President's Message
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63rd Anniversary Season in 2023
Welcome to our website and the start of the 2023 Season.
Downey Youth Football ("DYF"), a Downey tradition, the Razorbacks are the official and recognized youth football and cheer program in the City of Downey and the only fully certified 501(c)3 non-profit youth football organization in Downey (Don't be fooled by others claiming to be a Downey program). Additionally every non-profit organization that claims to be a non-profit organization needs to have 3 numbers assigned, 1. a Federal Tax ID number from the IRS, 2. a California Corporation Number from the State of California, and 3. a Charitable Trust number issued by the Attorney General's Office of the State of California. If an organization can not furnish or post these numbers they are not a non-profit organization and you should therefore seek an organization that has the requisite credentials. Our numbers are displayed on our home page.
2023 marks our program's 63rd season in the great City of Downey and my 25th consecutive year serving as the President of DYF. With 63 years as a program, we are the longest standing youth football and cheer program not only in Downey but in the surrounding area. We are proud of our tradition and the strength of our program is attributed to our strong organizational structure and diversity. Pride cannot be established overnight and recognition must be earned. "63 Years of Razorbacks" in Downey speaks for itself. I would like to thank the board members for having the trust and confidence in me to continue serving as the DYF President. I love my Community and I take pride in having served the longest consecutive and most overall years (25 years) as president in the 63-year history of our program and serving for 8 years on the Downey Planning Commission representing the residents of Downey's 3rd District (See Bio). I owe the success of our program to all the volunteers and parents that possess Downey pride and have chosen to be a loyal part of our rich tradition. You have many programs and playing optons and you choosing our program says alot about your character and care for community. As you navigate through our website, please make sure to check out our history page. I think you will enjoy the content of our site as we believe in quality over quantity and substance over form. There are no surprises within our program and are we flattered with other programs trying to emulate (copy) what we do for our youth through our youth initiatives. As part of of our partnership the Downey Unified School District, we play our home games at both Downey and Warren High School. I was humbled to have been asked to serve as the President of the Warren Football Booster Club for the 2014 season. We welcome your comments and I look for your feedback and ideas, so please feel free to sign our guestbook or send me an email to We are aleways looking for great people to join our board. If you are interested in maing a differences in the lives of our youth and want to become a board member, please contact Cathy Godinez, Vice President at
Although we are here to provide a service to our youth, the board of directors have not lost sight that we are also a business and as a result the board of Directors have enabled me to utilize my experience and expertise and take the necessary steps to ensure our financial stability. DYF is the premier youth sports organization in the Great City of Downey and the only youth organization in our City with academic requirements, which rewards and recognizes our youth for their efforts both on the field and in the classroom. In addition, all adult volunteers, including all coaches go through an extensive background check and fingerprinting process through the Department of Justice's (FBI) live scan system. DYF was the first youth organization in our great City to require extensive background investigations to ensure the safety of our children and we have been doing this since 2000. Other area conferences only have a faint background check, which provides limited security, which still puts youths at-risk. At DYF, the safety and well being of the children comes first, and this is further evident by our exclusive use of the Riddell Revolution® helmet with Concussion Reduction technology. We were one of the first league to only issue Riddell helmets to every participant. For our 8th grade participants this will be their last season with us and while football and/or cheer may not be in their future, I know that what they learned going through our program has prepared them and will be instrumental in their future. I applaud you and thank you for choosing our program, the Official youth football and cheer program in Downey. Demand the best and Accept no substitutes!
Our participants (former Razorbacks) play a vital role in High School programs. The Downey High team that won the 2012 and 2022 CIF championships was comprised of many Razorbacks that contributed to the team's success and are part of the current team that advanced to the CIF title game in 2014 and our players continue to contribute to our two high schools in our great City. Our cheerleaders make the High School squads year in and year out at Downey and Warren High respectively.
The 2020 season was impacted by the world-wide pandemic, Covid-19, which impacted our ability to have a season. Dispite the pandemic challenges we were able to bring you a full 2021 season and over came all the pandemic issues relative to equipment shortages and field use limitations. I owe this to the readiness of our board members that stepped up their game to ensure a successful season. The postponed 2020 season did not impact our players on track for Razorbacks Hall of Fame consideration. This a distinct honor that only a selected few participants are recognized. Its great to be a Razorback, a Downey Razorback!!
National Organization/Affiliation: Downey Youth Football, the Razorbacks is a member of the Amature Athletic Union ("AAU" of the United States and part of the Southern California Youth AAU ("SCEYFL-AAU"), which is comprised of 21 Associations (see below). 2021 will mark the Razorbacks second year with the SCEYFL-AAU. The AAU is a National Organization organization with regional, interstate, and national games.
As we plan for the 2022 season under the continued new normal, I want to thank you for your support and for selecting us as your program and sport of choice. Football is American's passion and please remember that this is a children’s program and we must not lose sight of such. The Code of Conduct, which all parents are required to sign must be followed at all times. We are a member of the Victory with Honor Sport Coalition committee in partnership with the DUSD and we were one of the original founding participating groups of this committee. So, please remember to follow the six pillars of character and know that character counts in all that you do. The 2022 season is here and yet another milestone for our program as we are celebrating our 62nd Season. As we move forward I encourage all participants to stay active during the off season and get involved with our other Downey sports programs such as DJAA, Northwest Downey Little League, West Downey Little League, Downey Pony tails, AYSO, and the YMCA. We will also be starting preseason activities soon. Active minds make for good citizens.
Kick-off registration for the 2022 season will take place at our annual Back To Football Nigh on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 at 6:30pm at the Historic Parley Johnson House located at 7749 Florence Avenue, Downey, CA 90240. Sign-ups are open to all however on this day only we will giving discounts to returning players/cheerleaders. Registration will again be limited to 25 players for team. Please do not wait until regular sign-ups begin in April. Waiting list will established on a first come and first paid basis.
Follow us on Facebook under Downey Razorbacks and become a friend. Thank you for choosing our program and electing to be part of the rich history and tradition in our City, the great City of Downey.
Louis Morales, President
"Celebrating 63 Years of Razorbacks in Downey"
SCEYFL-AAU Conference in 2022
1. Antelope Valley Colts
2. Antelope Valley Cowboys
3. Antelope Valley Lopes
4. Buena Park Chargers
5. Cali Running Wolves (South Bay)
7. Empire Pride
8. Gardena Mohicans
9. Hawaiian Gardens Warriors
10. High Desert Bulldogs
11. Inglewood Sentinals
12. Los Angeles (LASE) Southeast Panthers
13. Newport Beach Seahawks
14. Next Level Athletics Alliance (NLAA) Bears
15. Northeast Los Angeles (NELA) Lincoln Heights Tigers
16. Norwalk/Santa Fe Springs (NSFS) Saints
17. Ontario United Sooners
18. Palm Springs Indians
19. Pasadena Giants
20. Rancho Dominguez Lobos
21. San Bernardino Bulls
22. San Bernardino Hawks
23. San Fernando G-men
24. Tri City Wildcats (Bell/Maywood)
25. West Coast Rebels (Paramount)
26. Woodcrest Generals