ICFL Cheer Bylaws

Article X:  Cheer


1.    Each Cheer Director should hold a seat on their organization’s Executive Committee as a voting member.

2.    In addition, one Cheer Director will represent Cheer as a voting member of the Inter County Football League (LEAGUE) board.  The Cheer representative is Pottsgrove.

Eligibility of Coaches

1.    Each coach is required to have a LEAGUE required background check via a League approved service (NCSI)

2.    Each coach is required to complete the following annually

a.     USA Cheer Youth Safety & Risk Management

b.     USA Cheer Athlete Protection

c.     USA Cheer CrashCourse Concussion Education

Eligibility of Cheerleader

1.    Cheerleaders should meet the grade level requirements established by LEAGUE.  Cheerleaders in grades 7 and 8 are eligible to participate on 6 grade sideline squads if Middle School cheer programs are not an option.

2.    Cheerleaders MUST attend all required weekly practices to ensure participation in gameday halftime / stunting

Game Day Procedures

1.    Home cheer squad is required to walk to visiting cheer squad sideline to welcome and perform Hello Cheer, with visiting squad performing cheer first.

Half-Time Procedures

1.    Each cheer squad performs mid-field, half-way between sideline and center, facing their sideline. 

2.    Visiting cheer squad performs first, followed by home cheer squad.

3.    The squad not performing is required to take a knee, facing the performing squads sideline, to watch.

Cheer Off

1.    Each organization is required to participate in the annual ICFL Cheer Off, registering at least one squad.

2.    Organizations are permitted to register as many squads as they choose

3.    Organizations may, but are not required, to pay for members Cheer Off participation 

Competition Cheer

1.    Organizations may, but are not required to, offer a competition cheer program to members at an additional cost

2.    Competition Cheer programs may run concurrently and beyond the typical sideline season

3.    Organizations may require tryouts to participate in competition cheer, at their own discretion

4.    To be eligible to tryout / participate in competition cheer, cheerleaders must participate in the individual organization’s sideline cheer program.


1.    Cheerleaders must be accompanied at all times, pre-game and in-game.  Should a cheerleader(s) need to temporarily leave their squad (bathroom, etc.), the cheerleader(s) must be escorted by a coach or designated squad representative with all necessary clearances.

Suspension of a Cheerleader / Coach

1.    Each cheerleader / coach is required to agree to, sign and adhere to the Code of Conducts for the LEAGUE, their individual organization, and their Cheer program.

2.    Violations will handled through an escalating procedure including:

a.     Verbal Warning

b.     Written Warning

c.     Suspension, with approval of organization’s Executive Committee

d.     Removal, with approval of organization’s Executive Committee

3.    Physical altercation of any kind will result in immediate removal from the organization