Gloucester County Basketball League Constitution

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Gloucester County Basketball League Constitution



The mission of the Gloucester County Basketball League is to provide opportunities for member programs to work closely together, while promoting educational experiences for student athletes, which will benefit them throughout their lives.  The League will foster an educationally sound environment that values good sportsmanship, fair play, and a wholesome relationship among participants, spectators, organizations, and communities.

ARTICLE I         Name of Organization

Section 1.1      The name of this organization shall be the Gloucester County Basketball League (further referenced as GCBL or League).

ARTICLE II       Mission and Purpose of the Organization

Section 2.1      The GCBL will be guided by our mission statement and objectives.

Section 2.2      The League will continually evaluate present goals and objectives, adopt appropriate necessary change and then implement those changes.

ARTICLE III      Membership

Section 3.1      Any organization that is located in Gloucester County (or in any contiguous county) and who is willing to abide by the rules and regulations of the GCBL may apply.

Section 3.2      Application for new membership shall be made in writing by the organization’s governing body.  Copies of this application must be forwarded to the League President and/or Secretary.  Admission of shall be dependent upon a two-thirds majority vote of the entire eligible League membership.

Section 3.3      Membership Levels


3.3.1  Full Membership

·         Participation in all League season and post season play

·         Full voting rights


3.3.2  Provisional Membership

·         ALL first year member organizations shall be considered “Provisional members”

·         Participation in all League season and post season play

·         Provisional status shall be reviewed after 1 year


3.3.3  Probationary Membership

·         Any team placed on “Probation” by the League members

·         Have NO voting rights

·         Probationary status shall be reviewed after 1 year


Section 3.4     Expulsion


3.4.1 An organization may be dropped from the League by a two-thirds majority vote of the member organizations for failure to abide by the rules or decisions of the League.


ARTICLE IV                Dues/Budgets 

Section 4.1      Each member organization shall be assessed annual fees, supported by a League budget, which is to be decided by the League Board of Directors.  The League shall set the fees for the ensuing year no later than the October meeting.  The fees shall be paid to the League treasurer before December 20th of each organization year.  A review of the previous year’s accounts shall be presented to the League members at the October meeting.

Section 4.2      If the fees are not paid by January 30th, the organization shall be deemed delinquent. All contests in which the delinquent organization has participated may be forfeited.

Section 4.3      In the matter of any situation, incident or event involving legal matters and/or fees to be incurred beyond the normal budget, no action may be taken or fund disbursed until duly and properly approved by member organizations.  Action by the Executive Board of Directors on such matters may only come with input from the membership at the regular monthly League meeting or at a special meeting. In either case, each member organization shall be notified in writing of recommendations to be considered.

ARTICLE V       Board of Directors and Officers

Section 5.1      The Board of Directors shall consist of the representatives from each member organization.  Each member organization shall have one (1) vote. The Board of Directors shall nominate potential candidates for officers, for those positions open, at the first meeting of each organization year.  President, Vice President of Boys Division and Treasurer, every even year and Vice President of Girls Division and Secretary, every odd year. They shall be the Executive Board. All officers shall be elected to a two (2) year term. The officers and their respective duties are as follows:

5.1.1        President


1.   Preside at all League meetings.

·         Appoint committees and committee chairpersons.

·         Call special meetings when requested and/or in emergency situations.

·         Officially represent the League when necessary.

·         Prepare an agenda for each meeting


5.1.2          Vice President


·         Conduct League meetings in the absence of the President.

·         Shall assume responsibility for keeping all GCBL records, standings and oversee Tournament seeding and complaints.


5.1.3        Secretary

·         Record all minutes of regular and special meetings and present the minutes at the next regular meeting.

·         Send copies of the minutes and the agenda to member organizations prior to subsequent meetings.

·         Call the roll of organizations at meetings and record by name those present, absent and/or late.

·         Keep records of all League proceedings.

·         Be responsible for all League correspondence.

·         Record all negative and positive votes made by organizations at all meetings.




5.1.4        Treasurer

·         Prepare a League budget and submit a copy to the Board of Directors in October of each year.

·         Collect and deposit all finances.

·         Disburse payment of bills authorized by the League.

·         Be responsible for all purchases authorized by the League.

·         Prepare a monthly finance statement and give a report on the statement at the monthly meetings.

·         Prepare a yearly finance report for review purposes.


Section 5.2 Special Appointments


The Executive Board shall have the right to engage and/or employ the services of a League Scheduler and a League Assignor.


5.2.1     The League Scheduler will produce a master schedule to be presented no later than the December of the                   upcoming season


5.1.5        The League Assignor shall be responsible for the procurement and assignment of officials for all GCBL contests.


5.1.6        Compensation to the League Scheduler and League Assignor shall be proposed by the Executive Board and approved by a vote of the Board of Directors.


5.1.7        The Executive Committee may invite the League Scheduler and/or the League Assignor to participate in Executive Committee meetings and deliberations, but they shall have NO vote.


ARTICLE VI      Committees and Special Appointments


Section 6.1      Committees are defined as Standing or Adhoc.  A Standing committee helps in the operational management of the League.  An Adhoc Committee deals with special issues of the League.


Section 6.2      The League President shall appoint all committees.  A committee may be formed anytime the League President or its members decide one is necessary.


