The Penncrest High School Cheerleading Booster Club
is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization of its membership.  All parents of PHS Cheerleading are part of the Booster Club.  The purpose of this club is to:

  • Provide financial support for the Penncrest Cheerleading Team by supporting fundraising activities to offset all cheer-related expenses.
  • Encourage and promote the enthusiastic interest and volunteer involvement of parents and community members to promote the financial needs of the cheer team.


President:  Lynda Colucci

Treasurer:  Jackie Chaga

Senior Reps:  Heather Neiman & Cheryl Wolf
Junior Rep: Dawn Fredericks
Sophomore Rep: Kelly Sheridan
Freshman Rep:  Lauren Gianneas



Ongoing Fundraising Opportunities


  Our parents are not only the backbone of the PHS Cheerleading Booster Club, but they are also enthusiastic supporters of the cheerleaders, on and off the mat.  Thank you for all you do!









(Click on individual forms for link to download)

Expense Reimbursement Form

Check Request Form

Cash/Check Collection Report



Recent changes in the Child Protective Services Law require all volunteers who have direct contact with students to obtain the following three clearances:  A Child Abuse Clearance, a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check and an FBI Clearance.  All clearances are now available electronically.  

You will find the directions for obtaining the clearances below.  The cost of obtaining the clearances will be your responsibility.  Once you have obtained the certifications please hand them in at the front desk at the building in which you will be volunteering.  They will be sent to the Human Resources Department for verification.  If you have any questions about obtaining your clearances, please call Missy Finsterbusch at 610-627-6021.

Please allow enough time for the clearances to be verified prior to the date your volunteer work is to begin.

When you hand in your clearances for verification, they must be less than five (5) years old and will be valid for five (5) years from the date of your oldest clearance.  Once obtained, clearances must be renewed every sixty (60) months. If your clearances are older than one year, the actual clearance must be handed in, a receipt is not acceptable.  If your FBI was done through the DPW, the original of the clearance must be seen.

Thank you for volunteering in Rose Tree Media School District.  You are providing a valuable service to our students.

Applying for Clearances (click here)

CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CLEARANCE (click here) - Note:  For volunteers, click on the yellow button that says "New Record Check" (volunteers only).  The cost for volunteers is waived.  Follow instructions for filling out the application.

FBI CLEARANCE (click here) - Note: For volunteers, enter service code 1KG6Y3.

  • Click on "Schedule or Manage an Appointment."  For volunteers, the screen should read "1KG6Y3 Pennsylvania PDE Volunteer."  See Number 9.
  • Fill in the information on the page and click next.  Follow through completing all of the pages.
  • On the last page, you will schedule your fingerprint appointment.
  • Payment in the amount of $23.85 will be made at the fingerprint site by credit card, money order or check.
  • Be sure to bring your ID with you to the fingerprint site.
  • The FBI Clearance must be completed through the Pennsylvania Department of Education.  We will not accept any FBI Clearances that are done through other departments.

CHILD ABUSE CLEARANCE (click here) - Note: The application for the Child Abuse Clearance must be completed online at this link.  You will need to create a log-in before applying.  The cost of the clearance is $8.00.  For volunteers, the cost will be waived.  After you apply for the child abuse clearance, you will receive an email confirming your application.  You will be able to print out your child abuse clearance when it is ready; you do not need to wait for it to come in the mail.



Cheer Clinic




 Egg My Yard (Easter)




Our Sponsors