Tournament Check List/Wavier form
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Coaches Check List
1. Make sure roster forms and money is received by tournament director prior to the start of the tournament. If they are not received before the start of the tournament your team will not be allowed to participate.
2. Make sure you have all your players paper work( Birth certificate, report card(s). (See YBOA and AAU rules for the details). Your players must meet the age requirements to play in the proper division, YBOA and AAU rules have change for the 2012 season. Please make sure your are aware of them. . If a player does not have the proper paper work he/she will not be allowed to play until it is produced!
3. The home team may be responsible for keeping the official book and the visiting team may be responsible for keep the clock.
4. Teams will be given 3 coaches passes per team. They me be only used by a coach and or score keeper! If a spectator, has a coaches passes it will be taken up and the spectator will have to buy a pass.
5. Make sure that you keep check the schedule for any changes, they could change at anytime!!!!!
6. Team must check in, at least 1 hour before your first game, unless you are the first game off the day. Then you must check in 30 minutes before your first game. At check in you will have to have all paper work and a Tournament roster that will be keep by the tournament director. What ever is on the tournament roster is what your are bound by for the rest off the tournament.