ByLaws / Standing Rules

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Garland Girls Softball Association
Bylaws - Standing Rules - Policies for Managers

(Revised 3/15/2023) 

Table of Contents

Article 1  Name
Article 2  Objective
Article 3  Voting Membership
Article 4  Executive Committee
Article 5  Meetings
Article 6  Committees
Article 7  Financial Policy
Article 8  Insurance
Article 9  Team Fees
Article 10 Managers and Assistants
Article 11 Participation
Article 12 Applications and Player Placement
Article 13 Leagues and Teams
Article 14 Equipment and Uniforms
Article 15 Amendments
Article 16 League Standings
Article 17 Special Considerations
Article 18 Facility Utilization Agreements
Article 19 Background Checks
Standing Rules
Policies for Managers


Article 1 - Name

This organization shall be known as the Garland Girls Softball Association. (GGSA)

Article 2 - Objective

A.   Said association is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

B.   GGSA seeks to instill in the girls: ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage, and reverence so they may be finer, stronger, and happier girls who will grow to be good clean healthy adults. This objective will be reached by providing supervised competitive athletic games. The supervisors, coaches, parents, and spectators shall bear in mind at all times that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is secondary and that the molding of future citizens is of prime importance.

Article 3 - Voting Membership

The voting membership of the association will have one vote each and shall be limited to persons in good standing with GGSA/USA Softball and meet the following requirements: 

Parents or guardians of the girls participating in the association.

The Executive Committee.


Assistant Coaches (Limited to 3 per team).

Article 4 - Executive Committee

A.   The Executive Committee of the Association shall be:

Player Representative
Tournament Director
Umpire Representative
Publicity Chairman
Concession Representative
Park Facilities Manager
Equipment Manager
Blast-Ball League Representative
T-Ball League Representative
8 & Under League Representative
10U Ten & Under Fast Pitch League Representative
12U Twelve & Under Fast Pitch League Representative
14U Fourteen & Under Fast Pitch League Representative
High School Fast Pitch League Representative

 B.   An individual who has been sanctioned by GGSA, placed on probation, or has been issued a suspension from Dallas Metro or USA Softball, shall not be allowed to serve on the Executive Committee for a period of not less than five (5) years.

C.   The GGSA President of the preceding term shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the Executive Committee for a term of one (1) year.

D.   At the annual organization meeting, the Executive Committee shall be elected for a period of one 2-year term with the exception of all League Representatives. There is a minimum requirement of three (3) consecutive years on the board in order to be elected for President, Vice President, and Treasurer. In even-numbered years, voting for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity, and Equipment Manager shall occur. In odd-numbered years voting for Vice President, Player Representative, Tournament Director, Concession Representative, and Facilities Manager shall occur. All League Representatives will be elected to a one-year term voted annually. The elected Executive Committee shall take office by September 1.

E.    Should any vacancy of the Executive Committee occur by death, resignation, or otherwise, the same shall be filled without delay by the Executive Committee.

F.    An umpire representative (U.I.C.) shall be appointed by the Executive Committee no later than December 31, or as soon practicable thereafter, and upon acceptance of this appointment, shall become a non-voting member of that board for one (1) year. This appointment will be reviewed and accepted by the Executive Committee each year.

G.   An elected member of the Executive Committee may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

H.   An appointed member of the Executive Committee may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

I.     All matters of policy concerning the GGSA shall be decided by a vote of the Executive Committee. Eight (8) members shall constitute a quorum.

Article 5 – Meetings

A.   An annual meeting of the members of this association shall be conducted by the end of July of each year for the reading of reports and the election of the Executive Committee for the following season. All managers will be notified of the date of this meeting one (1) week before the meeting. Additional meetings may be called by the President, or upon request of at least three (3) members of the Executive Committee.

B.   A majority vote of the members present at said meeting shall constitute a quorum provided notice has been given in the paper, posted on the website, or e-mailed, seven (7) days in advance and all executive members have been notified personally.

C.   Robert's rule of order, revised, shall govern the proceedings of the meeting, except where some conflict with the Bylaws of the association exists.

Article 6 - Committees

A.   The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a nominating committee of at least five (5) members who will present names of prospective candidates in writing prior to the annual elections.

B.   The President shall appoint any other committees as deemed necessary.

Article 7 - Financial Policy

A.   The Executive Committee shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of GGSA It shall be a general policy to place all income in a common treasury; directing expenditures of the same in such a manner as will give no individual or team any advantages over the other as to equipment and so forth. The exception will be the concession fund, which will be administered by the Concession Representative and one (1) other board member.

B.   There shall be cosigners required on all checks. The signature of the Treasurer will be required along with either the signature of the President or Vice President. No expenditure or association commitment over five hundred ($500.00) dollars will be made without prior executive board approval.

C.   A financial report, including the concession stand report, of all monies, shall be submitted at every Executive Committee meeting and every general meeting of GGSA, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

D.   If a separate bank account will be maintained for the concession stand, there will be co-signers required (Concession Representative and Treasurer) on all checks. No other signers will be allowed. Treasurer will deposit all concession monies within 10 days.

E.    If a separate bank account will be maintained for concessions, all excess net proceeds (profit over $5,000) will be transferred to the general fund of the association within 10 days.

F.    Two (2) parents or guardians, not from the same family shall audit the books before turning them over to the new administration by September 1 of the current year. The outgoing Treasurer shall work with the incoming Treasurer until the books have been audited. The outgoing Concession Representative shall work with the incoming Concession Representative until the books have been audited, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

G.   No part of the net earnings of the association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article 2 hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the association shall be carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation. The association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on:

1.    By an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(C) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. 

2.    By an organization, contributions to which are deducted under section 170(C) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

H.   Upon the dissolution of the association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of common pleas of the county in which the association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

Article 8 - Insurance

A group-type accident insurance obtained by and in the name of the GGSA shall cover each participant in league play or practice session of the GGSA. Insurance for players is also accepted individually from USA Softball.  Each player shall be required prior to participating in any league play or practice session, to pay a specified registration fee and return a completed application form. No GGSA facility will be available until the above requirements have been met.

Article 9 - Team Fees

All teams may be assessed a specified team fee per year. Payment of this fee may come from any firm, company, organization, or one or more individuals. This fee is to be determined by the Executive Committee. All sponsors will be subject to approval.

Article 10 - Managers and Assistants

A.   Managers and assistants of all teams shall be approved by the Executive Committee and shall submit an application for approval by the Executive Committee.

B.   Each team shall have one (1) manager and up to three (3) assistants. They shall be responsible for their team's conduct on or off the field while acting in their capacity as a manager or an assistant.

C.   Each manager and assistant shall conduct himself/herself at all times in such a manner as to be a credit to this association and the City of Garland. Managers and/or assistants shall be subject to removal or asked to resign by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee for justifiable reasons.

D.   Each manager may have their own child play on the team they manage. Assistant managers may have their child play on the team they assist provided the child does not already play on an established team. To transfer an assistant's child to his/her team shall require the consent of the Executive Committee.

E.    Any manager or assistant ejected from a game may be brought before the Executive Committee and will be subject to any disciplinary action deemed appropriate. The manager or assistant will be given at least 24 hours advance notice of the meeting at which time a decision will be made with or without his/her presence.

F.    Any manager or coach who has outstanding financial obligations to GGSA or any other softball organization or related business will not be allowed to coach until proof of restitution is provided in writing to the GGSA executive board.

G.   Any manager or coach who has been sanctioned by GGSA, placed on probation, or having been issued a suspension by Dallas Metro or USA Softball, shall not be allowed to manage or coach a team until proof of the suspension being lifted is, in writing, on file with the GGSA executive board.

Article 11 - Participation

A.   Participation in this association shall be in accordance with USA Softball rules and shall be governed by GGSA.

B.   Each player shall conduct herself at all times in such a manner as to be a credit to this organization and the City of Garland. Each player shall be subject to removal from the assigned team upon recommendation of his/ her manager to the Executive Committee (with the majority vote of the board).

C.   Any player with outstanding financial obligations to GGSA will not be allowed to participate within GGSA until proof of restitution or agreement is provided in writing to the GGSA executive board.

D.   Any member of a team that does not attend two (2) successive scheduled practices and does not have valid reasons suitable to the manager's approval (illness or vacation) may be prohibited from playing the following league game.

