1. CNOBF uses the OFFICIAL RULES OF BASEBALL as its base, with the following adaptations:
2. Games will be seven innings in length. Pool games may end in a tie. No new inning can start after 2 hours.
3. A mercy rule is in effect: ten (10) or more runs after the fifth inning (4 ½ if the home team is ahead).
4. A six run limit is set for each inning except the seventh or any extra inning. Play is dead when the sixth run is
scored. Any pitcher, starting and finishing such an inning, will be considered to have pitched three outs or one
inning. Any relief pitcher will be credited with any outs he registers.
5. Pitchers may pitch two consecutive innings or six consecutive outs. One pitcher may pitch any three innings or
nine outs (All age brackets). A pitcher cannot re-enter the game as a pitcher once he has been removed.
6. A limit of five warm-up pitches is allowed per pitcher per inning at the umpire's discretion.
7. Plastic or rubber spikes are encouraged.
8. The batting line-up will consist of a minimum of 12 batters to a maximum of 21, OR all members of the declared
roster if less than twelve.
8a) If only eleven (11) batters bat, an automatic first out will be declared in the third and sixth innings.
8b) If only ten (10) batters bat, an automatic first out will be declared in the second, fourth, and sixth innings.
8c) If only nine (9) batters bat, an automatic first out will be declared in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth innings
Any player, not present for his plate appearance, will be declared out.
A substitution to the batting order may be made. However, once a player is removed from the batting order, he
may not be reinstated into the batting order! He may still be able to play defensively. All possible participants for a game should be
listed as extras on the line-up card.
- There will be free and unlimited defensive substitutions (all age brackets) without reporting to the umpire,
official scorekeeper (in playoffs) or the opponent’s scorekeeper. (Although it is a courtesy to do so!)
- Defensive players are not required to play offense. / Offensive players are not required to play defense!
In the event of an injury or illness which causes a player to leave the game, and no substitute is available, the
umpire is to be notified and the player's position in the batting order shall be voided with no out charged provided
that twelve batters are still in the line-up. If the line-up drops below twelve batters, then paragraph 8a, 8b or 8c
above will be in effect.
9. Nine defensive players are to be on the field at one time. 
10. The batter and baserunners must wear protective headgear. Helmets with DOUBLE ear flaps (preferred), or
single ear flap facing the pitcher while batting MUST be worn. Catchers must wear appropriate head protection.
Refusal to wear appropriate head protection may result in ejection of the player ignoring the rule.
11. A courtesy runner may be used. Batters requiring a courtesy runner must be designated prior to the game. The
last out is to be the courtesy runner, unless he is also so designated, or is the catcher; go to the previous out. A
limited number of designated batters (3) will be permitted.
12. The catcher may be replaced with a courtesy runner as soon as he reaches base, BUT must be replaced as
soon as there are two (2) out. The courtesy runner is to be the last out.
13. Breaking ties in the standings after the round robin:
a) Pts
b) Runs against divided by the number of innings played in a defensive posture
c) runs scored (to a maximum of ten per game) against common opponents
d) a coin toss may be used, if (a) - (c) do not break the tie. If the tie to be broken is between first and second, or
third and fourth in the four team pools, a coin toss will be used because it only determines standing for the play-off
pool. If the tie exists between second and third, thus determining to which pool a team advances, then an extra
game will be played.
If more than two teams are tied, apply the rules until one team is eliminated and then return to (a) and start again.
13.B When two teams from different pools are tied in points after the round-robin, but do not have identical
records, the tie is broken as follows:
a) Pts
b) fewest runs allowed divided by the number of innings played in a defensive posture
c) most runs scored (to a maximum of ten per game)
d) a coin toss may be used to determine positions in the tier, if (i) - (iii) do not break the tie. If the tie will determine
to which tier a team advances, then an extra game will be played.
If more than two teams are tied, apply the rules until one team is eliminated and then return to (a) and start again.
14. A player may play for only one team during the tournament. Each team is to submit a roster of up to 21 players to
the Tournament Chairman six weeks prior to the tournament opening date. Additions, not to exceed the roster
limit of 21 players, may be made prior to the tournament with the approval of the relevant Director and the
15. Players must be 33 years of age during the tournament year.
16. The Masters Division: Players must be 43 years of age during the tournament year.
17. The Seniors Division: Players must be 50 years of age during the tournament year.
18. The Classics Division: Players must be 57 years of age during the tournament year.
(Two items, or a photo drivers license, may be required as proof.)
19. All teams, players and coaches, must be in full and identical uniforms.
20. Teams must be ready to play 15 minutes before the scheduled game time.
21. Body contact is strongly discouraged. Deliberately running a catcher or defensive player at a base, will result in
the runner being called out, ejection from the game, and disqualification from the tournament. No other runners
may advance as a result of the interference.
22. All umpires officiating in the National Tournament must be qualified or carded to Senior League equivalent (e.g.
Baseball Ontario Level 3), and be properly attired.
23. No aluminum bats will be used. All teams are to use wood bats.