Rules and Regulations 2024

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As with any organized sport, MYC has a Code of Conduct which all athletes, parents and guardians are required to follow. Conduct that reflects poorly on any MYC team, cheerleader or the organization as a whole is subject to discipline. We hold the bar high for our athletes, parents and guardians and we expect the following behavior:


Cooperative and positive participation - no general misconduct or disruption before, during or after practice, games, competition or any other organized MYC activity.


Absolute respect for all - no inciting and/or engaging in un-sportsman-like conduct whether directed at other teams, athletes, coaches, student coaches, officers, teams from other towns, competition directors, etc. This includes use of abusive or profane language or gestures.


Compliance with the Marshfield Peace Building creed –no belittling, cyber bullying or bullying other athletes whether in school or outside school.


Absolutely no smoking, drinking or drugs – this will NOT be tolerated at any time or any place – whether at an organized MYC event or NOT.


Making good choices and use common sense - any activity not mentioned above but is deemed by coaches or members of the MYC Board of Directors to be inappropriate, disrespectful or detrimental to the athletes, coaches, parents, guardians or program will be subject to discipline. When a cheerleader is in an MYC uniform, behavior should be exemplary and reflect respect for self and others.


NO BACKYARD STUNTING – meaning NO stunting anywhere there is NOT MYC certified coach supervision.


Social Media - MYC Cheerleaders are to conduct themselves in a way that is a positive representation of MYC and Marshfield. This applies to social media behavior in and out of season. Inappropriate postings that speak negatively towards teammates, coaches, student coaches, other athletes or MYC will be considered a serious code violation. Additionally, social media may not be used to discuss or post pictures of practice or routine details.


Parents or guardians will not cause a negative environment by participating in negative discussions, bullying or harassment. 




MYC takes these codes very seriously and violations are subject to discipline as follows:


First Violation: One game benching for athletes. Athletes must come to the game dressed in uniform, sit attentively on the sidelines and conduct themselves appropriately.  If a parent or guardian violates a code, they will receive a written warning or suspension from an event, depending on the severity of the violation.


Second Violation: Removed from program.



Cheerleader must live in Marshfield and be in 2nd  – 8th grade.


Cheerleader must meet all attendance requirements throughout the season. 


Family must fulfill fundraising requirements.


Parents must attend any mandatory meetings.


Parents must supply all needed paperwork and waivers by dates requested or cheerleader may have to be excluded because proper paperwork was not turned in.



All cheerleaders must participate in all Choreography Camp, Practices, Games, required MYC events, Competitions and tumbling classes. Any cheerleader having to miss any portion of this schedule must apply to MYC board for special consideration. Further details on this are available in the MYC Rules and Regulations document.


Mandatory Choreography: All teams will learn techniques, skills and competition routine.  If your athlete is missing then they run the rise of being placed in nonessential areas of the routine.


Summer Practice: Summer practice for all teams begin at the beginning of August on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5 – 7 pm. Practice is outside and location TBD.


September – November: Practice moves inside (times, gym and days to be determined by school administration). Teams continue to practice three times a week and practice days and times are staggered in order to accommodate all teams. Extra practices may be scheduled closer to competition dates.


Football Season: The football season begins in September and can run into November with playoff games and the Superbowl game. Games are once a week and generally held on Sunday. There is no bus offered for cheerleaders to away games so parents are responsible for coordinating their own suitable transportation. Game calendar with dates and locations are posted on the MYC website once available. Parents will be notified of changes by email and postings on the website.


Competition: Marshfield Youth Cheerleading participates in four to five competitions in October and November.  The competitions are usually held on Saturdays.  The last, and biggest one is the Saturday before Thanksgiving which is our League Championship.



With the exception of religious holiday, sports tryout, illness or severe injury, MYC has a firm 3 absence policy. Past 3 absences, the parent will need to petition the executive board. Potential outcomes of petitions could include approval, suspension or removal.


Attendance at summer choreography camp and any MYC evaluations are mandatory and supersede this 3 absence policy. If an athelete will miss any part of these a petition must be made.


Should an injury or extended illness impact a cheerleader’s ability to participate fully in MYC practices/games/ competitions or the like, a medical release form will be required prior to returning as a full participant.


Depending on the type of injury, athletes are required to attend practice so they may keep up on any new sideline cheer or routine rearrangements.


Depending on the type of injury, cheerleaders must come to games dressed in uniform, sit attentively on the sidelines and conduct themselves appropriately.


With the exception of illness, severe injury (ie a concussion) or religious holiday, no absence from a game is considered excused.


The MYC attendance policy reflects the fact that cheerleading must be a priority. This commitment is integral to the MYC commitment of the success and safety for each athlete. Cheerleading is a TEAM sport which includes tumbling, pyramids and stunts and can only be done and done safely if each member of the tean can rely on consistency and effort of the other.



Athletes must wear approved cheerleading shoes at all practices. No athlete will be allowed to practice without these shoes.


Athletes may not wear nylon shorts or anything with drawstrings, pockets or decoration which could catch a hand or foot. Tank tops must have 2-inch shoulder straps. Briefs must be worn under shorts.


No nail polish, makeup or jewelry are allowed (which includes stud earrings – there can be no exceptions for athletes just having their ears pierced). Nails must be trimmed and not extend over the top of the fingers. Hair must be held back in a ponytail. This includes bangs if they are in their eyes. Every requirement mentioned above is due to safety factors.  Bandaids over jewelry is not allowed.


No cheerleader will be allowed to be absent or tardy due to any other sport or activity (with the exception of tryouts). Athletes must arrive 5 minutes early and be picked up directly after. Attendance will be taken at the start of each practice and any unavoidable absence must be reported to the team coach prior to that day’s practice.


