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Coaching Information for 2016


Background Checks
The Pennsylvania State Legislature has passed a law that all persons having repetitive contact with children have must the following clearances, criminal history from the Pennsylvania State Police and Child Abuse History Clearance from the Department of Human Services. 

All Coaches must submit for a background check, and must obtain the following certifications:

(1) Report of Criminal History from the PA State Police (PSP)

(2) Child Abuse History Certification from the Department of Human Services (Child Abuse)

The PA clearances are free for volunteers and are good for 60 months (5 years).
The Commonwealth will waive payment for volunteer clearances every 57 months.

For more information concerning the background checks can be found here

Because you are a volunteer you do not have to pay for a background check.


Coaches Training Course -Babe Ruth League

All team managers for Babe Ruth Baseball must complete an online coach training course offered by Babe Ruth League Coaching Education Center. The costs of the course will be reimbursed by Media Babe Ruth upon successful completion. The online course can be found here: