Rules common to ALL Divisions
Subscribe to our NewsletterBaseball League play is governed by KHSAA/NFHS rules.
With the exception or addition of these procedures,
local and common rules for All Divisions:
Game Result Reporting Procedure
1. It is the responsibility of the winning coach to report game scores via email to on a timely basis.
2. It is the responsibility of the losing coach to confirm the accuracy of the score via the web site.
3. In the case of an unresolved discrepancy, the home team or official score is final.
4). After a game has been concluded for a period of one calendar week, previously reported scores are final unless both Head Coaches petition for it to be changed.
Rain Out Decisions
A decision will be made by park officials to cancel a game as soon as possible to allow for schools to notify students prior to dismissal for the day. This practice has been in place in the past and it will continue.
This is however in consideration of the fact that we want to play games if allowed. If there is rain and it is unclear if the games will be canceled or played then we will wait as late as possible in an attempt to complete as many games as possible as regularly scheduled. The rain out lines will be updated as soon as a decision is made. The rain out information can be found on the league website.
The decision to play or not to play games is strictly under the juristiction of the park officials as to whether the field is suitable for play or not. It is recommended that coaches, players and parents check the league website ( and the specific rainout line for the facility games are being played at AFTER 4PM.
If for any reason, but most commonly due to weather, a game is suspended at any point before time has expired and one full inning has been completed, the game will be rescheduled for conclusion and will resume in the exact position regarding game time and game situation. Coaches are required to provide this information to the umpires prior to the restart of the game.
Pitchers eligibility however will be subject to "BOTH" their current status and their status in that game. ie. Pitchers must be both eligible to pitch the day of the reschedule and still eligible to pitch in that particular game.
Greater Louisville Middle School Baseball runs a very tight game schedule throughout the season. It is the responsibility of each team to make a best effort to be prepared to play 30 minutes in advance of scheduled game start time if the opportunity to start games early exists. Games that end in a run rule, forfeit, etc. could lead to the next scheduled game starting no more than 30 minutes early. Teams must be prepared to play 30 minutes early.
All player’s names must be submitted on a roster, signed by the administration(or coach if employed at the school) of your school, verifying all players enrollment. Roster must be submitted to the League Administrator prior to participation in the first game of each season. New players may be added to the roster at any time during the season by resubmitting the roster using the same criteria as in the previous statement before that players enters a game.
Any team caught playing with ineligible players will have their wins for that season vacated and be suspended from the post season tournament.
Players may play up on their school’s team only, but they CAN NOT play down below their described division. (ie. No 8th graders playing JV div, No 7th playing 6th)
Academic/behavioral eligibility is the sole responsibility of the player’s parent, coach and school.
KHSAA Pitching Limitation Rule (For all interscholastic play including scrimmages, regular season and all rounds of postseason) is based on the number of pitches thrown in a game with the following provisions:
- The calendar rest begins on the day following the date on which the game began or a resumed game began regardless of the conclusion time of the game.
- The pitch count is based on pitches thrown for strikes (including all foul balls); balls; balls in play and outs.
- A pitcher who reaches the pitch count limit in the middle of an at-bat will be allowed to finish that hitter.
- Warm-up pitches allowed before each inning, warm up pitches allowed by the umpire in case of injury or game delay, and plays attempted against the batter-runner or any runner at first, second or third base do not count against the limit.
- All NFHS Substitution and Pitching Rules must be followed.
- The pitch count charts of both teams must be available for the Head Coaches and Crew Chief during each contest .
- A Designated Pitch Count Recorder shall be designated by each team (DPCR).
- At game’s conclusion, the KHSAA pitch count form will be signed by both head coaches or designated representatives.
- Both schools have the responsibility to maintain every pitching chart form until the school season is complete.
- Any discrepancy found after the game will be reported to the KHSAA and shall be treated as a potential eligibility issue to resolve.
- For pitchers pitching multiple levels or for multiple teams, the most restrictive rule shall apply when there is conflict.
- The use of a pitcher not eligible to pitch by the pitch count restrictions shall constitute the use of an ineligible player and result in contest forfeiture and additional penalties per Bylaw 27.
