Inter County Football League


Article I Name

  1. The name of this organization shall be known as the Inter County Football League hereby referred to as “ICFL” or “League”.

Article II Purpose

  1. The purpose of the Inter County Football League is to inspire youth to practice the ideals of health, citizenship, and character. To bring them closer together through means of common interest in sportsmanship, fair play, and fellowship. To promote the game elements of safety, progressive development curriculum, and intelligent supervision, and to keep alive the welfare of participants first, foremost, and entirely free of adult desire for glory.
  2. To foster, develop and promote youth football for youth Grades K – 6th.
  3. To bring into closer relation the home, the community, and the schools involved so that our youth can pursue being the best they can be.

Article III League

  1. A Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and a representative from each participating organization, shall govern the LEAGUE.
  2. The following organizations will make up the LEAGUE “Charter” teams:

                        Boyertown                  “Bears”

                        Coventry                     “Wildcats”

                        Spring-Ford                 “Rams”

                        Upper Perkiomen        “Tribe”

  1. A Charter member cannot be replaced or removed from the League unless they demonstrate an unwillingness to follow the rules set forth by the League.  In order for a Charter member to be removed, the seventy-five percent (75%) Charter members must unanimously agree to remove the accused member from the League and it must be because of rules violations.  The said member may only be removed by the above procedure and only after serving a minimum of one year in a probation status. NOTE: This rule cannot be changed by any vote after it is adopted.
  2. Teams who are accepted into this league are added when and only when there is a majority approval by all voting members of the league.
  3. Applying teams shall be responsible for their own assets and liabilities. All member teams shall be independent of each other.
  4. Each member organization shall receive no more than one vote.
  5. Each member representative or its alternate shall attend all LEAGUE meetings.  In his or her absence, the alternate may cast the vote in their place with prior notice to the LEAGUE President.  Board members may NOT be considered a representative.
  6. No Member organization is permitted to charge a visiting ICFL team admission to any regular season ICFL game.   
  7. Unscheduled Bowl games are not governed by the ICFL By-laws. 

Article IV Meeting

  1. There shall be a MONTHLY meeting during the months of January to November. No meetings will be held in December.
  2. A majority of the membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting, and a quorum shall be required to hold a duly constituted meeting of the Board. A majority is described as one more than half the members.
  3. A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be held at the discretion of the President or upon the request of three Directors.
  4. All regular scheduled Board meetings shall last no longer than one and a half hours.
  5. Each Organization must send a representative to EVERY monthly meeting.   Two consecutive missed meetings or three in a season; the organization will be placed on one year probation.

Article V Voting Rights and Election Procedures

Voting at Meetings

1.     All member organizations are voting members and entitled to one (1) vote on any issue at the Board meetings except the President who will cast a deciding vote when the vote is deadlocked.

2.     All matters concerning the LEAGUE policy shall be decided by a vote of the member organizations. No motion shall be carried without a favorable vote of a simple majority of the member organizations present. No proxy votes will be accepted.

3.     Expulsion of a Board member shall require a three fourths (3/4) majority vote of the Board of Directors.

4.     No organization shall have more than one vote on any single issue or election.

Election Procedures

1.     Each LEAGUE member organization is entitled to one (1) vote for each of the following elected positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary

2.     Candidates shall be elected by a simple majority vote of voting members present at the meeting, provided there is a quorum as stated in the by-laws.

3.     A member organization’s candidate for President, Vice President, and Secretary must be a league member for greater than one year to be nominated.

4.     Prior to the election nominations for all elected positions will be accepted from the floor.

5.     Each elected candidate shall then serve a two (2) year term with the option of being re-elected once.

Article VI Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be made up of the President, Vice-President, and the Secretary. Each shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the March meeting and shall serve a two-year term.

The President shall:

1.     Supervise all officers and Board members and preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.

2.     Cast a deciding vote on all issues which the Board of Directors finds themselves deadlocked.

3.     Assure that the provisions of these by-laws are adhered to at all times.

4.     Work with the Vice-President and Secretary to recommend by-law changes to be voted on in accordance with the by-laws. 