Article 12 - Applications and Player Placement

A.   All applications shall be turned in by the date determined by the Executive Committee for the spring league and before the start of play for the fall league, or as soon as possible thereafter.

B.   Each player must furnish a bona fide birth certificate with their application showing the date of birth. A copy of the birth certificate will be attached to the application and kept in the GGSA office. Returning players with a copy of a birth certificate on file need not furnish a birth certificate each year unless requested by the Executive Committee.

C.   No player can participate in any practice session until her application has been turned in to a member of the Executive Committee.

D.   No player shall be allowed to be placed on two different league rosters at the same time in the same season. However, in the event of a declared forfeit and only in such event, a team may select a pick-up player(s) from the opposing team, or another player currently registered with the GGSA, in order to play a scrimmage.

E.    Placement of returning players and managers for leagues (except the National League) shall be done in the following manner:

1.    For each season, any player who participated on a team of the past season shall be permitted to remain on that team. Any player who does not desire to remain on the team with which she participated in the past will be permitted to place her name in the "player's pool". She shall be assigned to a team, other than the one she participated in, for the upcoming season in the same manner as a new applicant.
2.    A minimum of six (6) returning players will form a team, with the availability of a manager.

F.    Placement of new players, and managers, with an insufficient number of players to form a team, shall be handled through the respective league representative from a players' pool. A players' pool shall consist of those players that are:

1.    New applicants to the league shall be placed in a league that matches their age. Applicants will be placed on a team of the corresponding league having players of the same age level, i.e., 12-year-old applicants will be placed on a team composed of 12-year-olds & under.
2.    From teams that have folded.
3.    Players that no longer wish to play for the former team.
4.    Players dropped from a National league team.

G.   National League:

1.    Approved National league managers will be expected to turn in rosters by a date determined by the Executive Committee. Maximum of fourteen (14) players on the roster. Any changes to the roster after the date determined by the Executive Committee must have the approval of the player representative and the league representative. 

2.    No player can participate in any practice session until her application has been turned in to a member of the Executive Committee. 

3.    If a player terminates with a National League team, she will be placed on an American League team with the least number of players, as approved by the player representative and the league representative or the Executive Committee. This player is not eligible for the National League for the remainder of the season. A National League manager shall not terminate a player. The player or the Executive Committee can only terminate. 

4.    A National League team (coach, assistant coaches, player, parent, or guardian) may not recruit or approach any American League player, parent, or guardian to play on their National League team.

Article 13 - Leagues and Teams

A.   The Executive Committee shall form leagues of this association after the signed applications and birth certificates of players wishing to participate have been received. No newly formed team shall exceed fifteen (15) members.

B.   No teams shall be allowed to participate in two different GGSA leagues in the same season (i.e., 12U and 14U).

C.   GGSA leagues shall consist of the following age divisions:

1.    High School leagues. 

2.    14U Fourteen & under National and American leagues. 

3.    12U Twelve & under National and American leagues. 

4.    10U Ten & under National and American leagues. 

5.    8U Eight & under league. 

6.    T-Ball league five & six years old 

7.    Blast-Ball league three & four years old

D.   No team can play up in an age group without the approval of the Executive Committee. A roster with player names, birth dates, and schools must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee for consideration. A parent's consent form must also be submitted to the Executive Committee with the petition.

E.    A player may only play up in age one (1) year (i.e., a 12-year-old can play 14U, but an 11-year-old cannot play 14U) without Executive Committee approval.

Article 14 - Equipment and Uniforms

The equipment issued by this association will be determined by the Executive Committee in accordance with USA Softball rules. This equipment shall be purchased from the lowest bidder, taking into consideration local merchants, by the equipment manager with the approval of the Executive Committee for amounts over two hundred ($200.00) dollars. The uniform adopted by this association shall be matching shirts in the designated team color and coordinating pants or shorts. If desired by the sponsor, the sponsor's name can be displayed on the shirt. Each shirt must prominently display (meet USA Softball requirements) the number assigned to that player by the team manager. If shorts are selected, they must contain a leg (no briefs). The team manager, working in conjunction with his/her team, will select the appropriate uniform. The uniform shall be provided by each participant and will be worn in every game.

Article 15 - Amendment

The bylaws or any section thereof may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the members present at any called meeting of this association provided Article 5, Section B has been adhered to. Any amendment of these rules governing the GGSA shall be made in written form and presented to each manager and the umpire's association. Standing Rules - no changes shall be made to the standing rules without executive board approval.

Article 16 - League Standings

Final league standings will be determined by:

A.   Team win/loss standings at the end of the season.
B.   In the event a tie exists in (1) above involving an award position, head-to-head competition will be considered first, then runs given up, and then runs scored will determine the final standings.
C.   If the above is still inconclusive, a playoff game will be mandated.

Article 17 - Special Considerations

In the event GGSA hosts a National tournament, a host tournament will be held to determine the host team. All teams playing within that age league (American and National) of GGSA will be eligible to participate in the tournament. The team will consist of whoever is listed on their league team roster as of May 1. No pickup players will be allowed.

Article 18 - Facility Utilization Agreements

A.   Nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed by the parties hereto or by any third party to create the relationship of principal and agent, or of any partnership or joint venture, it is expressly understood and agreed that no provision contained herein nor any act or acts of the parties hereto shall be deemed to create any relationship between the parties other than the relationship between the City of Garland as a governmental entity, and its citizens, in a regulatory matter governing the use of city facilities and the conduct of activities related thereto. The GGSA shall not represent to any person, by any means, that it acts for or on behalf of the city unless expressly so authorized, in writing, by the city.

B.   The GGSA agrees to indemnify and hold the City of Garland, its agents, employees, and representatives, harmless from any and all loss, cost expense, injury (including death), damage, liability, action, cause of action, lien, or attorney's fees (whether contractual or statutory), arising out of or relating to the performance of the activities contemplated herein, including those caused by or attributable to the joint or concurrent negligence or willful act of parties, but not those caused by or attributable to the sole negligence or willful act of the city, it's agents, employees, or representatives.

Article 19 - Background Checks

All adult board members, coaches, managers, assistants, and anyone else deemed necessary by the board may be required to undergo a complete background check in order to hold an office, volunteer, and/or be employed by the association in any fashion.


Standing Rules

USA Softball rules shall apply except for the following:

A.   Each player that participates as a catcher in league play or during practice sessions shall be required to wear a facemask with a throat protector, (an extended wire protector may be worn instead of an attached throat protector.) and a full helmet (no skullcaps), shin guards, which cover the top of the knee to the top of the foot, and the chest protector approved by the association shall also be required.

B.   Each player participating in practice, practice games, regular games, or tournaments shall wear a protective batting helmet with a face mask while in the on-deck batter position, while at-bat, or while on base.  Chinstraps are highly recommended.

C.   Free defensive substitution will apply to all attending players and positions. All American League teams will bat the roster. National League teams will have the option. (If not batting the roster USA Softball substitution rules will apply.)

1.    Should a player become injured during play while batting the team roster and is no longer able to take their turn at bat, that batter should be removed from the lineup. No substitution will be required and no out will be given. The injured player once removed from the batting order may not reenter the game. Except when you are down to eight players the ninth player is an out every time it's her turn at-bat. 

2.    If a team (American and National) is batting their roster and a player is ejected, an out will be recorded for the ejected player's at-bats.

D.   Pitchers are to be given one warning per game about an illegal pitch except in the National League. The second illegal pitch and all subsequent illegal pitches will be called per game.

E.    The home team will occupy the third (3rd) base dugout.

F.    Regular season games for all leagues shall consist of seven (7) innings or the time limit stated below whichever occurs first. No inning will start after the time limit has expired. The next inning officially starts immediately after the final out of the previous inning. A five (5) run per inning rule is in effect which completes the half-inning, the same as the third (3rd) out. The five (5) run per inning rule is in effect through six (6) innings. No run rule per inning is in effect after six (6) innings. It is the scorekeeper's responsibility to notify the umpire after the run limits have been reached. The time limit for all league games is as follows:

1.    10U, 12u, 14u, and HS are 75 minutes, finish the inning, and can end in a tie. No new inning will start after 70 minutes. 

2.    8U Modified coach pitch is 70 minutes, finish the inning. No new inning will start after 65 minutes. The last inning may continue until all players have had an "at bat." 

