Code Of Conduct-Parent/COACHES
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This Code of Conduct is provided in accordance with the provisions of the Fort Lee Girls Basketball League.
Youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social and emotional development of children.
It is therefore essential for coaches to encourage youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship.
Moreover, adults involved in youth sports events should be models of good sportsmanship and should lead by example by demonstrating fairness, respect and self-control.
Coach's Code
1. Players play for enjoyment; winning is only part of the game. Never ridicule or yell at the players for making mistakes or losing a competition. Make sure all players have an equal to opportunity to play. Furthermore, each player must meet and/or exceed the minimum play requirements.
2. Remember that you are your team's role model. Recognize the importance of your behavior at games; be sporting to your opponents and the officials both in victory and defeat.
3. Do not tolerate negative behavior by your team members, and actively correct said behavior immediately.
4. Recognize the value and importance of referees, and treat them with respect. If you disagree with your official, bring the situation to the attention of your sport coordinator or a member of the Board.
5. Children learn by example. Applaud good play by your team and opponents.
6. Each Coach and Assistant Coach shall refrain from abusive, threatening, and intimidating actions or language directed toward players, parents, spectators, opposing coaches or referees at all times.
7. Coaches must follow the rules of the league in which they are playing. Coaches who ignore these rules risk forfeit of games and possible removal from league activities.
8. All coaches must submit to a background check. This application can be found at
9. Each Coach and Assistant Coach shall strive to provide the highest level of instruction possible to the players.
10. Conduct and sportsmanship of coaches, fans and players is a concern of the Referees. These Officials will work through coaches whenever possible to disarm and work through volatile situations. Officials have full authority to warn and eject fans, coaches or players from play, from the playing field, or from the area of the field, as deemed necessary to continue uninterrupted play. Officials will report all serious warnings or ejections to the League’s Board of Directors immediately following the game.
11. A coach will not initiate, or encourage a player to initiate, a fight or scuffle with any coach, parent, player, participant, official or any other attendee. (page 1 of 2) I, therefore, pledge to be responsible for my words and actions while coaching and shall conform my behavior to this Code of Conduct.
By signing the below, I have read and understand the Code and understand that the expectations apply to behavior on and off the field at games and at practices. I agree to abide by the Code’s guidelines at all team and league activities. I understand that if I do not follow this Code of Conduct,
I may be asked to leave the League activity (such as game or practice); may be relieved of my volunteer coaching position with the League; and/or it will result in expulsion and relief of my duties.
Additionally, I understand that if I do not sign this document,
I will not be permitted to coach within the League.
Name Signaturev --------------------------------------------------------------
Parent Code Of Conduct
PARENTS’ CODE OF CONDUCT - Fort Lee Girls Recreation Basketball League
Basketball is intended to be a recreational activity for enjoyment and health. This code of conduct has been developed to give participants a guide to the expectations it has on those participants. It is intended to assist everyone to obtain the maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in basketball. As a result, the quality of participation will be improved so people are more likely to start and continue their involvement in basketball. Enjoy!!
1. A child learns best by example. Applaud good play by all teams. Acknowledge all good plays whether they are by your children’s team or the other team. Good manners and respect can be infectious. If you acknowledge the achievements of your children’s opponents it is likely your children will follow suit. This can assist to create a positive and supportive climate for all children involved in the game.
2. Accept decisions of all referees as being fair and called to the best of their ability. Referees and officials have a difficult task to perform and your children could not play the game without them. They are there to enforce the rules of play but they cannot always be right. Accept badly calls graciously. Abuse of referees is unacceptable behavior. Players who consistently dispute decisions or do not accept bad decisions are bad sports. If you disagree with a decision, discuss it with your children in a constructive manner.
3. Set a good example by your own conduct, behavior and appearance. Children often learn by example. You are the prime role models for them. Make your parenting rewarding and beyond criticism by leading by example. Do not criticize opposing team members or supporters by word or gesture. Accept loss graciously and applaud the efforts of all playing the game.
4. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities. Parents have considerable influence in how sports are conducted. Often they are called on to perform volunteer work to help organize their and others’ children’s activities. Use this rewarding experience, not just to assist in getting the necessary work performed, but also to influence the atmosphere in which your children play the sport. Children not as fortunate as yours whose parents are not willing or able to be involved may need some guidance on what is or is not acceptable behavior.
5. Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Volunteers are necessary for the functioning of sporting activities. Without them, your child could not participate. Whilst many are parents of people involved in the sport, many are also people dedicated to the sport and its development. Show them the respect and appreciation that they deserve.
6. Keep children in your care under control. Basketball encourages you to bring your children to games. However, there can be dangers to them in a basketball stadium. They can also constitute a danger to players. You should ensure that children with you at a basketball game are well behaved and do not wander onto or too near to courts. They can easily be knocked down by a player or a player can trip over a child when concentrating on the play in addition, not expecting a small child to be in the way.
7. We are all responsible and must work together in keeping the court of play clean. Before you leave the gym after your game has concluded, please dispose all of your trash.
8. Hall loitering by any persons will not be tolerated. Upon entering the school, all interested parties must assemble at the gymnasium and not wander around the hallways and other school properties
9. Persons violating this code of conduct will be required to leave the facility immediately AND subject to additional punitive measures by the league. This violation will include either a written warning from the league, parental game(s) or season suspension, which would prevent the parent from entering any facility during which any basketball practice or game is being conducted. I understand that it is my responsibility to know the rules of the Fort Lee Recreation Basketball League (which are posted on