The Vice-President shall:

1.     Assume the duties of the President during his absence.

2.     Assume the office of the President in the event of President’s resignation, absence, or inability to serve.

The Secretary shall:

1.     Keep records of all proceedings of the Board of Directors.

2.     Conduct all official correspondence on behalf of the LEAGUE.

3.     Notify representatives of meeting dates, times and locations.

4.     Maintain up-to-date list of representatives and alternates consisting at minimal names, emails, and phone numbers.

5.     Collect and maintain team rosters.

Article VII Scheduling

One Representative will be selected from each organization. Responsible for scheduling and re-scheduling of all games for the season.

Article VIII Player Eligibility

1.     The following grade and levels make up the Inter County Football League.



Protected Age


K- 1st

Can NOT turn 8 on/before 12/31 of season

2nd Grade


Can NOT turn 9 on/before 12/31 of season

3rd Grade

2nd- 3rd

Can NOT turn 10 on/before 12/31 of season

4th Grade


Can NOT turn 11 on/before 12/31 of season

5th Grade

4th- 5th

Can NOT turn 12 on/before 12/31 of season

6th Grade


Can NOT turn 13 on/before 12/31 of season


2.     All LEAGUE teams initial roster will be due at the August meeting. List of names, grade level, date of birth, and the school they attend. Final rosters must also include jersey number. Final roster will be due the Monday before the first game of the season.

3.     Each Member organization will be responsible for producing a League approved photo ID card.  Each card must have all league required information completed. Name, Date of Birth and School District.

4.     Any player who moves out of his/her school district shall be allowed to complete his/her career in the organization where they were originally registered if he/she desires to do so. 

Article IX Coach Eligibility

5.     The league reps shall supply a copy of their certificate of insurance to the secretary for filing at the August meeting.  The minimum amount of coverage shall be no less then (1) Million Dollars of commercial general liability insurance.

6.     Each coach is required to have a LEAGUE required background check via a League approved service (NCSI)

7.     Coaches are to attend mandatory coaches meeting prior to start of the season

8.     Each member organization must supply the results of the NCSI check to the LEAGUE, for every head and assistant coach, by July 31 of the season.  Failure to provide renders the coach ineligible to participate from the sideline on game day

9.     Every coach is required to have USA Football’s Coaches Certifications and be certified within the past twelve months through one of the following:

      • USA Football Tackle Certification Course·
      • USA Football Tackle Recertification Quiz
      • USA Football U6, U8, U10, or U12 Courses

Article X Territories

  1. All district boundaries will consist of the boundaries of that team’s school district.  Any new participant must adhere to these boundaries.
  2. Players in school districts not having a LEAGUE football program will be allowed to participate in any League; however, players who attend parochial school must play in the school district of their primary residence.

Article XI Scheduling

  1. Game scheduling will be completed no later than the August meeting and given to league representatives.

 Article XII Organization

  1. Each league member shall register a representative and one alternate with the league secretary at the February meeting.  Each program will have one vote for league business, whether cast by the representative, or by the alternate.  In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the deciding vote.
  2. The Executive board shall exist as defined in Article V Section of the LEAGUE.

Article XIII Current Membership

1.     Any organization interested in making applications to the LEAGUE must adhere to the following procedures:

a.   A letter must be submitted to the League Secretary stating a desire to join.

b.     The organization applying must attend a predetermined meeting to present their organizations qualifications.

 Article XIV Acceptance to LEAGUE

1.     After reviewing any applicant qualifications to be added to the LEAGUE, acceptance shall be determined by a majority vote.

2.     Once an organization has been accepted into the League, it may participate with all privileges of general membership.  In order to be an Executive Board member, the organization must be a participating member of the LEAGUE for more than one year.

3.     At the end of each season, all “non Charter” teams may be evaluated and the Board of Directors may place full privilege teams not adhering to the LEAGUE by-laws on probation.  The Executive Board shall decide the probation period.

4.     During the period of probation, a representative from the organization on probation may not hold an elected office on the LEAGUE Board, and voting rights will be revoked.

Article XV League Fees

  1. Each member organization shall be responsible for Assigner fees and the costs of the officials for all games played on their home field.  The terms of the payment to officials shall be referred to in the League/Officials Agreement.