Any injury must be immediately reported to the coach. Absolutely no siblings, friends, parents or companions are allowed at practice.


No gum chewing.


No cell phone use.


Athletes must come to practice with water or Gatorade to prevent dehydration. It is suggested they also wear sunscreen as appropriate and bring bug spray.



The MYC uniform consists Top, briefs, skirt, jackets, yoga pants, cheer shoes, bow, bag, black knit gloves and no-show white socks. Uniforms are expected to be clean and top/skirt must be washed every two weeks. UNIFORMS CANNOT BE DRY CLEANED! Uniforms must be washed on gentle cycle and hung to dry. 


Stains on white areas are easily removed using a paste made with little OxyClean or Cascade and a toothbrush.


Game attire – Based on weather forecast athletes will be instructed on what should be worn to the game (ie cool weather might dictate that athletes wear yoga pants in addition to their skirt and top). Weather changes may make it necessary for athletes to change once they arrive. Should athletes be asked to change and not have their uniform pieces they will be benched. This includes briefs (something often forget).


Athletes must wear “no show” white socks with their uniforms.


There is no eating allowed in uniform. Athletes should carry a large t-shirt in their bag to cover their uniform after games or competition if they would like to eat.


Game rules - No absence from a game is considered excused. If a cheerleader must be absent from a game due to illness, the attendance form must be completed by 9 a.m. or as early as possible. Athletes missing two games due to illness will have their status as a cheerleader reviewed by the board.


No nail polish, makeup or jewelry are allowed (which includes stud earrings – there can be no exceptions for athletes just having their ears pierced). Nails must be trimmed and not extend over the top of the fingers. Hair must be held back in a ponytail. This includes bangs if they are in their eyes. Every requirement mentioned above is due to safety factors.


Cheerleaders must arrive 1 hour before game time. This hour allows for organized stretching and any reworking of formations for half-time routines due to any late /absent athletes. Cheerleaders arriving late for attendance will be benched from half time.


During sidelines athletes are expected to stay in their lines, be attentive and conduct themselves appropriately with no extra talking or ”fooling around”. The only cheerleaders speaking are the captains and co-captains.


Athletes must stay with their team at all times.


No gum chewing.


No cell phone use.


Athletes must come to games with water or Gatorade to prevent dehydration. It is suggested they also wear sunscreen as appropriate and bring bug spray.


Athletes must be picked up promptly after games.


Depending on the type of injury, injured cheerleaders must come to games dressed in uniform, sit attentively on the sidelines and comport themselves appropriately.


Uniforms may not be worn at any event other than those approved or organized by MYC.



Evaluations and competition participation is mandatory for every MYC cheerleader. The MYC goal is to create competition teams that play to the group’s strengths and can be entered into a division that they can compete in. Competition regulations are very specific as to what skills are required to compete in which divisions.


Evaluation decisions regarding each athlete’s competition team placement and positioning will be decided by the coaches.


Placement decisions are final.


Decisions regarding competition teams need to be respected and received with a positive and supportive attitude.



MYC Communication: MYC communicates primarily through email and the website and endeavors to get parents information in a timely way.


During practices and games (or any official MYC activity) it is imperative that parents/guardians or emergency contact be available by phone.


Cancellations of practices or games due to rain will be communicated by 4:00 pm and it will be by email. Please know that every effort is made to let parents know in a timely manner however, there may be times where information may be disseminated later than we’d like. This is simply due to timing and accessibility to online communication.


Parent concerns: Any parent (or cheerleader) concerns should be addressed with the appropriate adult coach prior to, or at the
end of a practice/game/event or via email. Coaches are not able to give any discussion the full attention it deserves during practices/games or events due to their responsibility to the cheerleaders.


Please know that as an organization MYC is committed to hearing out concerns. If a coach or board member is not aware of a problem, then they cannot help to solve the problem. All concerns will be heard out respectfully and addressed in a courteous way. MYC requests that parents approach any conversations in the same way.


In the event a parent has a concern they are not comfortable sharing with their coach they are encouraged to contact the MYC president.


Fundraising:  Fundraising activities are mandatory for all families and are a necessary and vital part of the organization since not all expenses are covered from the registration fees. Exact activities may vary year to year. Fundraising requirements are per cheerleading family, not per cheerleader. Parents may opt to not participate in the fundraiser, instead paying the fundraising goal amount personally. All fundraising must be approved by the MYC Board.



Uniform fitting: Athletes must arrive at uniform fitting wearing a bathing suit, sports bra/cheer breifs or leotard under their clothes.


As detailed in the registration form and the parent information sheet, a uniform deposit of $300 is required before a cheerleader will be allowed to receive her uniform. The deposit may be made by cash or check. Checks should be post-dated for 12/1 of that year. Uniforms are the property of Marshfield Youth Cheerleading and the uniform deposit will cover the cost of a replacement skirt, top, and bag. This deposit will not be cashed if the complete and clean uniform is returned by the specified date.



Picture Day and Winter: Pictures are taken on a regularly scheduled practice day and taken prior to practice. Athletes having practice that day must bring a change of clothes as they will still have practice. Picture forms will be distributed to the athletes the week prior and must be completed and returned with payment on the day of pictures. Purchasing pictures are not mandatory.



The most important rules in cheerleading...


You are a cheerleader!


It is an honor and a privilege to be part of this organization.


It is very important that you all get along with each other.




You are a TEAM.Remember you are all on the same team representing the same organization!


You must work as one team.


If a cheerleader is struggling, please do not ridicule, but help them.


It makes you a better person and makes your team stronger.



Feelings are important.


Treat someone as you want to be treated.


Be proud and stand by each other.


When an injury may have resulted in a concussion, for their safety, no athlete will be allowed to continue practice and their parent called right away,


Uniforms may not be worn at any event other than those approved or organized by MYC.