General Rules
Subscribe to our NewsletterGeneral Rules to be followed by all age groups:
Coaches; please adhere to these rules below as per Pat Ambrosio, FLHS Athletic Director.
- Please have your athletes wait outside until a coach walks them inside.
- Please adhere to your times at the beginning and end of your session
- Please make sure that no athlete is left unsupervised at anytime during your sessions.
- Please only use the gymnasium and the locker-rooms – no athlete should roam the building
- Adult supervisors should be the last person to leave the premises..children should not be left behind in the parking lot, etc.
- Please clean the gym and locker room after usage.
- If damage occurs, please contact me asap
- All players must be dressed in proper game uniform attire - Game shirt, shorts and sneakers. Players not dressed properly will not be allowed to play in the game and or or the Ref will start the game off with a technical foul.* All jewelry must be removed prior to the start of every game
- All schools are being stricter with their security policies and that at no time should doors be left open at the conclusion of your practice times. For the safety of our children , we strongly suggest all doors be closed during your practice sessions, however, if for some reason a door must be left ajar to allow for ventilation etc… please be sure to close and lock the door accordingly post practice. The FLPD will be checking all the schools at night for safety reasons & for your protection.
Good luck! - Dave