2010 Central League Reg. Season & Playoff, York County Champions

Front Row: Rick Goebeler, Josh Heyne, Mason Heyne, Tim Hare, Brad McCullough, Ryan Myers, Andy Rosenzweig.
Standing: Kim McCullough (Mgr.), Fritz Allison, Dan Rhodes, Tim Frisch, Ryan Poff, Dan Rogers, Scott Stevens, Matt Gonzalez, Travis Lear.
Not Pictured: Brent Berger, Casey Hood, Troy Miller, Shawn Heffner

2009 Central League Regular Season Champs

Front Row (L to R): Dan Rhodes, Ryan Myers, Travis Lear, Tim Hare, Brad McCullough, Mason Heyne.
Back Row (L ro R): Manager Kim McCullough, Fritz Allison, Scott Stevens, Tim Frisch, Rick Goebeler, Troy Bonitz, Ryan Poff, Matt Gonzalez, Coach Tom Goebeler.
Not Pictured: Andy Rosenzweig, Tyler Troxel.

2008 Tom Kerrigan Colonial Tournament Champs

(Front row: L to R) Tim Hare (GR), Brad McCullough (GR), Josh Heyne (GR), Rod Anderson (GR), Andy Rosenzweig (GR), Rick Goebeler (GR), Dan Goebeler (GR), coach Tom Goebeler (GR).
(Middle Row: L to R) Fritz Allison (GR), Dan Rhodes (GR), Scott Stevens (GR), Jason Ktiner (P-ville), Austin Rockroad (Dov), Brad Lloyd (YT), Kyle Wildasin (Stov), Mgr. Kim McCullough (GR).
(Back Row: L to R) Andy Clemens (Man), Tim Frisch (GR), Neil Klinedinst, Matt Gonzalez (GR), Chris Bubb (Dov), Chris Langley (Man).
(Not in Picture: coach Brad Chambers, Ryan Poff (GR).

2008 Central League Regular Season and Playoff Champs

Front Row (L to R): Coach Tom Goebeler, Brad McCullough, Tim Hare, Dan Goebeler, Andy Rosenzweig, Rod Anderson, Travis Lear and Josh Heyne.
Back Row (L to R): Tim Frisch, Scott Stevens, Fritz Allison, Dan Rhodes, Matt Gonzalez, Rick Goebeler, Mgr. Kim McCullough.
(Not Pictured: Mason Heyne, John Devilbiss, Ryan Poff, Brian Copp)

2007 Tom Kerrigan Colonial Tournament Champs

FRONT ROW (L to R): Brandon Bishard (Stov), Tim Hare (GR), Brad McCullough (GR), Dan Goebeler (GR), Rick Goebeler (GR), Rod Anderson (GR), Coach Tom Goebeler (GR).
2nd ROW (L to R): Mgr. Kim McCullough (GR), Brendan Reinert (Dov), Jasyn Kitner (P-ville), Dan Rhodes (GR), Scott Stevens (GR), Ryan Myers (Stov), Andy Clemens (Man), Fritz Allison (GR).
BACK ROW (L to R): Chris Langley (Man), Ryan Reinert (Dov), Neil Klinedinst.
Not Pictured: Matt Gonzalez (GR), Tim Frisch (GR), Mason Heyne (GR), Brian Sweitzer (GR), Chris Brower (YCP), Tom Miller (Man)

2006 York County and Central League Regular Season Champs

FRONT ROW (L to R): Coach Tom Goebeler, Brad McCullough, Dan Rhodes, Fritz Allison, Scott Trail, Andy Rosenzweig, Joe Trail, Josh Heyne.
BACK ROW (L to R): Brian Sweitzer, Scott Stevens, Tim Hare, Mason Heyne, Matt Austin, Matt Gonzalez, Tim Frisch, Rick Goebeler, Dan Goebeler, Mgr. Kim McCullough.

2004 Central League Regular Season & Playoff Champs

FRONT ROW (L to R): Dan Goebeler, John Devilbiss, Quinn McCullough, Rod Anderson, Josh Beck, Brad McCullough, Tim Hare, Coach Tom Goebeler.
BACK ROW (L to R): Sam Becker, Brian Sweitzer, Glen Baublitz, Matt Gonzelez, Rick Goebeler, Dan Rhodes, Scott Stevens, Fritz Allison, Mgr. Kim McCullough.

1983 York County and Susquehanna League Champs

FRONT ROW (L to R): Andrew Stiffler, Allan Walker, Allan Wagner and Kevin Stiffler.
MIDDLE ROW (L to R): Tony Schuchart, Brad MArtin, Dave Thrift, John Devilbiss, Dave Stiffler and Mgr. Larry Stiffler.
BACK ROW (L to R): Scott Wagner, Dave Markel, Kim McCullough, Perry Sweitzer, Bryan Harman, Kevin Jacoby, Steve Walker, Jeff Forbes, Bruce Frick, Bill Demora, Scorekeeper Cindy Erisman and Todd Stiffler.
Not Picture: Rob Rinehart.

1982 Susquehanna League Playoff Champs

FRONT ROW (L to R): Mgr. Larry Stiffler, Dave Thrift, John Devilbiss, Bill Demora, Charles Artz, Floyd Bubb and batboy Kevin Stiffler.
MIDDLE ROW (L to R): Scorekeeper Cindy Erisman, Dave Stiffler, Allan Wagner, Jan Keeney, Terry Jones, Bruce Frick and Dave Fitzpatrick.
BACK ROW (L to R): Greg Chambers, Perry Sweitzer, Rob Rinehart, Steve Walker, Kevin Jacoby, Kim McCullough and Neil Klinedinst.