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Coach David Konczal started the Mahoning Valley Eagles 22-years ago searching for a way for his players to get additional game time in the spring and now the Trumbull County Heat.
In 23-years the Trumbull County Basketball Academy has grown from 1-team and 11-players to over 16-teams and close to 150 players annually. Our merger with Ohio Lakers 5 seasons ago pushed us over the top in quality and quantity.
Coach Konczal has 3-children who have played spring basketball, his belief has always been to bring the best quality product at the lowest affordable cost.
The Trumbull County Basketball Academy is the ONLY CLUB IN TRUMBULL COUNTY AND WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA TO PLAY IN THE WINNERS BRACKET AT THE AAU NATIONAL TOURNAMENT IN ORLANDO FLORIDA. The Eagles placed in the top 32-nationally in the senior high school division in Disney World Florida.
Coach Konczal is in the top 100 coaches in the HISTORY of Ohio High School Girls basketball in wins. He was a 10-year varsity coach at Hubbard High School, also was a head coach at Warren J.F.K. and Lakeview. Coach Konczal believes strongly in spring basketball as an extra season. A time when boys and girls can play an additonal 20-30 basketball games, in fact a whole season to become better plays. His favorite quote is "the only way to get better is to play". He sincerely hopes spring basketball is a positive experience for everyone.
Now with the merger with the Ohio Lakers and Chris Huckshold we have entered into another world. Spring basketball is a competitive environment. The coaches out there will say whatever you want to hear to get your money, promise you whatever you want promised. Do the leg work find out cost per-tournament, practice times and facility, last year for instance a competitor advertised practices at Howland schools as we do also, we used the middle school court, they used an elementary school cafeteria as their site with portable hoops and a tile floor. No one in Northeast Ohio has been around as long as we have 23-years, had more players come through our program close to 4000 and has had more success than Trumbull County Basketball Academy now the OHIO LAKERS NORTH.

In 2011 the Trumbull County Basketball Academy became the home of CHAMPIONS. That has continued through 2021 season.
This team includes a young Rodney Culver former Warren Harding star, West Va. star and current NBA player, can you recognize Rodney?
9th grade boys champions at VAC tournament in Cleveland and runner-up in New Castle
5th grade girls made the semi-finals of the Solon Cage Classic
6th grade girls (Neer) were semi-finalists in two tournaments and an above .500 record despite being a new team.
6-boys made the winners bracket at the Y-Town Classic.
4th grade girls Green champions and Border War runner -up
5th grade girls Border War runner-up
6th grade girls 22-2 champions at Green/Border War and Parma
7th grade girls 3 -teams each won a championship and the combined record of the THREE teams was 76-10
High School girls- Wooster runner-ups
4th grade boys- Border War runner up
8th grade boys- Champions at Border War and Elyria Classic
High School Boys- Wooster runner up
-- all girls teams grades 4,5, 6-2 teams, 7-3teams, 8th and high school played in a semi-final of a tournament. In fact at Greensburg Green the championship game was Heat (Applegate) v. Heat (Damian) and Heat (Chasser) lost to Heat (Damian) in the semi-finals. In the boys 8-boys Coach Tinkey won 3-championships, high school boys played in the championship game at Sharon. Coach Peace 6th grade girls won FOUR championships by themselves last season and finished with a record of 23-2 on the season.
- 2012 4th grade girls Strongsville champions,
- 2012 High School girls Wright Automotive Pittsburgh championship
- 2012 9th grade girls Lodi showcase champions
- 2013 4th grade girls won the Ohio Basketball tournament in Strongville
- 2013 High School girls won the Wright Automotive Pittsburgh championship
2011 Championships
- 6th grade girl's team Naples won 3-championships,
- 6th grade girls team O'Brien won a championship,
- 7th grade girls team O'Brien won a championship, and
- 8th grade boys team Collins won the prestigious Pittsburgh Wright Automotive Group Championship.
Coach Konczal personally invites you to try the TCBA/ Lakers North. "If you do not feel we have given you the best possible spring basketball experience,
I will give you 50% off of next years dues."
I believe we have won as many tournaments as other area clubs, and we have done it the right way....low cost...practice 2-days per week and 9-players per team. We do not have 12 + 13 player rosters.
Please contact Coach Konczal if you have any questions about TCBA/Lakers North