3.    T-ball league - 45 minutes finish the batter. The last inning may continue until all players have had an "at bat." 

4.    Blast-Ball league - 30 minutes finish the batter.

G.   Playoff games shall follow the same rules as regular-season games.

H.   American League and coach pitch managers shall be required to play each member of his/her team that participates in the regular practice of the team, a minimum of twelve (12) consecutive outs. The substitution will be made at the top of the third inning to ensure maximum opportunity for all players to play twelve (12) consecutive outs. When a player is removed from the game by substitution, she shall stay out of the game for a minimum of six (6) consecutive outs. Upon determining a violation of this rule occurred, the offending team shall forfeit the game. The plate umpire shall make this determination with the assistance of the official scorekeeper, upon completion of the game, or by Executive Committee action. An exception to the substitution rule would be in the event of an injury and no other player is available to play or one-half (1/2) of the playing time has elapsed prior to the top of the third inning. If one-half (1/2) of the playing time has elapsed prior to the top of the third inning, substitutions must be made.

I.     National League managers will be required to play each player a minimum of six (6) consecutive outs. Substitution in the top of the third inning is not mandatory in the National League. When a player is removed from the game by substitution, she shall stay out of the game for a minimum of six (6) consecutive outs. Upon determining a violation of this rule occurred, the offending team shall forfeit the game, or by Executive Committee action. The plate umpire will make this determination, with the assistance of the official scorekeeper upon completion of the game. An exception to the substitution rule would be in the event of an injury and no other player is available to play.

J.    Managers on both home and visiting teams shall submit their lineup of all team members, including first and last names (no nicknames), positions by #, and uniform numbers, to the scorekeeper and the opposing manager at least ten minutes before game time. The lineup shall be submitted on the official GGSA (Or equivalent) player's form. The reason for players not playing shall be listed beside the player's name.

K.   Violation, penalty, and suspension of play: Players, coaches, or managers shall not make disparaging or insulting remarks to or about opposing players, officials, or spectators. Likewise, spectators shall not disparage, insult, or harass players, coaches, managers, or officials. The umpires shall exercise their authority to stop such violations, suspend play, and may order the removal of the offender(s) from the game and grounds. A written report of each ejection will be submitted by the umpire involved, to the Executive Committee and UIC. The offender may provide a written report at their discretion.

L.    The starting home team is to take the field at or prior to game time and be allowed five (5) warm-up pitches with the usual simultaneous infield warm-up and the game is then to start.

M.   No umpire shall be allowed to call any game in which a relative is playing, managing, or assisting unless agreed to by both managers.

N.   No practice on the infield (infield defined as inside the base path) prior to the game will be allowed.

O.   If only one (1) umpire is present at the start of the game, for the game to begin, both managers must agree to play the game with only one (1) umpire. If one (1) or both managers do not agree to start the game with one (1) umpire, the game will be rescheduled. (Does not apply to T-ball)

P.    All games are to start as scheduled, or immediately following the previous game. No game will start early without the approval of both managers. Game time is forfeit time.

Q.   If a protest has been declared, it is to be noted in the scorebook. Any details the scorekeeper has regarding the protest will be written in the scorebook. The protesting manager must, within 48 hours, file the written protest with a member of the Executive Committee with a fifty ($50) dollar deposit, non-refundable in the event the protest is not allowed.

R.   Any violation of the GGSA rules that occurs may be reported to the Executive Committee.

S.   If a rainout has not been declared by 5:00 p.m., then you must go to the field. After 5:00 p.m., the umpires will decide if the game will be canceled.

T.    The designated player rule is not allowed in league play except National vs. National.

U.   No pitching or warming up during managers' and umpires' meetings (at home plate) prior to the start of the game, for safety reasons.

V.   Garland Girls Softball Association Refund Policy

  • After the season has begun a refund may only be available in case of injury or illness.
  • Any refund requests will be reviewed for approval by the GGSA Board.
  • Once a player has played in games, only a partial refund may be issued for extenuating circumstances.

Blast-Ball 3 & 4-year-olds

A.   First and foremost each coach should know that the players are young girls and our first goal is to have fun and set a good example for the players. Remember that exhibiting good sportsmanship is the first step in being a good coach.

B.   Eligibility: a player must be at least three years old to play. She cannot be five before January 1st of the current year.

