Sportsmanship Agreement

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Sportsmanship Agreement

"For the Girls"
When you ask a Coach or a Board Member why they volunteer their time to WGS, the answer is "For the Girls".
In recent years the behavior of many parents, fans, players and coaches has become intolerable.  This is true not only in Westchester, but across the country in all types of youth sporting and athletic events.  The focus of being out at the games "For the Girls" has diminished and is often completely forgotten.  We all know that in the heat of competition our emotions run high, but it is no excuse for abusive language or actions towards coaches, umpires, board members or even players.  The bottom line is that inappropriate conduct will not be permitted or tolerated by anyone attending or involved in a WGS game or function.
The first instance of an abusive action will result in a warning from a WGS representative of said individual's misbehavior.  After one warning has been issued, a second instance of abusive action will result in ejection of said individual AND THE ACCOMPANYING WGS PLAYER from the game or event.  Any further instance of abuse will result in a Board decision to suspend said individual(s) and accompanying player(s) indefinitely or even prohibition from further participation in the league at all.
WGS is a recreational and competitive program "For the Girls" to learn the game, make new friends and have FUN.  Focus on making the 2019 season an enjoyable experience for yourself and "For the Girls".
We ask a parent (representing all family members), managers and coach(es) to sign this Sportsmanship Agreement as your acknowledgement, understanding and agreement of the rules stated above.
We thank you and appreciate your continued support of Westchester Girls Softball.
2019 WGS Board
(The document represented above is to be signed by all participants in WGS)

Giordano's of Westchester