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Procedures for officials to follow if experiencing issues during an athletic contest.

Please see below for “officials check list” for officials to follow should they experience issues with spectators during an athletic contest. This procedure shall assist officials as to what to do and who to contact should they have issues.

Officials -Please print, read, understand and follow this procedure regardless of level so everyone is on the same page. This procedure will be reviewed and finalized with all SXI ADs at the 9/7/2023 meeting. Accordingly, school personnel as well as all officials will be on the same page and know what to do when issues arise. Officials shall not let these situations go unreported.


Procedures for officials to follow if experiencing issues during an athletic contest.


1.       Stop the game.

2.       Approach the HOME team head coach.

3.       Request to speak with chaperone/security.

4.       Explain to chaperone/security what the issue is.

5.       If no chaperone or security can be identified, have Home Head Coach address issue.

6.       Resume contest.

7.       If situation persists, stop game, request chaperone/security again.

8.       Have individual(s) removed. Ask chaperone/security to identify individual(s).

9.       You MUST record individual’s name(s).

10.   Wait until individual leaves complex. Do not start contest until they leave.

11.   Resume contest.

12.   Submit written SECTION XI MISCONDUCT form by noon the next day identifying individual(s) who were removed from the contest to

13.   With Section XI as the driving force, the NYSPHSAA voted in to treat spectators in the same way coaches and athlete are in regards to ejections.

(1st time, sit out next contest. 2nd time -2 game ban, 3rd time, remainder of the season).

Individual’s ejected are not permitted to be at the site of that next contest.

14.   For any player or coach ejected from the game. Please make sure to have full name and number of that person to include in your report.

15.   Misconduct report MUST include, sport (gender), level, and full name & number plus explanation why individual(s) were ejected.

16.   If a fight occurs, please make note of the bench areas and any individual who leaves that area during an on-field altercation. As per new policy passed by Section XI in May of 2022, individuals who leave the bench area during an on field altercation will be required to sit out the next 2 contests.

  If something out of the ordinary takes place, the officials are to call in to the Section office by noon the next day (631-366-0700) and ask to speak to Pete Blieberg to report the situation.

*All the information above has been put in place to assist the officials in overseeing the athletic contest. Athletic Directors will continue to work to improve the chaperone/security responsibilities.