Rules by Division
Subscribe to our Newsletterplay is governed by KHSAA/NFHS rules.
With the exception of a few local and basic rules by Division:
6th Grade Middle School Baseball
1) Time Limits- 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hr 45 min. However, in the event of a regular season game tied with time expired, one additional inning will be played to attempt to break the tie.
2) Run rule is in effect when:
a) Home team has a 15 run lead after 2 ½ or Visiting Team has a 15 run lead after 3 innings complete.
b) Home team has a 10 run lead after 3 ½ or Visiting Team has a 10 run lead after 4 innings complete.
c) Or after the 1 hour and 45 minute time limit expires and the current hitter has completed his/her at bat, if either team has a 10 run lead, the game will be called and considered complete.
3) All fields played on are 50’ mound by 70’ bases.
4) Cleats- Must be rubber or molded plastic.
5) Bats size restrictions- please refer to Bat Restrctions under "Handouts".
6) EH (Extra Hitter) is coach’s option, but must be maintained throughout the entire
game. If you start with 10 batters, you must end with 10 batters.
The EH rules can be viewed or downloaded from the handouts section on this site.
Varsity and Junior Varsity Middle School Baseball
1) Time limits- 7 innings or no new inning after 1 hr 50 min. However, in the event of a regular season game tied with time expired, one additional inning will be played to attempt to break the tie.
2) Run rule is in effect when:
a) Any team is down by 20 runs.
b) Home team has a 15 run lead after 2 ½ or Visiting Team has a 15 run lead after 3 innings complete.
b) Home team has a 10 run lead after 4 ½ or Visiting Team has a 10 run lead after 5 innings complete.
c) Or after the 1 hr and 50 minute time limit expires and the current hitter has completed his/her at bat, if either team has a 15 run lead, the game will be called and considered complete. 4-16-10rb
3) All Varsity games are played on fields with 60’6” mound by 90’ bases.
4) All Junior Varsity games are played on fields with 54’mound by 80’ bases.
5) Varsity League Cleats- Can be metal, rubber or molded plastic.
6) Junior Varsity Games must be molded cleats - no metal cleats due to batters boxes and portable mounds.
5) Bats size restrictions- please refer to Bat Restrctions under "Handouts".
6) DH (Designated Hitter) is an option and must be used in accordance with KHSAA/NFHS rules.
7) EH (Extra Hitter) is not permitted in Junior Varsity or Varsity League in accordance with KHSAA/NFHS rules.
Approved Baseballs:
Each team must supply 2 NEW NFHS Certitifed game balls. Game balls must be marked NFHS and be tournament grade balls (solid cork core - wound in wool). Each team is expected to have gently used game balls to throw into the game if required.
All baseballs used in the Middle School league must have the
NFHS (Nat’l Federation of State High Schools Association) stamp on them.
This would include Pro Nine, Diamond D-1, Rawlings 100/200, Wilson A1010, etc.
Modified 02/23/15tm