Article XVI ICFL Rules

  1. PIAA rules will apply at all times during LEAGUE practices and games. This will include but is not limited to weather policies, rules of the game, fan management, and dealings with the referees and coaches’ conduct. Special LEAGUE rules, as specified below, supersede PIAA rules.
  2. Offensive team chooses type of ball while on offense. The following are accepted as game balls during LEAGUE competition:

             Flag                            Wilson K2                   Nike FT0234               Under Armor 498

             2nd and 3rd               Wilson K2                   Nike FT0234               Under Armor 498

             4th and 5th                Wilson TDJ                 Nike FT0233               Under Armor 497

             6th                             Wilson TDY                 Nike FT0232               Under Armor 496

  1. Any game cancellation shall be at the discretion of the home team.  The home team is responsible for notifying the LEAGUE representative from the visiting team and the Commissioner of Officials no less than 2 hours prior to the scheduled start of the first game via phone.  Weather delayed games can be rescheduled by the participating teams with final decision resting with the home team field availability and unless mutually agreed upon the day of the postponement.  The home team should give 48 hours’ notice.
  2. The home team is also responsible for notifying the Commissioner of Officials of rescheduled games.  Failure to comply shall result in a forfeit loss.  In the event the home team does not reschedule the makeup game by the last day of the season, the home team shall forfeit the game unless agreed upon by both member organizations.
  3. No teams may start practice of any organized form until the PIAA official starting date for each respective year.  If a program has an organized camp, it may be no longer than 3 days and no more than 18 hours total.  The programs shall notify the LEAGUE of all dates and times of any organized camp.
  4. Each team must consist of a minimum of 15 Players unless pre-approved by the LEAGUE Board in advance
  5. All teams are limited to three practices a week, per player, beginning with the first Monday after Labor Day or the official start of the School year.
  6. No electronic communication equipment of any kind may be used at LEAGUE games.
  7. Any team viewing another team’s game or practice must notify the league rep of the team being viewed.  Filming of other teams games is permitted as long as the head coach/league rep is given 24 hour’s notice of such filming, no filming of practice and or the sides lines shall be permitted.
  8. Each team representative shall be at the August meeting and present evidence of his organization’s liability insurance coverage as defined in Article VIII Section 7 of the LEAGUE.
  9. The HOME team will supply a 3-person chain crew, which will work on the HOME team sidelines and act in a manner consistent with being an official of the game.
  10. Game Time: LEAGUE Grades 2nd through 6th grade levels will adhere to 10 minute quarters. PIAA Clock operations guidelines will be followed.

a.     There is 1 minute between quarters (just like a charged time-out)

b.     Team is not to exceed 45 seconds between plays.

c.     Half time is no longer than 10 minutes

d.     No Overtime, score remain tied

  1. With the organization of the League, the focus is for the development of youth football fundamentals and skills. There will NOT be any playoff for championship except for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade. The official Standings will be kept on the LEAGUE website. They will list wins, losses, and ties ONLY. As such LEAGUE recommends each Player to play a minimum of 10 plays that originate from the line of scrimmage at the discretion of each individual organization.
  1. Each Head Coach is required to bring a LEAGUE approved Roster and identification cards as certification of grade and age to each game. Players MUST be present for player verification to be eligible to participate in the contest. If a player arrives late, they are required to check in with and be verified by opposing coach BEFORE being eligible to enter the contest. Any contesting of a player’s grade or age must be brought to the attention of the head coach of the opposing team prior to the start of the game. Any head coach that fails to check ID cards will be suspended for the next game (2nd and 3rd grades) and the next game with loss of playoff points at the 4th, 5th and 6th grade levels.
  2. Heat acclimation is to take place over 4 days of week 1 of offical LEAGUE sanctioned practices. Two days must be consecutive, and all four days must be completed. Practice in full pads (helmet, shoulder pads, pants) is not permitted until the first day of your second week of practice, even if acclimation requirements have been met.
  3. Only 6 adults are allowed on the sidelines.
Article XVII Rules for Conduct
  1. Referee Treatment: Verbal abuse, constant questioning of calls or loud unsportsmanlike conduct will NOT be tolerated. Head Coaches must be in control of spectators and assistant coaches throughout all LEAGUE games.
  2. All coaches must read and sign a copy of the Coaches Code of Conduct. The signed copies will reside in the possession of that coach’s organization.

