SSYL Board Meeting Minutes
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SSYL Meeting Minutes 1/7/24
Parent Meeting
Board Members Present
President Jeremy Kuester
VP/Treasurer EJ Smallwood
Secretary Ashley Kuester
1801 Meeting called to order by Jeremy Kuester
1802 Vision for the league
-importance of community involvement
-need for coaches/volunteers
-plan for education and support
1805 Discussion of switching from an age-based platform to a skill-based platform
-adding parent questionnaire to sign-ups
-First 2 weeks of practice-evaluations of players by coaches
-ability to move players up and down mid-season in 6U & 8U
1809 Discussion of changes to previous 6U program
-changing to smaller team sizes (around 7 players per team)
-focusing on education at this age
-gives them more at bats
-ability to learn their position and the area they cover
-get them more involved and complete each play
-3 coach pitches, then the tee
-2 teams practicing at the same time to focus on skills and have more coaches on hand
-6U & 8U will have 2 games per week and 1 practice per week
1814 Business Updates
-trying to re-instate our non-profit status, this is a work in progress
-increasing registration fee to $80 and reasoning for this
1817 Discussion of SSYL home tournament plans for June 28-30 weekend
-planning to host here in Rockport
1818 Jeff Smallwood update (slides)
-need for volunteers
-coaches owning tasks (field prep, trash, concessions)/delegating tasks
-what equipment do we already have available?
-who knows important contacts? (4-wheeler servicing, printing, fire dept, Richland gas station)
1825 We need age group leaders for 6U & 8U
-coaches also still needed for all age groups
-need confirmed commitment from coaches
1828 EJ Smallwood update
-Discussion of Richland/Rockport and splitting locations for responsibilities
1830 Discussion of fundraising/sponsorship opportunities and ideas
-banners, sponsors, half pot, etc
1831 Changes to 8U/focus of 8U
-refining skills, focus more on positions, force outs vs tag outs, catching fly balls, etc
1832 Q&A
-Any thoughts on promoting summer and fall options locally?
-Possibility of creating a SS team to play in Newburgh league
-Are we planning an evaluation day?
-Yes we will do something, looking at if we can use new hitting facility at the HS