C.   Play with seven (7) players, but must field a minimum of three (3) to start and continue a game.

D.   Field: The first base loaded with a horn will be about twenty (20) feet from home plate. The batting tee will be set on the home plate. A line marker will be set up on an arc about twenty (20) feet from home plate.

E.    Length of the game: all Blast-Ball games will be 30 minutes, finish the batter. If the game is called due to weather, it will be declared a complete game if 20 minutes are completed prior to the stoppage of play.

F.    Batting:

1.    Each team will bat its entire roster in each inning one complete time, which will constitute a half-inning of play. With each turn at bat, the batting order will be reversed (for example, if a player bats last in the first inning, she will bat first in the next inning). 

2.    When at bat the object is to hit a fair ball, reach the base and sound the horn before the defensive team fields the ball, holds it above their heads, and yells "Blast." Each batter will return to the dugout after running to 1st base. 

3.    Each batter will be given 6 swings in which to hit a fair ball. 

4.    There will be no walks in the Blast-Ball division. 

5.    A fair ball is any ball hit between the foul lines and past the 10-foot fair ball arc in front of the home plate. 

6.    Any ball hit 10 feet from home plate or past the fair ball marker will be considered a fair ball and the batter shall run to 1st base.

G.   Defense:

1.    Each team may have a maximum of 7 players but must maintain a minimum of 3. 

2.    No player will play catcher. 

3.    All defensive players will play a defensive position about 20 feet from home plate. Defensive players do not use gloves. 

4.    All players will receive a participation award.

T-ball 5 & 6-year-olds

A.   First and foremost each coach should know that the players are young girls and our first goal is to have fun and set a good example for the players. Remember that exhibiting good sportsmanship is the first step in being a good coach.

B.   Eligibility: a player must be at least four years old to play. She cannot be six before January 1st of the current year.

C.   Play with nine (9) players, but must field a minimum of five (5) to start and continue a game. No out will be taken when a batter number six to nine (6-9) batter position is not used. If a player shows up after game time begins, she may be entered at any time.

D.   Field: base paths will be fifty (50) feet. The batting tee will be set on home plate. The pitching rubber will be thirty (30) feet from the home plate. A circle with an eight-foot radius may be centered around the pitching rubber.
E.    Length of game: all T-ball games will be 45 minutes and finish the batter.

F.    Batting: 

1. All players on the roster will bat in consecutive order. 

2. Each batter will be given five attempts to hit each at bat. 

3. There will be no walks in the T-Ball division. 

4. Foul balls count as strikes, except on the fifth strike. 

5. The bat must make contact with the ball before it can be in play. If the bat hits the batting tee a strike will be called. 

6. The dropped third-strike rule is not in play 

7. The infield fly rule is not in effect. 

8. There will be five runs per inning. However, if a team is batting and a ball is put into play, all runs will be scored until the play has ended, regardless of the number of runs scored. However, if a runner is on third base and the ball is hit past the infielders, if in the judgment of the umpire, the runner on third base should have scored but did not, the runner on third base will be called out. 

9. There will be no base stealing. A runner may advance only to the next base when the pitcher maintains possession of the ball in the circle or after an overthrow to first base rolls into foul territory.

G.   Defense: 

1. Each team may have a maximum of eleven players but must maintain a minimum of five. 

2. The pitcher will remain on the pitcher's rubber until the ball is put into play. 

3. All defensive players must be a minimum of 30 feet from home plate until the ball is hit by the batter. 

4. For T-Ball, putting a player in the catcher position is optional. A catcher must wear a chest protector and helmet. 

5. The pitcher, catcher, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, and shortstop will play in their regular positions. All other players will stay five feet behind the baseline until the ball is put into play. 

6. There will be no more than two defensive coaches allowed on the field and beyond the baselines to instruct the young players (during the time the team is on defense). 

7. No protest will be allowed. 

8. No playoff games will be played. 

9. All players will receive a participation award in Spring. 

10. Scores will not be kept.

8U Eight & under modified coach pitch league

A.   Play with nine (9) players, but must field a minimum of seven (7) to start and continue a game. No out will be taken when the number nine (9) batter position is not used. If the ninth player shows up after game time begins, she may be entered at any time.

B.   The coach may arrange the batting order any way they wish, but it must include all players and cannot be changed for the duration of that game. Every player must bat in the order listed, failure to comply with the consecutive batting order will result in an out being recorded. All defensive substitutions will still go through the home plate umpire.

