Roster Form FAQs

Why do we need a roster form?

The roster form serves three purposes. One, it provides the CNOBF with a complete list of all participants to ensure insurance requirements are adhered to. Second, it provides an expediated method of ensuring that everyone has agreed to the rules of the CNOBF waiver policy regarding liability. And lastly, it provides each firm with an age confirmation of each team within its age tier that can be referenced if required.


Does each player need to sign the Waiver of Indemnity?

No. Each team manager is responsible to have the Waiver of Indemnity attached to its roster form and the signature on the roster form acknowledges that the Waiver of Indemnity has been read by each tournament participant on the roster.


Why do we need to submit roster forms two weeks prior to the tournament?

We require an electronic version of the roster two weeks prior to the national tournament so we can update the website with each team’s rosters prior to the start of the tournament. It will take the CNOBF webmaster time to complete the task based on 25-45 teams in any given year.


What if we are not comfortable using electronic programs like Excel or Word to fill out the forms?

No problem. If you feel that writing-in the required data on the provided blank forms works best for you, then we will help you with the task. To do so, we would ask that you either email all the information required prior or at the two week submission deadline or have your non-signature version scanned and returned to us by email.


What if we have a change to our roster between our submission and the start of the tournament?

We understand that updates may be required. We ask that you notify us of any changes by email prior to the start of your first tournament game so we can make the necessary changes. It is easier to make a few last-minute changes then start the process over.


Who is responsible for the signed roster forms during the tournament?  

Each team manger is responsible for their own roster form throughout the national tournament and must be able to produce the form for any CNOBF executive, tournament official, or opponent upon request.  


Why don’t we post the completed roster forms on the website like we have always done?

To eliminate any ongoing, and future, security and privacy issues surrounding league and personal data on our website, information such as complete date of birth, residence address, contact email address, and signatures will never be shared with any user visiting the official CNOBF website. It should be noted that we will include each player’s full name and from time-to-time, a birth year for the purpose of confirming the validity of each participant in the designated age groups.