Spring Football Events
Spring Football FAQ:
Q: Is Spring tackle Football real football played outside with 11 players on the field?
A: Yes. Spring tackle Football is ’11-on11’ tackle football played on a regulation football field with a few basic rule modifications.
Q: Do I need to be a member of GMYFL to register for Spring Football?
A: No. GMYFL Spring Football is open to all applicants. Applications still need to be approved by GMYFL.
Q: How do I register for Spring Football?
A: Download and print the GMYFL League Application here. Email completed application to gmyflchairman@gmail.com or mail to:
Q: Is there a registration fee?
A: There is no registration fee for GMYFL members. For non-members there is a $100 application fee. The application fee is applied to your league fees if accepted. If accepted you will be invited to the next meeting.
Q: How long is the Spring Season?
A: Spring Football lasts a total of 4 games. The post season consists of 1 playoff game and the Spring Showcase (Championship) for those that qualify.
Q: Where are the games played?
A: Games are held at set sites located in Washington, DC, PG County Md and Baltimore, Md. Exact sites are TBD (and may expand into other counties/locations)
Q: What are the age groups?
A: 6u, 8u, 10u, 12u, and 14u.
Q: What are the age cutoffs?
A: The AGE CUT-OFF AUGUST 1ST . ( e.g. If player is currently 8yrs old but turns 9 before Aug.1st, He must play 10U*** ) No exceptions!!!
Q: When can we start practicing?
A: The official start of practice is March 1st. You can practice from this date with full equipment and contact.
Q: When is the 1st game?
A: The first game is Apr 18th.
Q: How much are the Team fees?
A: Team fees are $450 per team participating.
Q: When are the Team fees due?
A: Team Fees are due in full at the team registration/roster certification. March 26th to March 28th with a possible late straggler certification date which will cost $50 per roster.
Q: What items are due at certification?
A: Each team must provide fully completed GMYFL roster, each player must have an AAU membership slip, along with a GMYFL approved identification card (state id, military id, passport or GMYFL league id)
Q: Are coaches/administrators required to get an AAU card?
A: Yes. All GMYFL participants must have an AAU membership. That includes coaches, team moms, and anyone else that will be on the field sidelines.
Q: Who should I contact with questions?
A: Rick Taylor 240-475-1624, GMYFLchairman@gmail.com or Moshe Imel 410-241-5486 MOSHE.IMEL@COMCAST.NET
2015 GMYFL Spring Participating Clubs
6u, 8u, 10u, 12u, 14u
Patuxent Rhinos - Clinton/Andrews AFB/ Upper Marlboro, MD
Tim Taylor 240-278-6465
6u, 8u, 12u
District Heights Chiefs
District Heights, Maryland
KLM Steelers
Kettering, Largo, Mitchellville, Maryland

Watkins Hornets - S. E. Washington D.C.

6u, 8u, 8u, 10u, 12u
P.G. Bears - Oxon Hill, MD
John Shackleford - 202-701-3900
10u, 14u
Maryland Seahawks - Landover, MD
Doug Dickerson - 202-486-7228
10u,12u, 14u
Overlea Orangemen Football
Baltimore, Mayland
8u, 10u 12u
East Baltimore Falcons - Baltimore, MD
Maryland Buccaneers
Coral Hills, Maryland
Kenneth Foote -
6u, 8u, 14u
Prince Fredrick Eagles
Prince Fredrick-Calvert Co., MD
6u, 8u, 10u, 12u, 14u
Baltimore Terps - W. Baltimore MD
Kweisi Ehoize - 443-682-0558
Team D.C. Shutdown
8u -Marshall Heights Bison
10u-Ridge Road Titans
12u-Ridge Road Titans
Southern Maryland Hawks
Charles County, Maryland
Marlboro, Mustangs - Upper Marlboro, MD
Theo Blunt - 240-535-6672
Camp Springs Tigers
Anthony Thompson-301 502-1888
6u, 8u, 10u
Kingman Green Machine - N.W. Washington D.C.
Chris Harden 202-714-2871
Leon Waddy 202-277-6125
Silver Spring Saints
Silver Spring, Maryland
8u, 10u, 12u
Ward 5 Warriors - N.E. Washington, D.C.
Contact: Kevin Nesbitt
Email: ward5warriors3@gmail.com