Indoor Soccer
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The Raymond Soccer Club sponsors an Indoor Soccer Program for children ages four to ten (presently). Children must have turned 4 years old by September 30th the prior year. This program runs for six weeks on Sundays in January & February. ALL AGE GROUPS PLAY AT THE IHG MIDDLE SCHOOL GYM. *Registration starts on November 1st.
Indoor soccer will start on January 14th and run until Feb 18th. Sessions will be run by volunteers for each age group. Times TBD after sign ups but will be held between 11:00 noon & 4:00pm. Sessions will be a combination of skill building and playing. Skill building is crucial for younger kids to develop. Registration forms will be on our website starting November 1st, 2017 and you may also sign up at the Recreation Department during their normal business hours. Cost for this program is $25.00 per child or $40 per family. There is a $5.00 late fee for those not registered by January 5th.
Indoor Soccer 2018 Reminders
All sessions are held at the IHG Middle School gym.
Here are just a few yearly reminders:
All players MUST wear shin guards.
Only non-marking sneakers will be allowed in the gym. NO CLEATS OR TURF SHOES please!
Players should arrive at their scheduled time the first week. If we need to make time adjustments, it will be done AFTER the first week.
There will be no registrations taken at the gym. Anyone wanting to register after the program starts must do so at the Recreation office.
Each session is 1 hour long (Kickstarters 45min). Please exit the gym as soon as your child’s session is over so that the next group can begin on time.
WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Don’t be afraid to get on the gym floor and help if you see there are not enough adults. This is the best time to jump in (especially at the U6, U7 & U8 levels). Indoor soccer is very informal.
Happy New Year!
Raymond Soccer Club