Subscribe to our NewsletterBRANDEN DREHER
Brandon Dreher is a 12 year old 7th grader that plays shortstop and pitcher for the East End Express.
He began playing baseball because he thought it was interesting to watch and the minute he took the field he fell in love with the game.
What he loves most about the sport is, “Being able to see people come from all over the country and having the opportunity to compete against them.”
Brandon says, “If he could play for any major league team he would play for the New York Yankees” and tries to model his game after his favorite player Derek Jeter.
If he could meet Derek Jeter he would tell him, “I’m your biggest fan, and ask him what can I do to get as good as you?
If Brandon had any advice to give to other young kids that want to play ball, he would tell them, “You must first do well in school if you want to make it as a ball player.”
Well Brandon, based on your performance on the field during the recent Virginia Invitational you are well on your way to being a fantastic ball player, Keep up the hard work and we will continue to see you at the ballpark.