Spring registration is now open!


  • Registration starts in October and ends in early January
  • Opening Day is in February, and the season ends in late Apri.
  • Games are on Saturdays, with some weekday games after daylight savings time
  • Practices for 6U/Tball are once a week with games on Saturday mornings.
  • 8U and above can have up to two practices a week with a game on Sunday.  After daylight savings, there could be a weeknight game scheduled.
  • Includes divisions 6U, 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U, meaning girls should have been between the ages of 5 and 14 on Sept. 1 of the previous year. (6U is a "T-ball"-type division.)


USA Softball recently updated its age divisions to align more closely with school grades than calendar year. During registration, players will be automatically placed in divisions for the following year (Fall and Spring seasons) based on their birth date. See the chart below for the Fall 2024 / Spring 2025 softball year.

Age on Aug. 31, 2024  2024-25 School Grade * Division for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025
5 or 6 TK, K or 1 6U
7 or 8 2 or 3 8U
9 or 10 4 or 5 10U
11 or 12 6 or 7 12U
13 or 14 8 or 9 14U
15 or 16 10 or 11 16U (Fall Ball only)
  • Grade is meant as a guideline and will be accurate for most, but not all, players. Use age on Aug. 31 for official placement.

Can i submit a Play-Up or Play-Down Request?

Yes, but play-up and play-down requests (to play in lower or higher age division) must be approved. To "play up," girls must evaluate for both their current division and that one above her age-appropriate division. The Board of Directors votes on play-up requests, taking evaluation scores into account. Please note that you cannot play in two different age divisions during the overlapping spring / Select seasons. (For example, if you play up for the spring recreational season, you cannot play on the lower division's Select teams. You can return to your regular division for All-Star play, though.) 

Girls may also “play down” in a lower age division, but requests must be approved by the Player Agent. Play-down requests are for recreational teams only; you cannot play down on an advanced team, including fall advanced teams, spring Select teams or All-Star teams.


To submit a request for either a play-up or play-down request, you must email tierracanyon.playeragent@gmail.com before teams are drafted for that season.


How are the teams formed?

Teams are formed differently, depending on the season and the age division.

For the spring season: In our 6U division, the Player Agent considers buddy requests and/or places girls on teams partially based upon the school they attend or the areas in which they live. In 8U, we strive for a balance between playing with friends and parity among teams. Girls in divisions 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U are selected via draft, based upon the scores they received during the assessment / evaluation (see below). In 10U and up, we do not accept special requests to be on a specific team or with a specific player. Placement from the waiting list is on a first-come, first-served basis.

As the emphasis in our spring season is to have teams that are evenly matched, all girls in division 8U and up are required to attend an assessment / evaluation day. Each girl will be evaluated on batting, base running, and infield and outfield defensive skills. Girls may also choose to evaluate as a pitcher and/or catcher. Girls attempting to play in a higher division must be evaluated for BOTH the higher division and the age-appropriate division.