Lady Cougars General Cheer Details
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Practice is Mandatory – Please remember that cheerleading is a group sport and all girls need to be at practice on a regular basis to excel. (Absences will not be tolerated). We participate in 2 competitions; the girls need to be prepared as a group, PRACTICE IS ESSENTIAL!!!
Practice Schedule – Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (June through August) 6:30pm-8:00pm * Subject to change*
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays and Friday’s (Some Weekends) September through End of Season!
(Please stay away from planning vacations during the months of October & November.)
Do Not ASSUME practices is cancelled because of the rain; the decision to cancel practice will be made by Candace (Cheer Commissioner) by 6:30pm.
Parents must provide contact information (Cell/email) to receive important day to day information and cheer updates.
Cheerleaders must be picked –up by 8:15pm. THE LATEST!
Parents are NOT allowed on the field during practice (to limit distractions):
RETURNING / NEW PARTICIPANTS: In addition to registration fee, you will be required to purchase a separate cheer package. See Cheer package details.
Please Note: If Cheer package FEE is not paid on or before due date; a separate shipment will be required. (Parent’s will be responsible for an additional $25 to $30 late fee to cover expedited shipment)
o X-TREME Competition – Sunday, November 9, 2019 (Plan to stay until the very end) @ Nova Southeastern
o Orange Bowl Competition – Sunday, November 10, 2019@Nova Southeastern
(One game every Saturday for the next 10 Saturdays (Mandatory Attendance) Except Pee-Wee’s (FRIDAY)
***See additional dates provided on “2019 Cheer Dates to Remember” ***
Candace Email Address: 305-310-0039
Looking forward to a great Cheer Season!