Code of conduct

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Code of Conduct - Rules

spaceWrestling is a very demanding sport from both a physical and mental point of view. As in many other sports, excellent physical conditioning is required. However, unlike other sports, wrestling requires the athlete to contend one-on-one with his opponent for several minutes at a time. There is no break in the action, no completion of the play and no one to pass the ball to. A wrestler must be totally focused on his task for the entire length of his match. In many respects, wrestling is similar to a martial art, requiring long periods of instruction and drill to perfect key moves so that these moves become second nature to the athlete. These aspects of wrestling highlight two key principles in the sport: Focus and discipline. The coaching staff has put together the following rules to emphasize the need for discipline, both in practice and in matches.

General conduct:
Horse play (tripping, tackling, pushing, ball playing, etc) and profanity are prohibited at all times. Each wrestler will be held accountable for his own behavior. All wrestlers will be disciplined equally, without regard to their wrestling ability. Disruptive infractions or other serious misbehavior will result in the wrestler being removed from practice immediately and having his parents contacted to come pick him up.

Practice conduct:
Practices will normally be held on weekday evenings in the wrestling room at the Pascack Hills Regional High School. It is imperative that wrestlers arrive a few minutes early to put on their wrestling shoes so that practices can begin on-time. Leaving the practice room and roaming the school halls are strictly forbidden. We will begin practice with light warmups to make sure the wrestlers muscles are warmed up before we begin the stretching exercises. Talking is permitted during the warm-up period. Talking is not permitted during technique demonstrations or drilling. It is important for the coaches to have the wrestlers attention at these times so that they can teach properly and correct mistakes. Practice attendance will be taken. Wrestlers are expected to attend all practices in their entirety. If a wrestler needs to miss practice for any reason, he should notify one of the coaches. If a wrestler needs to miss practice on a regular basis this needs to be worked out with the coaches in advance. Missed practices will result in being inelible for weekend Meet/Match competition. Honest communication with the coaching staff will alleviate many misunderstandings during the practice season. Wrestling shoes are mandatory for practice and matches. This is for both sanitary and safety reasons. Also, headgear is required for drilling and live wrestling. All team members attending practice must assist in cleaning the wrestling room before and after practice. Parents or guardians of wrestlers are responsible for dropping off and picking up their children promptly. Parents or guardians are to be waiting for their children at the conclusion of practice.

Do to limited space in the wrestling room we ask that the parents who choose to stay and watch practice do so from outside the wrestling room. We ask that only Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. certifed personel assisting with practice to be allowed in the wrestling room during practice.

Match conduct:Wrestlers should arrive at the meet 1/2 hour before the scheduled start time of the meet. The wrestlers will stay in a supervised area designated by the coaches. Wrestlers will perform their pre-match warm-up exercises together in their uniforms (including warm-up team shirts and shorts). During the match, wrestlers will remain seated with the team. Roaming the venu facilites is strickly forbiden. After completion of a match, shaking hands with the opposing teams coach(s) is required and a brief match review with your coach is manditory. At away matches Parents are responsible for transporting their child to/from away matches. Wrestlers need to be at the location of the away match/tournament at the specified time. BE ON-TIME! When the team arrives at the visiting location, each wrestler should be in uniform. At the visiting location, the team will gather together at the visiting location in an area designated by the coaches. Same rules apply as for home match dress code and bench conduct.

Remember, at matches, the wrestlers not only represent themselves, but also represents their team and their communities. Therefore, infractions during a match will be considered serious. The coaches will not hesitate to remove a wrestler from the line up for one or more matches if he is showing willful disrespect for the established rules and for his team. If a wrestler is removed from the line-up for that match, he will immediately be released to the supervision of his parents.