C.   Coaches must make substitutions for all bench players who have not played a defensive position at the top of the third inning, or one-half of game time, whichever comes first. All defensive changes must be reported to the home plate umpire.

D.   Stealing is not permitted.

E.    The third drop-strike rule does not apply. The batter cannot advance on a dropped third (3rd) strike.

F.    The infield fly rule does not apply.

G.   The baseline distance is fifty (50) feet.

H.   The pitching distance is twenty-five (25) feet.

I.     One (1) offensive conference rule (USA Softball) is waived.

J.    When the ball and strike count reaches ball four (4), no walk will be awarded, instead, the following will occur:

               1. An offensive coach will come to the pitching rubber to complete the at-bat.
               2. The strike count will continue with the coach's pitches.
               3. If after three (3) pitches by the coach no hit or strike out has occurred - the batter is called out.
               4. A foul ball does not constitute a 3rd strike or strikeout.
               5. The defensive pitcher position shall not be played closer than twenty-five (25) feet until the ball is hit.
               6. The pitching position is within the imaginary circle (four (4) foot radius of the pitching rubber).
               7. If a batted ball hits the pitching coach, it is ruled a no-pitch. 


K.   Bunting will not be allowed.

L.    A safety ball is to be used.

M.   No extra innings will be played; the game will end when the time has expired and the inning has been finished.

N.   No protest will be allowed.

O.   No playoff games will be played.

P.    All players will receive a participation award.

10U Ten & under American & National leagues

 A.   Play with nine (9) players, but must field a minimum of eight (8) to start and continue a game. No out will be taken when the number nine (9) batter position is not used. If the ninth player shows up after game time begins, she may be entered at any time. 

B.   The coach may arrange the batting order any way they wish, but it must include all players and cannot be changed for the duration of that game. Every player must bat in the order listed, failure to comply with the consecutive batting order will result in an out being recorded. All defensive substitutions will still go through the home plate umpire.

C.   Dropped third-strike rule does apply.

D.   The infield fly rule does apply.

E.    The baseline distance is sixty (60) feet.

F.    The pitching distance is thirty-five (35) feet.

G.   One (1) offensive conference rule (USA Softball) is waived.

H.   Stealing home is allowed.

12U American League

A.   Play with nine (9) players, but must field a minimum of eight (8) to start and continue a game. No out will be taken when the number nine (9) batter position is not used. If the ninth player shows up after game time begins, she may be entered at any time.

B.   The pitching distance is forty (40) feet.

 C.   One (1) offensive conference rule (USA Softball) is waived.

High School, 14U American & National leagues, 12U National league, 10U National league

Play with nine (9) players and must field a minimum of eight (8) to start and continue a game. No out will be taken when the number nine (9) batter position is not used. If the ninth player shows up after game time begins, she may be entered at any time.

Policies for Managers

A.   Managers and assistants should read the bylaws and standing rules carefully.

B.   Each manager should have a meeting with his/her team's parents to explain the functions of the association.

C.   Each manager is responsible for controlling their players' and players' parents' unsportsmanlike comments or remarks. This sport is for girls to learn, compete, and have fun.

D.    No player shall practice with a team unless they have been officially assigned to that team and have completed registration.

E.    Managers having complaints about other managers shall contact the league representative, Vice President, or the President.

F.   Complaints regarding umpires should be taken to the umpire representative.

G.   At the end of the season, managers shall be responsible for returning any GGSA borrowed equipment to a League Rep. If the equipment is not turned in by closing ceremonies deposit check will be cashed.

H.     Managers of home teams of the early game shall place bases at their respective locations and managers of home teams of the last game shall pick up bases and return to the designated area. Managers must report defective equipment to their League representative.

I.    It will be mandatory for all managers to participate in any association-approved fundraising project.

J.   It is strongly recommended that all new managers of the association who will be coaching teams ages four through twelve attend any league-sponsored training session.

K.    After the end of the game, each team shall be responsible for cleaning up on their side of the stands and their dugouts.

L.   No parking inside the complex.

M.   Pitching machines may not be used if the grounds (infield and/or outfield) are wet.

N.   Coaches/players are never allowed to jump the fence to practice when the complex is locked.