- A hard copy must be available upon GLMS or KHSAA request at any point during and following the season.
The limit on the number of pitches is based on the level of pitching. Specific rest periods are in place when a pitcher reaches a threshold of pitches delivered in a day. The rest periods required during the regular and postseason are listed below:
Maximum Pitches – 85
56 pitches or more – Three (3) calendar days of rest
36-55 – Two (2) calendar days of rest
20-35 – One (1) calendar day of rest
1-19 – No mandated rest
Tie Breaker Rules
• Regular Season: In the case of a regular season game suspended in a tie for time and the additional inning completed, it will be administration’s decision by committee to make up suspended or tie games at anytime in the season the administration deems it necessary “and/or” convenient to do so.
• Tournament seeding:
1. Overall League record
2. Then head to head
3. Then total runs allowed for the reg season.
4. Then total runs scored for the reg season.
5. Then coin toss
NOTE: In the case of a three way round robin tie (a beat b, b beat c, c beat a) we return to rule # 3, and proceed to break the 3 way tie. Immediately upon breaking the three way tie, we would then break the tie between the remaining 2 teams head to head.
• Tournament Games: Are played to conclusion, but may be suspended at the discretion of the umpire and resumed at a later date.
Courtesy Runner – Speed Up Rule – ALL DIVISIONS
1. At any time, the team at bat may use courtesy runners for the pitcher and/or the catcher of record.
2. The same individual runner may not be used to run for both positions (pitcher and catcher) during the game.
3. Neither the pitcher nor the catcher will be required to leave the game under such circumstances.
4. A eligible Courtesy Runner is first and foremost a substitute player that has not entered the game as a starting player or substitute player.
If a true substitute runs for the pitcher or catcher, he is only eligible to run for that specific posiiton even when replacement players take the
pitcher or catcher position during the game.
5. Starters that are substituted out of the game are not eligible to be Courtesy Runners nor are substitutes that enter the game and then exit
the game under the re-entry rules.
6. If a team does not have eligible substitute players at any point in the game, then the Courtesy Runner defaults to the Last Batted Out player.
6th Grade and Junior Varsity Players must wear molded cleats - no metal cleats allowed!!
Varsity Players may wear metal cleats except when pitching on Portable Turf Mounds.
Bat restrictions: please see Bat Restrictions under the "Handouts" section.
Approved Baseballs:
Each team must supply 2 NEW NFHS Certitifed game balls. Game balls must be marked NFHS and be tournament
grade balls (solid cork core - wound in wool). Each team is expected to have gently used game balls to throw into the game if required.
All baseballs used in the Middle School league must have the NFHS (Nat’l Federation of State High Schools Association) stamp on them.
This would include Pro Nine, Diamond D-1, Rawlings 100/200, Wilson A1010, etc.
Modified 04/0514tm
Policy for Protest of Middle School Baseball Game
The protesting coach must notify the home plate umpire at the time of the incident. Protests presented after the time of the incident will not be accepted.
Only questions regarding a ruling of a call will be accepted for protest. There will be no protest accepted for judgment calls.
The home plate umpire will notify the administrator score keeper to document the accepted protest in the score book noting the time of the incident leading to the protest and the game situation at that time (i.e. pitch count, number of outs, base runners etc.)
The game will be completed.
The home plate umpire will notify the Umpire in Chief (UIC) that a protest was filed and accepted.
The UIC will contact 2 MS league administrators to discuss the filed protest.
The 2 league administrators will contact the coaches involved in the game. One administrator will contact the home team coach and the other administrator will contact the visiting team coach.
A vote will occur, after hearing the reports from both league administrators, involving the UIC and the 2 MS league administrators to either accept or deny the protest request.
If the protest is denied, the game results will stand as completed.
If the protest is accepted the game will be replayed, resuming from the point in the game documented in the official score book, to completion under the local rules for Greater Louisville Middle School Baseball.
2015 Season
UIC = Marty Alexander
MS League Adminstrators = Tom Medford, Chris Rader, Larry Head and Ted Nunn