Section 6.3      All committee members shall serve on the appointed committee until new committee members replace them.


Section 6.4      A report by the committee Chairperson shall be presented at the monthly Executive or Board meeting.


ARTICLE VII     Meetings


Section 7.1      The League shall hold a minimum of two meetings prior to the start of the season (1 October, 1 November).


Section 7.2      Special meetings may be held at the call of the President or at the request of the majority of member organizations.


Section 7.3      A quorum shall consist of 60% of the member organizations.


Section 7.4      Gym availability and level requests will be due at a time set forth by the President.


Section 7.5      The order of business shall be as follows:


Call to order by presiding officer

Roll call by Secretary

Reading of minutes of previous meeting

Treasurer’s report

Approval for bills to be paid

Committee reports

Old business

New business

General welfare



Section 7.6      A motion can only be approved by a majority roll call vote of the organizations present and duly recorded.


Section 7.7      An organization must be represented by a member at regular meetings unless previously excused by the President.  Failure to attend at least 2 of the 4 regularly scheduled meetings shall result in a fine of $25 to be paid before the next meeting.  Failure to pay the above fine may result in an immediate suspension of the participation and voting rights of the organization in violation.


Section 7.8      All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The Vice President shall maintain a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order for reference at every meeting.


Section 7.9      Representation of attendance at all Board of Directors meetings shall extend from the call to order through adjournment unless previously excused by the President.


ARTICLE VIII   Protests and Grievances


Section 8.1      A protest may be put forth when an alleged violation of the League Constitution, By-laws, Rules, or Regulations has been committed.


8.1.1    Protests based upon official’s judgment or misinterpretation of the playing rules will not be honored.


8.1.2    An Executive member shall be the hearing body for all protests of the GCBL Constitution.


8.1.3    The Board of Directors shall be the hearing body for all protests of alleged violations of the GCBL By-laws, Rules and Regulations.


8.1.4    Once a quorum is present, a two-thirds majority vote of members present is required for decisions to be upheld. A summation of the issue may be sent by email with members voted within 24 hours if a quorum is not present.


Section 8.2      A grievance can occur when a member organization or organizations disagree with a decision made by the League.


Section 8.3      All grievances must be filed with either Vice President.


8.3.1    All protests of the Constitution shall be made in writing (email) to the President of the League by the complaining organization’s and dated within five (5) calendar days from the date of the alleged violation.  The representatives of the organizations involved must be notified in writing at least five (5) calendar days in advance of a protest hearing.

8.3.2    These grievances will be placed in the hands of the Executive Board


Section 8.4      Protest and Grievance Hearing Procedures: The following regulations will be in effect at all hearings in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.


8.4.1    A representative of the protesting organization shall state his/her case.  Witnesses having supporting evidence may be introduced.


8.4.2    The representative of the organization being protested against shall state his/her case.  Witnesses having supporting evidence may be introduced.


8.4.3    Other individuals having supporting evidence may be introduced.


8.4.4    All witnesses shall be sequestered at all times.


8.4.5    Either party shall be permitted to cross-examine the other party’s witnesses and introduce rebutting testimony.


8.4.6    Comments by protesting organization(s) may be made.


8.4.7    Comments by organization(s) being protested against may be made.


8.4.8    Questions shall be directed to both organizations and individuals involved.


8.4.9    The room shall be cleared. Only Executive Board members shall be present for deliberations, and final vote. One representative from each organization shall be present during deliberations and vote. A committee member may recall witnesses for clarification of their testimony.  No new testimony may be offered during deliberations.


8.4.10  Proposed solutions shall be stated in the form of a motion, indicating the names of the members who offered the motion and seconded the motion.


8.4.11  A recorded vote shall be taken.


8.4.12 A decision shall be rendered and a written explanation shall be sent to the organizations involved, by the League President, within five (5) approved calendar workdays


8.4.13  All final decisions made by the Executive Committee are final. 


ARTICLE IX      Sanctions and Penalties


When a violation occurs in a specific report, the League, after hearings, may apply probation, suspension, expulsion and/or forfeiture of games and/or championship rights.


Section 9.1            Probation


9.1.1    The cause for probation shall be the willful violation of the Constitution or By-laws of the GCBL.

9.1.2    The probationary period for a League organization shall be one (1) year from the date of the violation.

9.1.3    During the probationary period, an organization may play its regular schedule in sports but shall not be eligible for any League championship in the sport involved in the probation.


Section 9.2      Suspension

9.2.1    An organization may be suspended for:

Non-payment of dues, fees, or fines

Failure to fulfill game commitments

Playing a suspended organization

Continued violation of the Constitution and By-laws


Section 9.3      Expulsion


9.3.1    A organization may be expelled if:

The organization does not maintain responsibility and control of athletes, coaches, and fans.

The organization refuses to abide by the decisions of the League.


ARTICLE X       Amendments


Section 10.1    This Constitution and By-laws, as voted on by the governing body of each individual organization, may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of all member organizations. The proposed change(s) must be presented at the October meeting of the League and all organizations must receive the proposal(s) in writing prior to the meeting.  The change(s) will be voted on first reading at the November meeting and if successful, will then be acted upon at a Final Reading at the next meeting.



Section 10.2    All amendments will be stated on a separate amendments page for one (1) year.  After this time period, the amendments will be incorporated into the Constitution and By-laws as a whole.