact rule applies.

2.1.2 The Baseball Canada rule on the prohibition on the use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and drugs applies.

2.1.3 Only wooden bats are to be used.

2.1.4 There will be no time limit for games, but should darkness become a factor, the game umpire (with input from the teams) is responsible for making the final decision to call a game. Games will be 7 innings.  An extra inning will be played in tie games if light allows. Regular season games are to be called after 8 innings no matter the score.

2.1.5 Teams may choose to use the Baseball Canada DH rule if they so choose.

2.1.6 Teams will submit a line-up, to the umpires and opposing team at the pre-game meeting, of 9 batters with all eligible substitutions also listed.  This rule will apply for all CCIBL games (regular season & playoffs).

2.1.7 With 2 outs, a catcher on base may be replaced as a base runner by the player who was the second out of the inning. This rule applies for all CCIBL games and is to be used at the affected team’s discretion only.

2.1.8 Teams without 9 players at game time will be given a 15 minute grace period for the player(s) to arrive.  After 15 minutes then the game will be forfeit by the offending team.

2.1.9 Ejected players are not permitted to stay on the field; they must remain in the stands or leave the field.  At the umpire’s discretion, an ejected player may be subject to a multiple game suspension (pending review) if they become a nuisance after being ejected.

2.1.10 In the event that a player is injured, after all their teams substitutions have been used, then the Baseball Canada injury substitution rule will apply.


3.0 Game Rules

3.1 Rainouts: Managers of each team are responsible for letting their teams know if a game is cancelled.  Rained out games will be re-scheduled within 48-hours of the rained out game as agreed upon by the league scheduler and teams involved. After 48-hours, a fine of $50 may be implemented to both teams at the discretion of the President.

3.2 All games are subject to the City of Fredericton having the fields open.  If the fields are closed due to weather by the City, all games for that day are automatically cancelled

3.3 A game is forfeit if either team is not ready to play 15 minutes after the scheduled start time.  

3.4 In the event that after 7 complete innings the score is tied and there is sufficient time to start another inning, an extra inning will be played.  In this case each team must be given an equal chance to complete the inning, otherwise it will be recorded as a tie.  Should there be insufficient light, at the end of the 7th inning, the game will be recorded as a tie.  In the regular season, games are limited to an 8 inning maximum, after 8 innings the game will be recorded as a tie.  In the playoffs, games must be played until there is a winner.  Playoff games postponed due to darkness will be continued at a date and time designated by the league.  The game will continue where it left off, line-ups must be the same (substitutions are permitted assuming the substitute has not already been used)

3.5 In the event that a team is leading by 10 or more runs after 5 innings (4 ½ if the home team is leading) the game is considered to be over.  This rule does not apply to playoffs.

3.6 Games are determined to be official after 5 complete innings (4 ½ if the home team is leading).  Only official games are considered complete.  Games that do not reach the 5 inning mark, and are suspended due to weather, must be replayed in their entirety. 

4.0 Expansion & Expulsion from the CCIBL

4.1 Any team that is expelled from the CCIBL will forgo any fees paid and all funds owed to them at seasons end.  They will also forego any membership rights to the CCIBL.

4.2 All league expansion, or addition of a new team(s), will be subject to a majority rules vote by the board.

4.3 Any new team wishing to join the CCIBL will be subject to an application process.  If/when the application is approved by the board then the new team will be required to immediately pay a $250 non-refundable fee to the CCIBL.  They will also be subject to the fee deadlines listed in section 1.3.1.  This fee will count against the new team’s league fee but will not be refunded if the team withdraws, or does not meet its fee obligations, before the start of the current season.

4.4 Any new team will be subject to a 1 year probationary period.  At seasons end the new team’s status in the CCIBL will be discussed by the board and full fledged membership will be granted or denied by majority rules vote.

5.0 Fees & Deadlines

5.1 The registration fee for the current CCIBL season will be as agreed upon in the approved annual budget.  The 1st instalment is due no later than two weeks prior to the first scheduled game.  The final instalment is due no later than four weeks after the first scheduled game.  Fees are payable to the league treasurer and can be made by email transfer, cash or cheque (made payable to “CCIBL”).

5.2 Any team that does not adhere to the strict payment deadlines will be fined an extra $50 per week until the payment(s) is made. 

5.3 Any team that does not adhere to the strict fee deadlines will forfeit all upcoming games until the payment(s) is made.  These forfeits will count towards the league rule on forfeited games.

6.0 If a situation should arise that is not covered in the CCIBL constitution, the CCIBL executive will revert to Baseball Canada rules and regulations.