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The Board shall be responsible for carrying out the mission, goals and objectives of the DREC Advisory Board (Board) and for the delivery of the needed services. Annual goals will be established and reviewed at the Board’s annual meeting.
The Dacusville Recreations Department will work cooperatively in the community to serve the citizens of the Dacusville community with quality programs and activities promoting self-esteem, good citizenship, physical well-being and safety in a manner that will enhance the quality of life for all people within the community.
● To provide quality recreation programs and facilities for Dacusville and the surrounding communities
● To promote public awareness and support of recreation services
● To promote community involvement in activities
● To develop, promote and advocate for the improvement of the community
● To promote community involvement and through volunteer efforts
● Assure financial ability to carry out the mission and goals
● Serve in an advisory capacity and make recommendations to the County Commissioners
Article I
Powers and Duties
Section 1. The DREC Advisory Board shall serve as an advisory board to the Pickens County Council with powers set forth by these by-laws adopted by the advisory board.
Section 2. The Board shall set policies for DREC function and activities. The Board will serve as liaison between the community recreation efforts and the Pickens County Council. It will also advise in matters affecting recreation policies, programs, personnel, finances and the acquisition of equipment as necessary.
Section 3. The Board shall assume duties as follows:
Make recommendations:
(1) For the establishment of a system of supervised recreation for the Dacusville Community
(2) Make recommendations for improvements of the recreational facilities such as construction, equipping, staffing within the funds available
(3) Set policies for governance of the resources
(4) Enforce policies and By-laws
Article II
Appointment and Composition of the Board
Section 1. The Board shall be appointed by the Pickens County Council and shall consist of six (6) members. Vacancies occurring for reasons other than the expiration of terms shall be filled as they occur for the remainder of the unexpired terms.
Section 2. Board members shall serve for two (2) years from election with eligibility for re-election. New members shall take office at the subsequent regular meeting in January. Terms will begin and end in January of each year. To be eligible as a member of the Board a person must reside within the commonly recognized Dacusville community. Efforts to stagger the replacement of Board members will be considered such that no more than 2 Board members are replaced within a three month period.
Section 3. The Board member positions will be:
● Chair
● Co-Chair
● Secretary
● Treasurer
● Facilities Coordinator
● Sports Coordinator
Article III
Duties of the Members
Section 1. The Chair shall preside at all officially scheduled meetings. The Chair will oversee day to day operations, grants and Public Relations. The Chair will oversee cooperation with other Dacusville Community organizations. The Chair position is the senior position. The Chair has final decision making authority for day to day operations not requiring a vote by the Board.
Section 2. The Vice-Chair shall preside at officially scheduled meetings when the Chair is not present. Additional duties include:
● The Vice-Chair will attend league meetings as necessary.
● The Vice-Chair will oversee fundraising efforts and provide to the Board a minimum of 3 major fundraising event plans per year. The Vice-Chair will work in collaboration with the other Board Members to make these Fundraising Events possible.
● The Vice-Chair in conjunction with the Treasurer and Secretary, will also maintain the appropriate fillings with the SC Secretary of State and other Government requirements to keep the REC in “Good Standing” and maintain the FEIN Number and Tax Exemption Numbers.
● The Vice-Chair will act as a Liaison between the DREC and local businesses to procure donations in both monetary and goods form.
● The Vice-Chair will also independently as well as in conjunction with other members of DREC Board solicit volunteers from the community for various projects and fundraising events, of which these volunteers shall be approved by the DREC Board.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
● Notify members of scheduled and special meetings.
● Distribute mailings, newsletters and/or publications to the community as directed by coordinators, chairperson and co-chair.
● Record and distribute minutes of all meetings. Minutes should be approved at the next meeting and then made public.
● Keep record of the attendance to support voting rights as specified in the By-Laws.
● Make a copy of the record of all meetings available to the Board members.
● Assist in signups and registration.
● Coordinate information to be published on the website and social media.
● Notify parents via text messaging and/or e-mails regarding practices, games, game delays or any other pertinent information.
● Maintain participant registration forms and update insurance policies as necessary.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
● Shall be responsible for the oversight of DREC Association funds and securities.
● Shall maintain custody of all funds of the DREC Association and to account for the same when requested.
● Shall prepare and present a complete and accurate financial (P&L) statement at each scheduled Board meeting and other times as requested or deemed appropriate.
● Shall collect all monies from each sports coordinator in a timely manner.
● Shall be responsible for keeping all DREC debts current and make any payments to vendors in a timely manner.
● Shall provide appropriate oversight of concession financial management, such as inventory control, stocking and financial operations.
● Approve any financial spend or commitment up to $200 per single transaction. Financial commitments or transactions over $200 require Board approval by motion and vote.
● Should assist with signups and registration for DREC and verify that all player and coach’s fees are paid as due.