Article XVIII Equipment

  1. PIAA safety equipment rules must be followed at all times.

Article XIX Amendments

  1. Proposed changes to the by-laws must be presented in writing to all Members at consecutive meeting for discussion before being brought to a vote. A majority vote of members present at the next regular meeting is required to pass the amendment.

Article XX Indemnity

  1. I have read, understood, and agree to all of the rules, regulations, terms, conditions and limitations listed in the Inter County Football League Bylaws and understand the consequences of not complying with these policies. In consideration of being a member of the LEAGUE, I, on behalf of the members and players from my organization, league or group, shall indemnify, defend and hold the LEAGUE, its departments, employees, volunteers and officials harmless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, actions, cause of actions, cost and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney fees arising out of the participation in the LEAGUE. Any one person or group participating in activities as part of the LEAGUE will do so at their own risk.


Spring-Ford Youth Football
Signature on File Copy

Pottsgrove Youth Football
Signature on File Copy

Boyertown Youth Football
Signature on File Copy

North Penn Youth Football
Signature on File Copy

Upper Perk Youth Football
Signature on File Copy

Perk Valley Youth Football
Signature on File Copy 

Coventry Youth Football
Signature on File Copy

Great Valley Youth Football
Signature on File Copy 

Pottstown Youth Football
Signature on File Copy

Phoenixville Youth Football
Signature on File Copy




Addendum I Rules

PIAA rules will be followed except for the following rules:

  1. All teams in grades 2nd through 4th are limited to a maximum of 6 players on the defensive line of scrimmage per play unless defending within their own 10 yard line. Interior linemen are required to be in a down position. For all teams in grades 2nd through 4th all other defensive players must maintain a minimum of 3 yards from the line of scrimmage. All defensive players may advance forward after the ball has been snapped. A 5-yard penalty will be assessed on teams not adhering to a maximum of 6 players on the defensive line of scrimmage and all other players maintaining the 3 yards from the line of scrimmage at the 2nd through 4th grade levels ONLY.  5th and 6th grade teams will play by PIAA rules.

The following rules only apply to 2nd and 3rd grade teams only:

    1. All tackle grade levels will play 10 minute quarters.
    2. 2nd Grade - TWO coaches will be allowed on the field.
    3. 3rd Grade - ONE Coach allowed on field for first 4 games only
    4. “On Field” Coaches MUST be a minimum of 10 yards deeper than the nearest player Offensive or Defensive Player. 
    5. Once the ball is whistled for play NO “On Field” Coach can give any instruction/coaching until the ball is whistled dead.  First offense is a warning and ALL future occurrences will result in a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty
    6. There will be NO kick offs for 2nd Grade games; Offensive possessions will begin at the 30 yard line to start the game, second half or after a score. 3rd Grade games will have a kick off to start the game and second half, but all possessions after a score will begin on the 30-yard line.
    7. Both 2nd and 3rd Grade games will have the following punt options on fourth down;
      • Standard punt
      • Attempt to get the 1st down
      • Walk off 20 yards and turn the ball over. This is not an option inside the defensive team’s 40-yard line.

h.     Referees shall only enforce point of attack (POA) penalties to aid in pace of the game.

      • If there is a penalty away from the POA the referee shall contact the coaches that there was an infraction away from the play-side. 
      • The coaches shall approach the referee for an explanation of the infraction.
      • The coaches will then correct the player(s) explaining the infraction.

i.       No defensive player on line of scrimmage may line up directly in front (on head) of snapper.

  1. All teams at each grade level will receive two points for kicking an extra point and one point for running an extra point.
    1. The mercy rule will be 24 points after halftime. The Head Official will notify both Head Coaches that, from that point on, the clock will run continuously for the remainder of the game and only stops for official’s time-outs and injuries. This is mandatory running clock that will not revert back to regulation time.

