Severe Weather Policy

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The safety of players is top priority when considering weather conditions during a game.  Coaches and referees should monitor weather patterns before scheduled games for any severe weather potential.



When thunder is heard or lightning is detected, the referee should stop the game and evacuate the field.  It is ultimately the coach's responsibility to make sure this happens.

  • The first priority is to get players off the field and to shelter.  For home games, the best form of shelter is the inside of vehicles, unless the school is readily accessible.  Any outdoor open area structure is not considered safe shelter.
  • If multiple games are in play at the time of stoppage, ALL games are to be stopped at that time.


Once the field has been evacuated, a delay of game is in order, and 30 minutes must pass between the last sound of thunder or flash of lightning.  This means that if either of these occur at any point after the evacuation, the 30 minutes restarts for each occurrence.

  • Game schedules must be taken into consideration for game delays.  If a game will run into the start time of another game to be played, the first game is cancelled completely.

  • Game cancellations are on a per game basis, meaning that just because one game is cancelled, the rest are not unless the conditions continue.