Section 5. The Facilities Coordinator shall oversee and maintain the general condition of the sports facilities. Responsibilities include”
● Upkeep and maintenance of county owned facilities which include all ball fields, gymnasium, outdoor shelter, playground, tennis courts and outdoor basketball courts.
● Upkeep and maintenance of county owned equipment that supports DREC.
● Develop and adhere to a routine maintenance schedule to be performed by DREC concerning facilities and equipment.
● Interface with Pickens county concerning major repairs, maintenance and capital improvements provided by Pickens County.
● Interface with the community to establish a committee made up of board members, other community organizations and community members to provide long range goals and objectives for the facilities at Shoals Creek Church Road.
● Organize and schedule work days for both locations on an as need basis.
● Establish a working committee concerning “SAFETY” at both locations.
Section 6. The Sports Coordinator shall:
● Attend all sports meetings with each league.
● Make coach and sporting coordinator nominations to the board for approval.
● Inspect all equipment for proper functionality and safe use.
● Assure all signup paperwork is completed and turned in in a timely manner.
● Assure payments are received at signup and turned over to the Treasurer.
● Schedule umpires and referees for events.
● Coordinate and schedule games, practices and field availability.
● Assure uniforms are ordered in a timely manner such that each player has a uniform by the first game.
Article IV
Meetings and Quorum
Section 1. The official meetings of the board shall be held as a minimum on a monthly basis unless when determined otherwise by the Board. The Chair of the Board or, in his/her absence, the Vice-Chair, may call a special meeting of the Board at any time necessary. A quorum of the Board shall be in attendance before action of an official nature can be taken. A quorum is at least 51% of the membership. Monthly and special meetings will be closed meetings. The Board will hold quarterly meetings that will be open to the public.
Article V
Attendance of Members
Section 1. An appointed member who misses more than three (3) consecutive regular meetings loses his/her status as a member of the Board until reappointed or replaced. Absences due to sickness, death, or other emergencies of like nature shall be regarded as approved absences and shall not affect the member’s status on the Board except in the event of a long illness, or other such cause for prolonged absence, the member may be respectfully replaced.
Article VI
Section 1. All positions on the DREC Board are volunteer and as such no compensation is given. General out of pocket expenses for travel to and from DREC meetings will be at the volunteer’s cost. Out of town travel expenses for league meetings as an example, can be re-reimbursable with receipts at the discretion of the Board via vote.
Article VII
Section 1. Operational policies, procedures and such amendments may be incorporated into the By-Laws as developed and approved by the majority vote of the Board. The proposed changes to the By-Laws may be made at any duly called meeting of the Board. The proposed changes shall be submitted to the Board not less than fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting.
Article VIII
Section 1. Proxy voting will not be allowed or recognized at any meeting.
Article IX
Section 1. Voting members shall consist of the full Board positions defined in Article II. In the event of a tie vote, the motion fails.
Items requiring a mandatory motion and vote by the board:
● Financial spends of over $200 for any single transaction
● Sports coordinator position designates
● Revisions to the By-laws
● Replacement of Board members
● Special events or activities such as fund raisers, tournament hosting or participation
● All operational policy changes
Article X
Parliamentary Procedures
Section 1. Parliamentary procedures are adhered to for motions and votes, as reflected in the latest edition of the Roberts Rules of Order and shall prevail at official meetings of the Board unless otherwise specified by the By-Laws.
Article XI
Non-discrimination Statement
Section 1. The Board shall not discriminate in any manner against any person or group by reason of race, age, gender, national origin, ability, and sexual orientation, religious or political affiliation.
Addendum 1 - Team Assignment
1. This Addendum pertains to all sports at Dacusville Recreation Department.
2. There will be one Head Coach per team who will make all decisions for the team pertaining to draft selections.
3. When there is more than one team in an age group, the teams will be divided as equitably as possible following the guidelines listed below:
a. Children of Head Coaches will be assigned to that coach’s team.
b. Siblings will be placed on same team.
c. Returning Head Coaches within the same age bracket may retain returning players for team continuity as long as all other conditions below are met.
d. Head Coaches who move up to the next age bracket are not guaranteed player continuity from their previous season’s team. The Head Coach will be required to participate in the draft for players.
e. All new players will be placed in a draft. When a player moves up to the next age bracket, that player is considered a new player and will participate in the draft.
f. Assistant Coaches and Team Mom’s cannot be selected prior to the draft to “lock” a player.
g. Every effort will be made to consider transportation needs when assigning a new player to a team. However, team assignment based on transportation needs is not guaranteed. Requests for a specific team based on transportation needs must be made known at time of signup.
h. Late signups will be placed on a waiting list and be assigned to a team once all coaches in that age group have been given the opportunity to evaluate the player.
If, at the discretion of the Sport Coordinator, a team becomes extremely dominant during a season, the Sport Coordinator has the authority to adjust team composition as necessary to level the playing field. This is an extreme measure and will only be used in extreme situations.