Addendum II Playoffs

  1. Playoffs will be for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Grade only, based off a maximum of 8 or 9 regular season games.  All teams (per grade), no matter total number of teams play in the same division unless a team has opted out before the season has started, which shall be submitted to the board before the season starts. 
    1. PIAA Rules in effect (5th and 6th)
    2. 10 Play rule in effect as stated in ICFL By-Laws
    3. 4 Officials for the Championship Games. 
  1. Top 4 teams, based off average points earned per game qualify for postseason play.  Seeds 1 versus 4 and 2 versus 3; home field will be the higher seed. 
    1. Non-qualifiers will play week 8 at the home field of the higher seed, 5 versus 6 and 7 versus 8. 
    2. Week 9 one site will host 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade championship games, which will be determined before the August Meeting. If the time or site change needs to occur for any playoff game the following protocol will be followed:  The league representative of the hosting site will contact all ICFL Board members who will be responsible for contacting appropriate league presidents to communicate and resolve any changes. 
  2. Point system will be used to determine seeding. To calculate your team’s standings you will take your total number of games played divided by your total points.
    1. WIN POINTS-Each team will be awarded 100 points for every win.
    2. BONUS POINTS-Win or lose, your team will receive 10 points for each game that your opponent wins during the regular season.
    3. If your game ends in a tie, each team will split the 100 points and they get ½ of the bonus points.
    4. Tie Breaking Procedure is as follows (process stops when one criteria breaks the tie):
      • Head to Head Competition.
      • Compare the win-loss-tie record of common opponents using 10 points for a win, 5 for tie and 0 for a loss (Common Opponents)
      • Compare the win-loss-tie records of the regular season contest for each tied schools that were used to determine the rankings (using the point system described above).
      • Coin Flip- Conducted in the presence of league President and a representative from each team.
      • Overtime will fall under PIAA guidelines. 

4.    Total points ALWAYS are the determining factor in standing. (I.E.) a 3-5 team with 500 points or higher per game average is ranked higher then a 4-4 team with 490 points or lower per game average. Record is only a factor in 3rd tiebreaker criteria.  Members of ICFL playoff committee and standings sent to ICFL Board for review will record points.

Addendum III Summer Brawl

1.     Summer brawl broken down by grades (2/3), (4/5) and (6) will take place at designated locations on the weekend falling prior to Labor Day. Brawl will be held in scrimmage type format with ten (10) offensive plays being run and then the teams switch for the duration of the time. Each scrimmage will run 50 minutes in length and then the teams will rotate based on the schedule provided to them prior to the brawl. Coaches will be awarded the opportunity to make corrections during the scrimmage.  No score will be kept during the Summer Brawl games.

    1. Referees are not required, but may be provided by the ICFL Assignor
    2. 2 Coaches from each team are allowed on the field during the game for all Grades.

Addendum IV All Star Game

1.     Each Team shall participate by sending up to 5 players per team.

a.     It is suggested that they are players that have been in your Organization since flag.

b.     Each Organization shall send 2 Lineman and 3 specialty players.

2.     One coach can be submitted per Organization.

a.     Head Coach nominations shall be selected out of a hat if there are more than 2. 

b.     A Head Coach cannot be Head Coach two years in a row.

c.     Once Head Coaches are finalized, Assistants shall be notified. No additional coaches will be allowed once the Head and Assistant Coaches have been determined.

3.     There shall be two Teams. 

a.     The location shall be determined in the beginning of the year

    • Location must be in a stadium.
    • The Stadium must have lights and a concession stand.
    • All fees associated with the game shall be split equally amongst the Organizations.  They hosting Organization shall retain all proceeds from the concession stand.

b.     Teams shall form by year-end standings or draft system, as voted on by the league prior to September of the current year. 

4.     There will be NO BLITZING. All other 5th/6th grade/PIAA rules apply.

Addendum V Cheer Competition

1.     Each Team shall participate

2.     The location shall be predetermined by ICFL.

Addendum VI Covid Policy

1.     Timeouts will be extended to up to 2 minutes

2.     If a game must be rescheduled due to COVID, the opposing organization and Joel need to be notified ASAP. The game can be rescheduled when both organizations are able.

3.     Protocol for exposure distributed to all league reps must be followed in conjunction with your organization protocols.