Rules & Regulations
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Rules and Regulations
Revised April 1, 2023
1.0 General
1.1 Established in 1994, the Winnipeg Old-timer Soccer League is the only O45 competitive men’s league in the city.
1.2 It was by formed by previous managers & players as a means of providing players in their master years an opportunity to further their playing careers beyond the competitive senior men’s level.
1.3 The league promotes a competitive & safe playing environment while ensuring the rules and regulations of the league are upheld.
2.0 League Structure
2.1 The League Board is made-up of 10 club managers.
2.2 The League Executive consists of three elected club officials and the Commissioner:
· President – 3 year term (2023, 2024 & 2025 seasons)
· Secretary – 3 year term (2021, 2022 & 2023 seasons)
· Treasurer – 3 year term (2022, 2023 & 2024 seasons)
· Commissioner – appointed
2.3 The league will keep the amount of teams to a maximum of 10 teams.
3.0 Membership
3.1 Every team pays a set fee for the outdoor season in three installments annually as determined by the league each season.
1. The 1st payment is $500 due by February 28
2. The 2nd payment is $1,000 due by June 1
3. The 3rd payment is $1,000 due by August 1
If payments are not received on time, teams will be given a one-week grace period. If at that time payment is still not received, the delinquent team may be suspended and may have to pay the full season amount on the first payment due date the following year. Any fines outstanding or defense fund must also be paid by the first game of the season.
3.2 New teams in the league are under a one year probation period and must submit a $200 bond with the league.
3.3 Any team that folds cannot be taken over by any other person or group. Any team or person that comes forward to represent a team must be accepted by the whole league. Should any team be caught in any financial exchange, that team, and any individuals involved, will be banned from the league.
3.4. The league is not responsible for any player, or individual that gets hurt during the game. Every player is responsible for his own insurance coverage.
4.0 Communications
4.1 Only the official team representative/delegate on record can communicate with the league commissioner. Any inquiries, requests or comments by non-official team reps will be ignored.
5.0 Player Registration & Roster Size
5.1 All team rosters and pictures must be in the commissioner's hand by the teams' first game of the season. All players must meet the minimum age requirement of 45, or have a birthday that will make that player 45 years old by the end of the current calendar year.
5.2 Each team is allowed to carry a maximum of 3 players between 40 – 44 years of age. These players are bound to their team until they turn 45 years of age unless the player's team manager agrees to a release.
5.3 ID cards should be the players' Drivers License and must have a clear picture on it. If the face of any individual is not clear or recognizable, the referee has the authority to not allow that player to play. Every player has to have a piece of ID at each game. Without it, the player may still play, but will need to produce their ID to the Commissioner within 24 hours of game time.
5.4 Team rosters cannot consist of more than 25 players. The final roster date is August 15th and rosters cannot be changed for the remainder of the season.
5.5 In order for a player to transfer to another team, the process is as follows;
a) The player must verbally notify the old team manager.
b) The commissioner must receive an email from the new team manager confirming that has occurred.
c) The new team manager must contact the old team manager and the commissioner to ensure everything is in order.
d) The outgoing player must return the uniform and settle all dues to old team before he is allowed to play on another team.
e) Additions to the rosters must be completed 24 hours before start of game with new team
6.0 Playing Rules
6.1 The League has its own rules and regulations however the league obeys FIFA's rules on all aspects of the game where any difference is not clearly stated or defined by the Old-timers League.
6.2 The referee will call slide tackles and rough physical contact, with the exception of goalies, who are allowed to slide inside their 18 yard area to get the ball. The definition of a slide will not be called when a player (with the exception of a goalie) slides when there is no clearly no apparent danger to the nearest opposing player.
6.3 For a score line to be considered final and the game to be considered completed, at least two thirds (2/3) of the game must have been played. If less than two thirds (2/3) was played and the game is called due to weather (or any other circumstance that forces the stoppage of the game), the time remaining, un-played time, must be played at some time in the future for the game to be considered complete. The score in effect at the time the game was stopped prematurely will be the starting score in the remaining time to be played in the future.
6.4 The Home Team is responsible for the game balls and alternate set of jerseys should both teams have similar colors. Both teams are responsible for nets and 2 corner flags. Two corner flags each for the corners (and one flag each for the center of the field if available). Should any of these conditions not be met before the start of a game, the offending team will be fined $100 each.
6.5 To postpone a game, a team must contact the Commissioner 7 days prior to the game. It will be at the discretion of the Commissioner to postpone such game.
6.6 Where the commissioner is present at a game, his report will supersede the referee report.
7.0 League Play & Play-offs
7.1 Where two teams are tied at the top of the standings at the end of the regular season with the same amount of points, then tie-breaker rule 7.2 will be used to establish a League champion.
7.2 All teams make the play-offs. The play-offs are to be played in two groups: a Championship group A and a Consolation group B. The groups are determined by the final standings at the end of the regular season. The following tie- breaking procedures in priority order will determine final standings for playoffs.
1. Record in games played between the tied teams. If point one does not break the tie, then proceed through points 2 to 5 as needed.
2. Most wins during regular season overall.
3. Goals Against
4. Goal Difference
5. Goals For
7.3 All players are eligible to play in the league play-offs regardless of the number of regular season games played.
8.0 Appeals and Protests
8.1 Any team in a protest of any kind to the Old Timers League must present a $200.00 cheque to the league. If the protest is lost, the cheque will be deposited and kept by the league. Furthermore appeals must be presented within 48 hours of notification to the team representative of the suspension.
8.2 The Commissioner will form a disciplinarian committee consisting of two teams not in conflict with the hearing.
9.0 Discipline
9.1 Any team not present at any meeting regarding league matters will be fined $25.00 for the first absence, $50.00 for the second absence, and will be subject to a disciplinary meeting if absent a 3rd time.
9.2 There will be a $25.00 fine for any team not clearly printing the names of all their players in order for the referee and the commissioner to be able to identify them.
9.3 Teams that fail to put a team on the field of at least 8 players within 10 minutes after the scheduled start of the game will lose the game 3-0 and be fined $100.00 for the first and second offenses. Should a third offence occur, the team will be dismissed from the league.
9.4 Teams that start with 8 players but fail to put the 9th player on the field within 15 minutes of the game start time will lose the game by 3-0 and be fined $50.00 for the first and second offenses. Teams will be subject to a disciplinary hearing and may be kicked out of the league after the third offense
9.5 Any team using an illegal player will lose 3 points for the game and their bond will be taken away.
9.6 Anyone that is suspended from another league is not able to participate in the Old Timers League until his case is heard by the Old Timers League Commissioner and a decision is made.
9.7 Any player or team representative who verbally abuses any league official, including referees, will be suspended immediately. The length of the suspension will be determined at a later date by the commissioner and each case will be judged on a case by case basis.
9.8 No alcohol is permitted on the field of play for the duration of the game. Any member of the team that is not participating in a game and caught with alcohol will lose the 3 points for that game and will be fined $100.
9.9 Any referee that is appointed to a game and does not show up without justification to the commissioner will be fined $70.00. If a referee shows up at the field and the game is cancel due to circumstances beyond his control, he will be paid a minimum of $35.00.