College Recruiting, Misc Info

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College Recruiting Commandments!

Dont Wait until your Junior year to start the process.

Dont Expect the college coach to seek you out.

Stay on top of your grades and make the best use of your off-season time.


The game knows!

High fives are important!

Always leg it out!

Love the game and it will love you back.


ACT Testing Website


National Fastpitch Coaches Association, You can find information on the NFCA recruitment camps like Stingrays, Atlanta Legacy, Pennsbury etc. under the Recruitment Camps Tab, If you want to look at colleges in there division and see what conference there under and who they play then click on the Fastpitch Community tab.

NCAA High School Portal - You can search for your HS and determine if your courses you have or will be taking is an approved NCAA course. 

NAIA - National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics

NJCAA - National Juinor College Athletic Association

LinkAthletics - You can visit each college by state for their home page, admissions or team website. 


Free Recruitment Sites

These sites can be updated any time of the day or on the road, allow colleges to view them at anytime. Its much like a facebook page only for sports. Include your Fall, Summer, any recruitment camps and High School Information.

beRecruited - 

Softball Showcase - 

Captain U - 

Field Level -